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Dangerous Woman ☣
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Post #16: 31st Mar 2016 2:04:42 AM 

I had money on Alexis and Baylor being voted out and I was right! And then the announcement of the dissolved tribes going into two happened and I was immediately disappointed. I wanted to stick it out with these tribes for as long as possible with the factions, but the minute I read I get immunity for the tribal council I go to I was fine. :3

The minute they said that we have to decide our own tribes it just fucking, we've been talking about it for the past 4 hours. I found out from Michele that Brad is campaigning to her about feeling left out and now my only reaction is: I just don't want to be on the same tribe as bad. He's right, he doesn't have anyone so he's ever more inclined to make a move and why WOULDN'T he take out his bounty target? Nope, not gonna risk it. Caleb is perfect in every way and hates his asian guts just as much as me. Obvs we were meant to be together. <3

Brad volunteered to go to Exile which ruined everything because Caleb and I were going to go and then try to bring along Michele, Spencer and Marisa. Brad kind of blew that up after publicly saying he wanted to go. Caleb erupted on him a bit and I love him for it. ^_^ I made the mistake of telling Eliza that I've been told Brad has been feeling not apart of the group which could mean he could flip. She was so set of going there with them and I kinda fucked it up. I told her she should cut a final 2 with him and just be his fucking best friend. He's such a weirdo, I realllllly really don't like him.

I love Michele so much and I don't want to just roll over while JFP send her off to reject tribe. Like, I told Michele everything JFP said? James is 100% going (and they pushed for us to send three.) Like, I don't get why JFP is calling the shots. I told Michele that it would be ideal for JFP and James to go and that he was campaigning for it to be her and James.

Caleb and I said fuck it and decided to go with our dream alliance and come together with her and Spencer. We talked Michele up and told her she needs to get Marisa to join up with her and Spencer and stay together. Like, I don't fucking care about JFP so him and James can go to Ki.

There's so much drama right now pertaining to Brad and just him being an absolute fuckwit. I think Eliza turned into a weak bitch and told Brad stuff because now he's being weird with me. Whatever, as long as I don't get on the same tribe with him I'll be fine.

What I feel right now? Some combo of myself, Michele, Spencer, and Caleb being together would be my ideal situation. With Jefra as a 5th. Sigh, please let this somehow come to fruition.
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Post #17: 31st Mar 2016 11:29:53 AM 
What a disaster.

Just don't leave my side, Caleb. :cupid:

Post Edited by Julia @ 31st Mar 2016 11:30:02 AM
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Post #18: 31st Mar 2016 1:56:15 PM 
Literally working Matty while he's been afk for 3 days. Let's hope offline messages work gr8
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Post #19: 31st Mar 2016 7:19:05 PM 
After a long, arduous decision it seems that we reached a consensus.

Jefra, Eliza and Brad will be getting sent to Ki

Michele and James will be going as well.

I'm pretty upset about Michele going just because I know I can trust and work with her 100% and she's funny and great company. So now that she's stuck going to the tribe of freaks we have to make do with the six that we have now.

Marisa - JFP - Spencer

Caleb - Myself - Matty

I don't really like or trust Marisa or JFP all that much, but obvs I'll fake it to get me through. She's opened a bit to me and the most I've spoken to JFP was last night, so that's something I need to work on. I'm psyched I'm not being separated from Caleb, hopefully we don't look like a pair. I sent a few messages to Matty and saying how we're probs going to end up staying together and asked if he wanted to stick together. He agreed and now I'm just waiting for him to reply. I want to make an chat/alliance with him, myself and Caleb and just pretend like we have this massive Final 3 going. If it works and Matty is just a free vote for us, I see no reason NOT to bring him to Final 3. ;) So that's something to think about.

Spencer and I managed to SNATCH both those vote doublers and with Caleb having the idol we're a pretty powerful group of six on Sakai. I'm worried that someone will want to make a big move and ruin the fuck out of everything BUT it is just...Final 20? So why would anyone want to do something outrageous that could get them out or make them such a huge target ride off the bat. Caleb and I are super relieved that Eliza took the scum that is Brad away from us so we don't have to worry about his fickle ass ruining our games. He turned me off so much after last night and, honestly, I always found him to be a fucking weirdo. I was never fond of him, but I guess it showed through since he knew he was on the bottom, loooool.

I think I feel pretty good about this tribe shuffle. I'm happy I'm with Spencer and Caleb and I have a good feeling about Matty. I would say he's playing me, but he hasn't been around enough to even play me so I think he's good. Especially if no one else fucks with him how on Earth could he possibly resist the charm of Juleb? It's a powerful force so I can't imagine he would betray right out the door.

I'M SO BEYOND READY FOR THIS NEXT ROUND. I'm ready for the next challenge and I'm ready to start playing with new people. I just hope they realize they're about to get knocked off one by one. :*
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Post #20: 1st Apr 2016 2:23:56 AM 
The tribes get divided and the group of six from the mountains stay on Sakai and we take in Dana, Sash, Debbie and Sugar. I'm super relieved we have the numbers advantage in this case and it's also super comforting that my alliance holds three powers in the game. Spencer and me having double votes and Caleb holding onto the idol we come fully forced if we feel like anything is gonna go wrong. :x

I trust Spencer, but he's a good player so I'm not putting all my eggs in that basket. I ~expressed my tiny bit of distrust in Spencer to Caleb so I hope that doesn't backfire on me. Caleb loves Spencer and vice versa, so I really hope Caleb is just working that slutty charm of his and he wouldn't betray me for Spencer.

I see absolutely NO reason for Spencer or any of the former Ki members to splinter off or flip when we're only at Final 20. Granted, it feels like final 8, but it's not so I need to not be completely paranoid.

I'm pissed I lost Michele bc her and I were golden so now that reunion will have to be something that needs happen. I told Eliza she should try and get Michele to be Shogun and she thinks that's good. If Michele can get that she'll be immune if she goes to tribal AND I bet she would give it to me. Though, it would look suspish. I hope Eliza reiterates that to Jefra and gets heron board. I told Michele to work with the girls over there and this should give her a reason to.

This tribe, Caleb wants to be Shogun which is fine with me. He can be the big shot going to Ukiyo every round and delivering us presents. :heart: He claims JFP and Marisa said they would let him so that's perfect.

So at the last second we decided to break up Matty and Brad and I think that was for the better. I immediately caught Matty up bc I know he's been MIA for a minute and told him about the plan. He seemed willing to work with me and whoever and so I said me, him and Caleb are staying on OG Sakai and that we should work together and stay tight. Like I said, he didn't give me an uneasy feeling and actually gave pretty V convincing replies. So right now I think I did an alright job at pulling him in? Spencer mentioned making sure I could get Matty while he had a good grasp on JFP. As long as we can handle these respective jobs I don't see how we lose out in tribal. <- Famous last words

I'm really digging the new members of Sakai. We already discussed old Ki, but the others seem pretty cool. Based off first impressions I find Sugar incredibly annoying trolly but towards the end of the talk I realized I think that's just her and she seemed actually genuine at the end. I lie her the best of the four ~as of now~. Caleb approves of her too which is a plus.

Debbie was a pretty generic conversation. Goofed around for like a second and then talked survivor. Nothing really meaty or anything worth mentioning. Sash was rude and annoying. Giving me one word replies and acting completely disinterested. Maybe it was a bad time for him but totes turned off by him. Dana seems like the second coolest and super not weird and talkative. We had a good flowing talk with like little to none strategy? She actually seems like someone id be willing to work with because she was so chill.

So based of that and if we lose I think Debbie or Sash would be fabulous 20th placers. Caleb's in a hurry to get his rocks off to Sash but I already said not to bother, lmao. He was like "let me talking to him and see if we should~." :( He wanted Debbie, which I'm totally fine with as well.

All I know is that I refuse to let it be me and we gotta make sure we have the numbers and can power our way to merge. I feel like our tribe is stacked better, so I pray for the survivor of Michele (and Eliza/Jefra) lol.
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Post #21: 1st Apr 2016 8:48:14 PM 
Really nervous! Let's hope our plan worked and we threw the challenge!

I feel bad that Sugar, Sash and Debbie did that WHOLE thing, but no one else was around who was in on the plan besides Marisa and I. I think we did a perfectly fine job at throwing. :x
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Post #22: 1st Apr 2016 9:31:00 PM 
Yay! And Jefra gets to come over here and Caleb will be immune. My ally gets to go to Ukiyo and this game keeps playing into my favor, huzzuh!

Gonna push for a Sash boot, will update more in detail later!
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Post #23: 2nd Apr 2016 4:45:41 PM 
Alright, after last night’s epic throw (though I do feel bad for Sugar, Debbie and Sash trying so hard) we ended up losing and we’re here at tribal council. I feel okay in the sense that all of Mountain will be sticking together for this vote THOUGH I don’t feel good in case of an idol play. Not to build up my ego or anything, but would they idol out a Marisa or Matty? No they’d be coming for a Caleb or Julia or Spencer and 1/3 of those is already immune. I’ve been really paranoid since last night and it’s just now coming to a head. No one was saying anything and the coasters were all asking us what we were thinking. Since the rest of my useless mountain peeps suddenly turned mute, I just went ahead and said a name. I told Sugar, Debbie and Sash that three people weren’t here and one of those would be my option and obviously they put two and two together and figured Dana would be in the hot seat. This isn’t true at all and Dana is probably the safest of the four this round. Dana, to me, seems the most workable of the four and I’d like to keep her around for that reason? Spencer told me she has a half idol, so that’s not that threatening, but it’s good to know who has what.

I know I had my doubts about Spencer, and it’s probably because he was playing as hard as me, but we’ve had really good talks the past few nights and him and I really do strategize a LOT. We both told each other we only feel comfortable with each other doing this because other people would look at us as threats, which brings me to my next point about where the vote is going this round but I’ll discuss that later. I have a super solid alliance with Spencer, Caleb and I are inseparable and I also have Jefra/Eliza as my top girls. I think I’m getting around the block pretty well and I feel like a lot of people like me and trust me enough. I pulled in Matty with Caleb and I and decided to shrug and offer a Final 3 with him. I figured no one in this game has offered him anything long term so I wanted to pluck him before anyone else had a chance to. I’m so thankful I got Matty over Brad because Brad was a fucking wildcard if I ever met anyone. Apparently he’s giving Eliza a hard time LOL sucked in bitch.

Alright, after much deliberation we went back and forth so much. First we thought we should take out Sash and have the coast think its Dana and then we thought maybe Debbie should be taken out and then we decided on Sugar as of right now. I fucking love Sugar a lot, but she is the least likely to expect to be voted out and to play a power. Caleb is going to be immune and if any of those clowns have an idol I just /feel/ that they wouldn’t idol out a Matty or Marisa they would take out Spencer or myself.

So right now Spencer and I think it’s best just to vote Sugar and be done with it because that would eliminate the chance of an idol being play especially since we think Debbie has one. Sash told me interesting news about Reynold/Gervase/Butch having an alliance and Eliza told me that Butch told her that Debbie plays really hard. Almost as if he wants us to vote for her. She came up and asked Matty for a long term deal and she asked to work with Caleb and myself. This girl is playing TOO hard like she wants to be voted for. I don’t know, I just don’t feel comfortable voting for Debbie.

I love Sugar and think she’s great, but voting out her would be such a safe play. Getting out Sash would be easy too, but would Debbie idol Sash and take one of us out? Caleb threw a fit about not voting out Debbie and honestly he was pissing me the fuck off today. Spencer IM’d me and was like “is he ok.” And I’m like “NO HES NOT HES BEING A HUGE BABY.” I get that Caleb like to be in control and call the shots, but it’s fucking annoying when he literally is not taking ANYTHING of what Spencer and I say for value. Like we’re the ones in jeopardy of an idol, he isn’t so why the fuck is he so scared to have a safe vote and potentially flush an idol? He hasn’t talked to us since his little tiff, but if he wants to be a brat about it I can give it BACK TO YOU BOY IN SPADES so yup. Not talking to Caleb at the moment until he stops being a big baby.

The vote is still up in the air, but it looks like it’s between the people who’s name hasn’t been public and that’s Debbie and Sugar. Sigh, wish me luck and let’s hope we make the right choice.

- Pretty lengthy! Sorry!
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Post #24: 2nd Apr 2016 5:56:37 PM 
Oh boy, the claws are coming out. Caleb has no idea that I'm as MUCH as a raging cunt as he is.

26 mins ago
just bc its your birthday and you have immunity
does not mean you can pick who leaves too
when there's other people in your alliance who have a say
and quite frankly I'm offended af that you literally ignored everything I was worried about and just didn't care
like do you even care about me as an ally?
25 mins ago
like you are immune, what do you care
24 mins ago
Julia's icon
anyways you leaking info to sugar is weird too
11 mins ago
I Leaked what???
You know it's my birthday and I can't talk much?
4 mins ago
how can you even say that I would leak anything to anyone? How can you even say that I don't care about you as an ally? Are you freaking kidding me? I have gave you my all in this game.
I have trusted you with everything. How are you gling to doubt me?
3 mins ago
I see where you're coming from but if anything and Dana has an idol I don't see why she WOULDNT use it on sugar.
I was just trying to protect us and I felt like Debbie was safer.
And yeah I have immunity but YOU DONT. So I need to make sure this vote goes right because then if not you could be in danger and I would fucking cry if you left in this game.
Don't say that I don't care about you because literally you're the person I clearly give the most fucks about and I'll do anything for you in this game.

Fighting at F20 with my #1 lol is that good or bad idk yet

can't wait for my 20th place boot <3
Natalie Anderson
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Post #25: 2nd Apr 2016 6:12:48 PM 
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Post #26: 2nd Apr 2016 6:17:55 PM 

Caleb agreed to Sugar and I'm pretty sure that's who the vote is for tonight. Sugar wants to bridge the gap of Mtn vs Coast and that gap doesn't need a bridge. Caleb also doesn't like Deb or Sash so this eliminates a potential ally he had in the works if he was trying to get with one.

I feel like this round like BONDED Spencer and I and I feel like I can talk to him about anything. Caleb is still bae af and I'll never betray but goddamn he was getting me worked up. I just had a weird feeling with Caleb trying SO hard to save Sugar and being adamant about what he wanted. I guess I see where Jefra and Eliza were coming from when he would piss them off, ahaha.

Spencer told me Marisa low key hates Caleb, too. Oops.
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Post #27: 3rd Apr 2016 5:23:56 PM 
I love Caleb a lot and I was just super stressed out yesterday, but everything is back to normal and Caleb is the love of my life. :heart:

I've grown so close to Spencer in the past few days that he brought up a possible sub-alliance including himself, me and Marisa. You don't say no to an alliance so I obliged, but now I have to figure out if I let Caleb know or not. If I tell Caleb he will lose any and ALL trust in Spencer and probably get super paranoia, so I'm waiting to see what's best for me.

I feel KINDA crummy taking out Sugar, but she ended up being a total nutcase so I don't feel that bad anymore. She sent me like five paragraphs on how I need to treat people better through a monitor and stuff and it just turned me off. I don't care and now I'm beyond thrilled we took her out when we had the chance. Caleb being so upset about Sugar leaving fills my heart up with love. c:)

Double Tribal Council, but I don't feel bad at all. We have enough players to split the votes between Debbie and Sash so I ain't worried about that. I know we have Matty and I know we have JFP and the other four of us won't waver as well. It must suck to be the coast and feel absolutely powerless, but I'm sure the game will shift in their favor soon or later.

Seems like Ki has an interesting tribal on their hands. I wonder if it'll top our Final 20 blindside. ;)

Caleb owns my heart and Spencer is a close second.

I adore Eliza and Jefra and keeping up my 'ship with them is probably one of the most important. Idk, this is a short post, but nothing's really happened.
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Post #28: 4th Apr 2016 11:36:05 AM 
Where do I even begin! The immunity challenge was annoying and I don’t fuck with endurances so I knew I wasn’t doing that the minute I saw what was posted, sorry for bailing fam. I trusted Caleb or some thirsty comp-whore would pull off the win so I wasn’t TOO worried. I mean, as long as one of the three coasters didn’t get the necklace I was fine with whoever. It came down to Debbie and JFP and as the Mtns are biting nails anxiously waiting, good ol’ Jonny pulls off a clutch win and keeps the power on our side. <3 Jefra wins it for Ki (which I was NOT expecting btw, she has some fight in her. ;) Unfortunately, due to the inactivity of Michele she was pulled from the game (rip ally) and the tribal for Ki was canceled. In a ~twisted of events Jefra was ordered to hand over her necklace to Sakai and obvs my bitchass was right there, hands open. She said she didn’t want to make anything weird or look sketch and I basically said giving it to myself, Caleb or Matty would be the least sketch because how could they blame you for giving it to the people you know? Debbie asked her for it LOL she’s got some balls, I’ll tell you that. I also was getting told from both sides (Caleb & Jefra) about them discussing immunity. Jefra got so pissed and said “FINE I’LL GIVE IT TO THE WHINY BITCH BABY CALEB.” Which had me in tears laughing because in the other IM you have Caleb yelling at her for not wanting to give it to myself or him. God love Caleb :B He’s bae4lyf.

In the end, Jefra came thru for a sistah and now I’m immune which means I can run my mouth a lot and not face any consequences! :3 Caleb was getting paranoid because he didn’t have immunity and he’s a big target, which he is, but I don’t think he is at Final 18. I think that the Mtns will not last all game, but they should be intact for the first few PRE-MERGE boots. Like, it’s not rocket science. We have the numbers and they don’t so let’s Stealth R Us these guys and get all of us in that merge!

Caleb calmed his nerves by listening to Debbie and Sash and creating a faux-alliance of them and myself. It sucks that we’re playing them somewhat, but anything to protect Caleb. I mean, the plan is for the Mtns to split their votes on Dana and Debbie (Ki votes Debbie while Sakai will vote Dana) so this why it shows that Caleb and I were NOT lying to Debbie or Sash because technically we ~aren’t writing their names down. They’re paranoid and want us to say a name from the Mtns to throw our votes, but that’s not happening. We promised we wouldn’t vote for them, we didn’t promise to vote for a Mtn-person.

I feel pretty good in my spot in the game, but I’m anticipating another swap like no other. The fall of Sugar was proof that getting swapfucked is no fun and good players are leaving prematurely. I trust Spencer a lot and he wants to make that sub-alliance with me, him and Marisa so that’s another connect I’ve got there. I’m trying to get closer with JFP and Matty, always, just so I don’t seem like someone who comes to them when I need it. Matty told me I’m his bounty target, so that’s relieving to have that figured out already.

Uhhhm, I think that’s it? I don’t know who we’re voting out on the re-vote, I don’t think Caleb and I can switch it from Deb to Dana, but I think he’s going to try for it. I mean, if Debbie and Sash vote Dana then she’s out and we won’t even have to revote. I think you guys are all caught up!

Again, Spencer and Caleb are my boys and I’ll be utterly lost without either of their existences. Finding that perfect strategic partner in the game to bounce ideas off and get gamebotty with is a blessing and I thank them both for it. :heart:

1. Caleb
2. Spencer
3. Matty
4. Marisa
5. JFP
6. Debbie
7. Sash
8. Dana
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Post #29: 4th Apr 2016 8:19:03 PM 
What a shit show.
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Post #30: 5th Apr 2016 10:06:50 AM 
HAHAHAHAHAHAH < -- That’s just my reaction to the entirety of planning and the events following our tribal council last night. So we all thought the plan was good and covers all of our bases. Well, the night before I spoke to Dana and essentially said “we’re all voting for you, you should play your idol.” I knew that bitch had one, she told Spencer who ended up wanting us to switch the plan from splitting on Deb and Dana to Sash and Deb. I was fine with this, but Caleb has a new dumb crush on Sashole so I knew that was going to be an ordeal. After a looooong day of strategizing, incorporating Marisa into the faux-alliance and the paranoia of Caleb Reynolds, we finally came through with a plan. Matty kept his vote for Dana and Sash and Debbie confirmed them voting for Dana. Gotta love Jefra usuing her spyglass :heart: And old Ki votes for Debbie. Caleb starts freaking the fuck out of nowhere and getting super paranoid and saying how he’s gonna play his idol and Sash and Debbie are lying and I was like “no dude, it’s fine we got this nothing’s happen. We have the votes.” But apparently that wasn’t enough.

I love Caleb a lot and he needs to know I’ve got him 100% until I’m voted out or he is so I asked him if I should use my vote doubler to make him feel safe because this would at least guarantee Sash would get three votes and he’d be up for a tie (in the unlikely event of Dana/Deb/Sash playing us and voting together and Dana and Debbie both playing idols) and then we would vote Sash out on revote. ISN’T THAT THE MOST CRAZY BACK UP PLAN EVER?! We over analyzed this round to death and it wasted my double vote BUT I think it proved to Caleb that I’m here until the end with him and he needs to slow his roll and get a grip. At least my doubler impacted the game in some and wasn’t a complete flop. If I didn’t use it, I’m positive Debbie would’ve been voted out on revote so you’re welcome Debbie! Getting out Sash isn’t too bad, but it’s funny two rounds in a row I voted out the person Caleb loves. c:) Green’s a great color on me. <3

I’m rock solid with Spencer still and the OG Sakai alliance of myself, Matty and Caleb seems legit as well. I think we’re the people he talks to the most? We have to be! He gave us an alliance name and everything. Caleb doesn’t trust JFP and wants him gone and he spent the night doing damage control with Debbie. The bitch has been crossed more times than a word search, but she still seems civil with Caleb and I (or that’s her game.) I think I believe her when she says people like Matty and JFP don’t even bother with her and at least myself and Caleb give her the time of day. I like Debbie and I know Caleb does too. I’m not saying I’m dropping The Mtns for her, but it’s nice to have options. At least we know for certain that Debbie has no idol and now Dana doesn’t either. If we do lose again I’d HOPE splitting between these two would be an easy no brainer AND WON’T TAKE UP UNTIL SECOND BEFORE THE DEADLINE TO DECIDE.

I need to work on getting tighter with Syd/Kat because I told Eliza they seem the better route to work with over the 3 douches from Aso. I love Eliza and Jefra a lot and it’s nice that I have really smart and great people as allies over on the other side. Like people who are actually playing and not just duds. Spencer and I bond over Caleb’s craziness, but if he doesn’t think I’m as tight with Caleb as I really am then that’s fine. Each of those boys needs to think I’m their number one and I think I’m doing a good job at it? Juleb is the ship name to watch out for because it’s going to go far. We probs be the hashtag every episode if we could be~ I’m still beyond tight with him and he’s my world. :cupid:

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