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Marisa Calihan
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Post #241: 5th Aug 2014 5:03:40 PM 
Yul needs to stop criticizing Jon and focus on himself. He's not a juror to be judging others at the moment. He thinks capitalizing on that will gain him jury favors but nah bro. Far from it.
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Post #242: 5th Aug 2014 6:01:50 PM 
He took offense to Jonathan basically saying he did nothing until F5 and retaliated. I don't really see the problem.
Kendra Bigstaff
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Post #243: 5th Aug 2014 6:16:31 PM 
I, for one, like reading what people have to say when the gloves come off. I don't think this jury questioning has been particularly bad, in comparison to some games I have been in.
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Eddie Fox
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Post #244: 5th Aug 2014 7:41:34 PM 
I wouldn't have minded it if he were classy about it but he just blurted it all out. Idk. I think Jonathan's answer to my question proves that he was reasonably aware, but I only know about the parts that apply to me.
Betsy Bolan
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Post #245: 5th Aug 2014 10:18:59 PM 
In unrelated news, does anyone know what happens if we tie in our final decision? What if it's 5-5 or 4-4-2 or something?

I hope they draw rocks and the person who draws the white rock wins the game.
Kendra Bigstaff
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Post #246: 5th Aug 2014 10:20:43 PM 
I would guess that the third place player would get the final vote?
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Post #247: 5th Aug 2014 10:22:05 PM 
If it's 4-4-2 then I'd guess the two people who voted in the minority have to vote for one of the two with four votes. After that, maybe the pre-jury gets one whole vote if there's still a tie to be broken?
Host Lex
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The Bastard
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Post #248: 6th Aug 2014 12:28:04 AM 
Kendra Bigstaff @ 5/8/2014 22:20
I would guess that the third place player would get the final vote?

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Peter Harkey
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Post #249: 6th Aug 2014 10:48:28 AM 
I also didn't really see the problem of Yul pointing Jon's game out. Because Jon practically said Yul didn't deserve to be there.. So it was just a strike back on Yul's part... Just stickin up for himself.
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Purple Kelly
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Post #250: 6th Aug 2014 11:51:58 AM 
Definitely. I think it's just a little out of left field for me. Yul has always been so mellow so to see him angry has me taken aback. Not sure why Jon would say that because I think Yul has played great.
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Eddie Fox
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Post #251: 6th Aug 2014 1:42:58 PM 
I do think people are being a bit hard on Jomathan, to be fair. He held control for a huge chunk of the game, even if some of it was shared by a louder player, and I felt his answer to my question displayed excellent awareness of the game.
Betsy Bolan
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Post #252: 6th Aug 2014 4:59:41 PM 
I can only speak from my perspective, but I just feel like he is giving himself too much credit. He said he had the number three overall social game, but I felt like more than half of the people ranked behind him were more social and more aware of what was going on. I honestly think the vast majority of the jury should be ahead of him there. He claimed a few big moves but I think it was more luck and good timing than it was him having any influence in the game. And that's fine if it was, but just admit to that. Don't try to make it sound like it was all a part of his perfect plan. From my own experience, I was in a final six alliance with him, but it was something that J'Tia almost single-handedly brought up with me. I hardly spoke to him about it all. She pretty much said that she thought she could talk him into it. I never discussed it with him beforehand.

I don't hate the guy at all, and I respect what he did that allowed him to get to where he is now, but personally I don't see nor can I relate to what he is saying at all. Maybe if he would have said that he didn't have a great social game WITH EVERYONE or wasn't aware of EVERYTHING but what he did do he managed to do well, I could get behind that a little more. But what he has said so far seems to be out of tune with reality.

Honestly, (I can't believe I'm saying this) I would kind of be interested in hearing J'Tia's take on all of this simply because she probably knows him better than any of us and can attest to what he really has and hasn't done.
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Post #253: 6th Aug 2014 5:28:22 PM 
You're having the finale on my birthday, so if people want to keep in touch you should message me a way to do that after this all wraps up!

I won't say who I'm voting for, but I legitimately changed my mind 4 times.
Peter Harkey
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Post #254: 6th Aug 2014 6:01:43 PM 
Oh cool, yeah I'd defenitley wanna keep in contact with you guys. Do you guys have skype/facebook? Anything, seems fun to get to know eachother outside of the game! :-)
Dedicating some time to meditation is a meaningful expression of caring for yourself that can help you move through the mire of feeling unworthy of recovery. As your mind grows quieter and more spacious, you can begin to see self-defeating thought patterns for what they are, and open up to other, more positive options.

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Kendra Bigstaff
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Post #255: 6th Aug 2014 6:04:30 PM 
Betsy Bolan @ 6/8/2014 15:59
I can only speak from my perspective, but I just feel like he is giving himself too much credit. He said he had the number three overall social game, but I felt like more than half of the people ranked behind him were more social and more aware of what was going on. I honestly think the vast majority of the jury should be ahead of him there.

When it comes to his social game, I do think he overstated his game. I think that putting himself ahead of Kelly, J'tia and Eddie was very questionable. However, I do think that Jon had a better social game than the two other two finalists - from what I can tell Yul's and Charlie's social games were pretty much along tribal lines for the vast majority of the game whereas Jon was able to create allies on both tribes from relatively early on and was able to keep himself in the majority through the entire game.

One criticism I don't understand that people are making is that he had a lack of awareness. I just don't really get why people think that? He clearly had a grasp on the social dynamics because the only time that he wasn't in the majority when it came to voting was with the Hayden vote (even though he didn't vote for J'tia he was still in the majority that week).

I agree that Jon was reaching a little bit in some of his answers, but I also think that Yul was reaching when he called Jon an obvious goat. The person who I think was actually the most forthcoming with the jurors was Charlie, but I think he might have sold himself a bit short in selling himself as a winner.

I am still conflicted on this vote.
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