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Brian's Questions

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Reputation: 16
Post #1: 25th Apr 2015 3:10:15 PM 
Hola guapos! I sincerely congratulate both of you on making the final two. This game has been CRAZY and so much fun to play! I think both of you are deserving of the winner's crown and I'm impressed with your game play. I also want to thank both of you for helping me at different points of the game when I was struggling. I know I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did without you both helping me so thanks for that!

My vote is wavering a little, to be honest. I'm gonna flat out admit that, like Grant, I FULLY came into this tribal council planning on voting Ben. But I really liked Stan's opening statement and now my vote is more up in the air!

Stan, I really like how you described your game. It's a little more like how I like to play so I can really respect that. And I really do think you were an underdog at several points of the game and my heart burns for underdogs. However, one of the huge reasons I was coming into this TC planning to vote for Ben was because I didn't really think your social game was up to par with everyone else's. A lot of times I had trouble keeping a conversation going with you (although I did enjoy talking to you) and I also think that was the reason you were targeted so much. People didn't really connect with you and were thus okay with voting you off.

Here are my questions to you:

1. If you were to redo this game, what would you change about your social game, if anything?

2. Why does Ben not deserve to win this game?

Ben, you were by far the person I've connected with the best in this game. I LOVED talking to you and thought you were so interesting! It surprised me too because I've played like one or two games with you in the past and I never really was able to socialize with you that well, so it was refreshing to see this side of you. Although I'm not really a big fan of the flipping back and forth that you did in the game, I understand WHY you did it and it helped you get to the final two. I do think though that you'll have a tough time from some of the jurors you burned but them's the breaks!

Here are my questions to you:

1. When you and Luke approached me for a final three (in like the final 9 I think) was there any validity in that at all? Or was it just something y'all said to get me on your side?

2. Why does Stan not deserve to win this game?

Good luck you two!
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Offline Marker
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Post #2: 25th Apr 2015 6:19:36 PM 
Hey Brian! Thanks for the consideration for your vote.

1. If you were to redo this game, what would you change about your social game, if anything?

As I answered with Grant's question, I agree that my social game wasn't that amazing. In fact, at times, I thought it was lacking. As much as I would've loved to endlessly chat with you and Grant till the wee hours of the morning about life, Worlds Apart and the game, I was at times too exhausted and usually had to wake up at 5:00am the next morning to get to the hospital. I also couldn't talk during the day because I was running around the wards. This is no excuse. I signed up for a social game and I take full responsibility for my subpar social game with you guys. However, I would like to point out that my social game with my allies was very strong. I talked to Tina about life daily. I had such a strong connection with Sagar. Josh and I strategized all the time and he would tell me about all his plans. Benny and I snapchatted each other and talked about Thailand when we got the chance. I think it is evident from Tina and Sagar's jury statements that I did build strong fundamental social bonds with them and I think this translated very well to my strategy which was to keep all my allies very close to me and stay loyal to them even until the end of the game at the Final Tribal Council.

I think my social game was adequate for my side of the house because I got to know them extremely well and we forged such a bond that translated very well into strategic alliances. But if I did have some more time, I would've taken that time to get to know you, Grant and Luke a little bit more and find out what made you guys tick. Because in the few times we've chatted, I loved getting to know you guys and near the end, we were even like 'next time we play, whenever that is... WE should work together!' LOL.

At the end of the day, it was a blessing to even be able to play ORGs given my insanely busy schedule. I know my social game wasn't as fruitful as I would've liked, but I made do with what I had and used the time I had to solidify bonds that I thought could carry me further in the game strategically and get to know everyone in the cast and meet amazing people in the process.

2. Why does Ben not deserve to win this game?

I think Ben doesn't deserve to win this game because he didn't take Josh to the end. Survivor is a social game about getting to the end by any means and being favored by the jury over those sitting next to you. I think Josh would've gotten three votes but the rest would unanimously go to Ben had he taken Josh. While Ben played an impressive strategic game, his one tragic flaw was not cementing his win by taking the person that he 100% have won against. In addition, I think this is also a testament to the strength of my bond with Ben. Again, I relied on the loyalty I showed him throughout the game and my bond I had with him to get me here in the Final 2. For whatever reason, not only didn't Ben blindside me throughout the game as he did with two of my closest allies, but he even took me to the end, when all he had to do was cast the vote for me at the Final 3 and seal his victory.

Thanks Brian! I look forward to talking to you on the flip side! It was an absolute blast playing with you even though we were on the completely opposite sides of the house.

Post Edited by Stan @ 25th Apr 2015 8:46:38 PM
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 1
Post #3: 26th Apr 2015 1:05:49 AM 
Ben, you were by far the person I've connected with the best in this game. I LOVED talking to you and thought you were so interesting! It surprised me too because I've played like one or two games with you in the past and I never really was able to socialize with you that well, so it was refreshing to see this side of you.

I am so happy we were able to connect so well this game. I've always known that you're a fun guy but we never quite clicked like we did this game. I'm glad we got to parallel our experiences abroad. I learned a lot from you and I really appreciate it.

1. When you and Luke approached me for a final three (in like the final 9 I think) was there any validity in that at all? Or was it just something y'all said to get me on your side?

At that time, it was genuine. Luke and I needed to have some security in jumping from the majority to your side that round and we both agreed that we connected best with you. I also knew that you're a loyal person and that only made me want to work with you more. We flipped knowing that it could be an uphill battle at the final five, since we thought at the time that you, Gabe, and Grant would stick together. Making that alliance with you was the only way we felt secure if we were to stick with you three until the final five. That obviously didn't happen because of what happened with Luke the following round.

2. Why does Stan not deserve to win this game?

I think Stan doesn't deserve to win because he was reliant on other people playing the game for him. He admitted that part of his strategy was being in the back pocket of other players to get him ahead. Whereas he was reactive in his gameplay (not necessarily knowing what was going to happen, only that he was safe), I was proactive, constantly taking out the player that was the most threatening to my individual game. It's a good self-preservation strategy and it worked to get him to the end. However, he never really DID anything. He just went along for the ride. In my opinion, I don't think that strategy is a winning strategy.

I also think that he doesn't deserve to win because he wasn't a great social player. For someone who has played these games for 13 years, I would think he knows how important the social game to succeed in Survivor. While Stan was good at connecting with those he worked with, I believe that it's important to make connections with everyone in the game. I was able to look past my current loyalties and make connections with everyone in the game. They were genuine connections that made me enjoy playing this game, and also allowed me to have insight about what everyone was thinking in the game. Stan had to hear a lot of that information secondhand by those carrying him in his back pocket. I was twelve hours away and was able to maintain a strong social game in a small window of opportunity of people being online whereas Stan lacked when he had more time available to chat with everyone.

Lastly, I don't think he should win because he turned off at the final three. I have played this game since day one giving it all of my energy and effort. You can see that through my sociability and challenge wins. Even if it benefited me to take a backseat, stay offline for a day while things were crazy, throw a challenge because it would diminish the target on my back, I didn't. I gave everything I did in this game all of my effort. That's why it upset me when Stan told me he threw the final immunity challenge because he couldn't decide between his allies. He said, because Josh and I had saved him at different points in the game, "I'd almost want to finish in 3rd." Seeing I gave all my effort in this game, to have someone throw the most important challenge and then say they'd almost want to be 3rd place kind of disrespects the effort that I, and everyone else, put into this game. I don't think someone who is willing to take third should be the winner of this game.


Offline Marker
Reputation: 16
Post #4: 26th Apr 2015 1:28:37 AM 
Gracias! You guys have left me satisfied and smiling.

Good luck on the vote!
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