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Post-Challenge 7-8
Jefra Bland
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Reputation: 15
Joined:Mar 25, 2016
Post #1: 12th Apr 2016 9:51:07 AM 
I haven't written anything in a few days because, fortunately, there was nothing worth writing about. Challenges were won, tribals were avoided and, most importantly, jury was made! WOOHOO! I certainly didn't expect to make it this far when the game started, and I guess luck played an important role (being on the winningest tribe, tribes being first revealed at 6PM my time instead of some time at night, and so on), but I'm overjoyed! It might not last long, but I'll enjoy it while it does.

So it seems like the merge is approaching, and it might come after tribal tonight. Final 13 seems as good a time as any other to start the individual phase, where I hope I'm not a target for my "challenge prowess" (which doesn't really exist). There's a number of times I can hear "Jefra, you're going to slay" before I start worrying. But no matter what, I think my bonds are solid and my alliances are ready for action.

Tonight's tribal on Ki is going to be extremely revealing and I have no idea what's going to happen right now. It's clear that James and Matty are going to work together, but the remaining three are completely up in the air. I feel like, right now, working against the Mountains isn't a clever idea. There's a gigantic numbers advantage and voting James or Matty out today is only going to piss us off. Sydney and Kat had the choice to vote one of us out TWICE and I feel like their decision to get Butch and Reynold out was the wiser one. They have gained trust and I definitely want to see a few Mountains out before them.

Ideally then, either Dana, Gerv or Brad leaves the game today, and 13 people remain. Technically I can count on seven people (Sydney, Kat, Julia, Eliza, James, Caleb and me) working together, the union of the Caleb's Angels and the James' Dames. Of course, James might be more loyal to Spencer, Marisa, and Jonny, but we'll have to see. At any rate, Matty and the other former Kis are most likely going to work with us for a couple of votes more, so the odds are going to get better for us. My desired outcome right now is that the five girls (3 Sakais + 2 Ozatos) go to the end. It's going to be hard to get Caleb out because, after all is said and done, he's extremely nice and loyal, but you gotta do what you gotta do. And from there, the Sakai girls would try to be the final 3, which would be amazing.

I am aware that this season has been extreeeeeeemely boring for the people watching because it's been a pagonging since day 1, but I'm here and that's what matters to me. Cold, cold numbers are what I'm good at, and I'm not about to ruin our wonderful game so far to make this more entertaining. And if somebody else does... I'll probably grab some popcorn at Ponderosa and enjoy.
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