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Final Words
Eliza Orlins
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Post #1: 25th Apr 2016 11:29:43 PM 
Sometimes, I forget that people are stupid.

Kat and Julia guaranteed themselves a spot in the final 6. They'll be the next 2 jurors.

I was willing to go to rocks for them - not out of loyalty, but out of trust. And not even trust in them. Trust that they were able to see the clearly superior plan.

The risk was worth the payoff. They'll realize that when they get voted out.

Anyway... I had a lot of fun playing this game. I can't wait to see how it plays out. Obviously I wish I could still be there, but I'll be back. And better.

I made some mistakes, but, in the long run, I think I played a good game. I may have gotten a little too cocky, and I'd like to be a little bit more ruthless next time.

I'm sure people have realized by now that I don't admit when I go wrong. So here's the five steps that led to me being voted out:
1. People voting out Gervase. I fought as hard as a could, but certain people (ie: Caleb) wouldn't budge. This was the first big hit my game took.
2. Caleb (sense a theme here?) playing his idol. I appreciated him playing it for me, but it wasn't a good move. I was fairly sure we were safe. He apparently didn't agree. It was a waste.
3. Sydney playing her idol. Again, it was a waste. Even more so.
4. Not trusting my gut and voting for Spencer instead of Marisa(this one is partially my fault, but mainly other people's). Sydney and I both believed Marisa would keep her idol. Again, Caleb and Julia disagreed. Obviously, Sydney and I were right.
5. Trusting people who ended up being stupid. I'm excited to see that blow up in Kat and Julia's faces.

So that's how 4 other people ruined my game. I'm a little upset, and yes, bitter.

If I was to play again, I'd need to have more a backbone. Instead of thinking that we need to chip away at the other alliance, and letting other people decide who that is, I need to stand up for myself and say who I want gone, and I need to defend that decision.
Instead, I let my alliance decide who we voted for, and that clearly cost me.

That's all off the top of my head. I'll have some more in my Ponderosa questions.

I'm excited to see how this all plays out.

I'm more excited to see certain people get voted out.

Thank you to the hosts, pws, and, most of all, other players.

This was my first game, and because of you, I'll be back for many more.
Host Chelsea
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Post #2: 25th Apr 2016 11:41:12 PM 
You did a fantastic job and I can't wait to come across eachother in another game <3
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Host Woo
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Post #3: 25th Apr 2016 11:44:59 PM 
We loved having you! Stick around and all, the finale should be fun.

Truth be told, you were a lot of bark and not that much bite. You hyped us up for a lot of ~big moves, but didn't always deliver. But, I think that's because you had a good pulse on the game. Sometimes, standing up for yourself and getting loud makes you a bigger target, so you may have had the right approach.

Don't beat yourself up, though! 8/24 was my first ever placement, and your competition was a lot stiffer. It's nothing to brush off, and oftentimes, your second game can be one of your most successful (not that that was the case for me... but Tyler & Chelsea did a lot better!)

Anyway, long story short, keep your head held high :)

PS, I will probably repost exactly in Ponderosa, sry
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Eliza Orlins
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Post #4: 25th Apr 2016 11:54:07 PM 
I know I seemed to talk the talk a lot more than I walked the walk.

I was wanting to make big moves but it never seemed like a good time. Up until this last vote, I had solid allies and I was in good positions. I didn't want to jeopardize any of that for the sake of showmanship or making big moves.

In a different scenario when I wasn't solid with my bonds, I would have been going to more drastic measures.

Again, I think a lot of that comes to standing up for myself. I was too worried about pissing off Caleb that I let him get his way, thinking it would have the same end result.
Obviously, Spencer stayed a few rounds too long.

I do feel like I disappointed and didn't live up to how I hyped myself. I wanted to be a big character, willing to make these risky decisions and put everything on the line for the sake of one more vote. The game ultimately didn't play out that way. I think if I'd had allies more willing to go to extremes (ie: this vote), then I would have had those intense and stressful moments.

I wanted to be a Tony but ended up being a Brian.

Except they won.

And I did not.
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Post #5: 26th Apr 2016 12:02:03 AM 
I'm crushed </3

I'm seriously impressed at how well you did this being your first game. Would not surprise me seeing you win your first game pretty soon.
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Eliza Orlins
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Post #6: 26th Apr 2016 12:07:16 AM 
Thanks Leann <3<3

I'll make you proud next time!!!
Host Sierra
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Post #7: 26th Apr 2016 12:24:57 AM 
you already did make us proud. you played amazingly, your confessionals were great, and I too can't wait to run across you in a game sometime <3
check your org privilege
Eliza Orlins
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Post #8: 26th Apr 2016 12:39:51 AM 
Thanks everyone <3
PW Ratalie White
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Post #9: 26th Apr 2016 1:31:00 AM 
hey Eliza! I hope the PW love isn't wearing thin cuz I thought you kicked ass! I did TERRRRRRRILBE in my first game (Twisted 2!!) but felt a real sense of fun in playing so I kept coming back again and again and again and again. lol I think I'll be involved with these things in some way or another until I die.

Be proud of yourself for always keeping it classy and being fun and friendly. You're a Survivor natural and I encourage you to apply for more games. :) Also, where are you from? You don't spell your words like an American. :p
Eliza Orlins
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Post #10: 26th Apr 2016 1:39:09 AM 
I will never get tired of love 😂😍 Thank you 😊 I definitely plan to stick around!!

I'm Canadian 😂 At first I wasn't sure if I should change up the spelling just because any sort of divide can become an alliance, but then I accidentally said "supper" instead of "dinner" on the first day... Oops!
PW Dreamz
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Post #11: 26th Apr 2016 2:23:11 PM 
You did a great job, Eliza! I always look forward to your insight on the game and your ability to convey your emotions so succinctly. Thank you for single handedly carrying my fantasy team, too! (We should probably update those scores at some point...)

I can't wait to see you around future games!
Eliza Orlins
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Post #12: 26th Apr 2016 3:03:53 PM 
Thanks Dreamz! And thank you for all the likes!

Even if I did find out you were cheating on me... With everyone...
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