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Episode 3: I'm PMS'ing this round
Sugar Kiper
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Post #1: 31st Mar 2016 11:13:09 AM 
Okay so this tribe swap is seriously going to fuck Coast over, but it is what it is and we have to roll with the punches. It’s our fault for losing so many challenges, I couldn’t have expected us to swap with numbers in any situation.

Right now I’m planning on going completely rogue. At the end of the day, with the way the Shogun twist is set up, the Mountain people will have numbers on both tribes and they know it. They’ll be planning right now on how to best split up to keep numbers on both sides and what to do in either situation. I can’t try to keep coast people together because it’s just not going to work. Even my own tribemates, it might come down to me or them. The only person who I don’t think I could campaign against would be Kat, which is why I don’t want to end up on a tribe with her, (which might actually happen, so I’m pushing for Dana to buy a mutiny for Kat so I could go ham on those idiot Aso boys who I actually am starting to dislike)

The first two rounds of this game I was so emotional because *I loved everyone* but right now I’m definitely feeling Angry Sugar kick in. I’m just over the situation and ready to move on to a new chapter in the game. The Aso people all want me on the 4-6 tribe that stays behind because they think I can be an easy target because I’m a larger personality, but them thinking that only gives me more fuel.

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Post #2: 31st Mar 2016 3:53:02 PM 
I'm kind of frustrated right now, but what else is new in this game?

Looks like Dana and myself will be staying behind and Kat/Sydney will get exiled. It also looks like Dana and I will be playing with Sash and Debbie.... neither of whom I can see flipping a vote. They tell me they want me to stay behind because they think I can flip a vote. That's not happening.

Am I the only one who see's what's going on? We don't have the numbers. Flipping TWO mountain people at once at the first tribal council is going to be rough. Add in a potential mountain Shogun visiting? That's three flippers we need and it's not going to happen.

Kat actually completely understands that we need to go rogue and integrate with the mountain tribes. Which is why we agree that we can't be together on the same tribe because she may need to throw Sydney under the bus and I may need to throw Dana under the bus, and neither of us wants to vote the other one off if we can avoid it. I love Kat to DEATH because we are completely on board the same type of strategy we need to use, but if we're both going to be implementing "anybody but me" strategies than it's best we aren't together.

The good thing about Sash and Debbie is that Sash is boring and Debbie is off-putting. I get that she's playing a character and I love her for it, but you don't feel a personal connection with her because you KNOW she's playing a character. Am I bigger threat than them? Yeah. But I'm also going to be much better at building up strong personal relationships right out the gate
Sugar Kiper
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Post #3: 31st Mar 2016 8:22:20 PM 
Sugar Kiper
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Post #4: 31st Mar 2016 11:01:20 PM 


Brad immediately went to her and told her that Sakai / Ki have a super alliance, bought two double votes, and are taking all the coast people out pre-merge. He says they're all crazy about the group

Caleb is SO FUCKING SKETCH HE'S TALKING STRATEGY IN LIKE THE FIRST TWO MINUTES. "Are you loyal?" "Have you heard my name?" "How would you feel if I was Shogun again?"

They all go online and offline at the same time and then all message at once. I FEEL LIKE THEY'RE HAVING LITTLE MEETINGS

Fuck god damn fuck we're so fucking screwed. I feel like the hosts put all the hyper strategic people in the Mountains. WHY DIDN'T YOU PUT ME ON THERE I WOULD HAVE DONE SO MUCH BETTER.

I am INTEGRATING. I AM THROWING ALL THE COAST PEOPLE UNDER THE BUS. I WILL SURVIVE but I don't know how when all these new people are absolutely fucking insane
Sugar Kiper
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Post #5: 31st Mar 2016 11:22:25 PM 
I'm feeling EXTREMELY down right now. A lot of the Mountain people online right now aren't talking to me. I'm responding back IMMEDIATELY but it'll sometimes be 30 minutes for a response. Everything they're doing and how they are acting correlates with what Brad has been saying. They're all so erratic and strategic and it's SO offputting but we can't do anything about it because we lost those first two challenges :(

Definitely not feeling it right now tbh, I don't know what to do. It's hard when people aren't even talking to you.
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Post #6: 31st Mar 2016 11:49:46 PM 
Apparently Eliza told Kat, "Oh don't worry even if you can't be there, you're safe at tribal council no matter what."

Like what the fuck???? How fucking cocky can you be??? Sounds like they already determined who they want out on each tribe. The people on my tribe aren't even communicating, I wouldn't be surprised if they threw the challenge. Julia takes 40 minutes to respond and won't even answer my questions about trying to get to know her, Spencer/Marisa have been online this whole time and have ignored me...

Like I don't even think they are going to TRY to communicate with the Coast people. I legitimately just feel like they're going to ignore most of us, throw challenges whenever they need to, and pick us off because they feel like they can. Why get to know someone who won't be on jury and who your alliance already planned to pick off?
Sugar Kiper
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Post #7: 1st Apr 2016 12:12:13 AM 
I legitimately feel like these people aren't even going to TRY to talk to me. Like they already have their targets picked out, they know they have the numbers and we aren't going to be on jury.

It's REALLY REALLY REALLY disheartening and frustrating and I honestly just feel like crying because I LOVE to invest in games and really PLAY, and even if I get voted out I'm good as long as I feel like I got to play. I don't need these people to work with me, I just want them to play with me. TALK to me, LET me plead my case, LET me scramble, and then if they still decide to vote me out then that's the name of the game! But they won't even PLAY with me. Not talking, not engaging.... I feel like I don't even exist and it's really, really bumming me out.

I feel like I need to take a step back from this game because I can't invest my heart and soul into something just to get ignored and rebutted and wait like a cow sent to slaughter. Like I can't emotionally do that to myself.

I'm just kind of upset right now and idk really how to go about the situation because I've never been in an ORG situation before where I feel like they don't even treat me like I'm human. Like I'm a human being behind the alias and I'm trying to talk to them and build connections and they're treating me like I don't even exist? Like I get that it's a game but that's really, really cold and really shitty to do to someone IRL. I get blindsiding someone, but not even talking to them in the first place?


Post Edited by Sugar Kiper @ 1st Apr 2016 12:12:32 AM
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Post #8: 1st Apr 2016 1:52:43 AM 
Brad telling me their entire plan....

NuSakai will have all the mountain people throw every challenge to pick off the four coast people with a 6-4 advantage. If for some reason we do win, they send their own Shogun over to ensure majority AND have two double idols in case things get wonky.

I just can't see any way around this. It's so frustrating because like I feel like we did nothing WRONG except losing those first two challenges... and we tried so hard in those challenges. Like how is this fun for the majority of Mountain people? Is sticking in a large group of 11 FUN for them?

And Caleb is apparently running it? He types like he's dyslexic and has the social skills of a fucking disease. I could run circles around him socially if we were on the same starting tribe... but right now people go with what's easiest and play out of fear.

I would try to flip the outsiders, but Brad says that Marisa never responds to messages and Matty is inactive. And he says that Jefra is boring as fuck and Eliza is a ditz, (which I believe, she seems like a dumbass). Like THESE are the kinds of people I'm going to lose to?

Sugar Kiper
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Post #9: 1st Apr 2016 1:57:19 PM 
I'm definitely not feeling as poorly as I did last night. Still frustrated with the situation and frustrated that there is literally a group of 11 people sticking together because since when do alliances of 11 ever work out? Usually in alliances people have to worry about being 4th or 5th or 6th in their alliance. These people have to worry about being 9th or 10th or 11th. Un-fucking-believable.

I would work at breaking them apart but with a majority on both tribes, (because they'll be able to send a Shogun from Sakai over to Ki if Ki loses), an idol, and two double vote advantages... the weaker people are playing out of fear, they always do. And I don't have enough of an intimidation factor to rival those powers that they have. So how do I break apart a group playing out of fear? I feel like this is Redemption Island and they are Ometepe and I am Zepetera. They're even afraid to talk to us one-on-one. if this was IRL they would ABSOLUTELY be implementing a buddy system.

Right now I am talking to Julia and Caleb a LOT and basically selling myself like a hooker on main street. Usually in games I'm blindsided when I leave, and I'm often the first from my alliance blindsided, so people don't often see me play from the bottom before. This is my chance to scramble and the world hasn't seen scrambling this intense before. if there's a crack, a tiny little pocket SOMEWHERE in the Mountain cult, I'll find it. I'm like that bitch Charlotte from Charlotte's web. I WILL WEAVE A WEB OF LIES AND DECEPTION AND PARANOIA THE LIKES OF WHICH THIS GAME HAS NEVER SEEN.

I've been talking to Julia and Caleb nonstop, responding as soon as they respond, basically selling myself like a hooker on main street. Telling them that the mountains are my people, that I came to this tribe specifically so that I would be able to join the mountains, that I can be used as a vote for when barriers and deals start breaking apart, that I have a natural bond with them and that I can be a shield for later and that our bond MEANS something. I mean the more I scramble, the more of a target I put on my back probably. But the thing is, I really have no interest in waiting around to get slaughtered. Like I'd rather go ALL OUT scrambling now, get eliminated, and say that I tried my best... then try to hide and be quiet and get picked off later. If I'm going to get eliminated on this tribe, I want it to be on the first vote we go to. I don't want to waste my time if I'm going to eventually be picked off. Either I'm going to get voted out first, or I'm going to find that crack.

Also I made a chat with Dana and Kat called "The Harpy Lady Sisters" SO I FINALLY GOT THE ALLIANCE NAME I WANTED YAAAAY
Sugar Kiper
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Post #10: 1st Apr 2016 4:27:04 PM 
Talking to Brad I definitely think that it's possible that I can infiltrate the Mountain group. We'll see how good my social game really is I guess. They appear SO tight, but if I can get in there and become one of them... then I'm going to cause absolute chaos because I actually don't like any of them. Legitimately I don't. I want to make them LOVE me, make them WANT to protect me, get into some chats and just spread paranoia like crazy. I want to be the virus of my tribe.

I am Sugar Kiper. My CIA training has prepared me exactly for this. I know what side the enemy is on, and I will divide and conquer.
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Post #11: 1st Apr 2016 5:40:32 PM 
Sugar Kiper @ 1/4/2016 13:57
Also I made a chat with Dana and Kat called "The Harpy Lady Sisters" SO I FINALLY GOT THE ALLIANCE NAME I WANTED YAAAAY

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Post #12: 1st Apr 2016 5:57:16 PM 
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Post #13: 1st Apr 2016 6:25:30 PM 
you? awful at photoshop? what?
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but this was so good...

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Sugar Kiper
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Post #14: 2nd Apr 2016 12:18:25 AM 
I am so frazzled. Three tribal councils in a row is really messing me up. And I'm very clearly on the bottom with this tribe shake-up and it's hard to strategize when people literally don't respond to you. I'll go 40 minutes without a single response. I mean I just idk how much I can do when talking isn't even an option.

Everyone I have talked to has assured me I'm safe though and that the vote is between Dana and Sash. I fought hard for Dana, plead her case, told everyone how amazing she was, BUT also acknowledged that her work schedule prevented her from getting to know people here, I completely understood if they decided she was the vote, and I was on board for anything because it's still top 20 and there's still so much game left to play. So like I really tried to be honest when people asked me my preference, while still explaining that I understood if they didn't feel as personally connected to her as I did and would vote her off if need be.

I just DON'T KNOW THEY'RE NOT TALKING TO ME. They assure me I'm safe, but I'm like 40% sure they're splitting votes between Dana and I. Without an idol, it doesn't even make sense to try to get Debbie/Sash on board

I'm throwing Sash under the bus hardcore because he's really bad at social interactions.... but idk. Not feeling good. I need these barriers to start to break down, but I literally spent all day talking to people so fingers crossed. I'm definitley by FAR the Coast member who has put the most work into building up individual relationships
Sugar Kiper
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Post #15: 2nd Apr 2016 3:49:06 PM 
Also I told everyone my birthday is April 4th in two days even though it's in late July actually so hopefully if we go to tribal again that'll save me LMFAO
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