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Danger's Mackin' Questionaire; Sweet Jesus I have no idea what I'm going to say... I'm just going to wing it.
Dave "Meat" Ball
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Post #1: 27th Feb 2014 12:26 AM 
(No speech is official without it being centered) I would like to first start off by saying congrats to you both. FOR RIPPING MY HEART OUT. I'm just joshing. Congratulations, you guys played awesome games in one way or another, whether you seemed like the star of the season or not, you beat 19 other players. And we still managed to get Richard out.

I hate to try and make this question about me, especially since Greg made it very clear that I need to be fucked if I were to even mention my own name, but this game was a lot of fun. It is the best of the best, that's Sausage's reputation. I played this game pretty personally though, and you two were both people that I genuinely got a long with. I'll start out with John;

John, you're getting a lot of shit. Jamie was a star, and I don't mean that to be mean to you, I mean that because somehow he PAINTED a target on his own forehead and then continuously dodged bullets. He was the talk of the town since as long as I can remember. However, I think you played a good game too, obviously, you made made the finals. The under the radar strategy seemed to be your thing even though in my eyes, you were supposed to be my hero man. You and I were friends, Jamie was someone that you and I both loved but knew he couldn't make it to the end. I became friends with a lot of the cast members, but you and I seemed to have a lot of similar goals. I was surprised about you voting me, but seeing that this is what path you chose, I just want to know why you thought this was worth it? Sure, you hurt my feelings and all that BS but if you were serious about working with me, and I feel like you were, why not instead of reporting back to Jamie about me wanting to vote out Todd, why didn't you literally just say, "We can't do that this round" I wouldn't have had enough votes to overthrow anyone and we could have continued what we had going on for us. You said that you didn't want to work with Kelly and Dreamz with me but you could have saved me. You could have just voted out Dreamz and left me in the dark about the entire situation, making me look like a fool and at a life line, I could have been your puppet but instead you chose to take a road that seemed "easier." Please just explain to me more. When it's all said and done John, this is all just a game. I'm not mad. My last question to you John is me wondering if you meant at all what you said about you and I in the future or if that was strategy. When someone talks to me about game ideas and possibilities of things that we discussed, you naturally gain more trust. I want to know if you wanted to continue our friendship honestly, or if it was all part of the game. I've been around ORGs long enough to hear people declare friendship and then go back on it when it's all said and done.

Jamie, when it is all said and done (I hope I didn't say that line earlier) you and I bonded a shit ton. In fact, you, John, Kelly and Dreamz were probably the people I got along with the most. I mean you and I had a lot in common, the talks we had were stuff that people probably shouldn't talk about due to FBI tracking us down and busting down the doors. I had a great time with you, you were a smart player. I think everyone is giving you either too little credit or crediting you enough, but you played a great game, and whether you were a hero, a villain, a douchebag or a friend you came into this game and you gave it your all. When people play hard, like Ciera, you get a target on your back. Ciera was aggressive and it bit her in the ass, she tried her hardest to shake it but she couldn't do it. You WANTED the target it felt like, you wanted the spotlight and hated it when others would get it I felt like. In my eyes you were the top sausage. But of course, coming full circle, my question to you isn't based on your gameplay. It's based actually on what the hell is going through your head. I was the only juror honestly mentioned in your Opening Statement. Why?

For both of you, a lot of stardom has been sprinkled around and a lot of words shed. I want to know truthfully how big of a deal you were. The only way to know for sure, is by telling me how many episode titles you have and what they were.

It's been a ride of ups and down's, if either of you were serious in keeping in touch, please do so. As much as I loved playing, I love mackin on babes more. Danger Dave, MEAT Ball- out.

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Jamie Newton
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Post #2: 27th Feb 2014 4:51 PM 
First off, what a sight to see a SuperJude appearance and I appreciate you not being bitter.

You were mentioned in my speech because I knew coming into the final tribal council no matter how strong my game was, the jury was always going to find something to nitpick me on. Some justification to hand the win over to someone else possibly because they felt I played a dirty game, which I did. I knew it probably would be personal questions I would receive because I felt some of the jury members took the game more personally than I did, when I play a game I play balls to the walls. However, I am able to separate real life and the game realizing that after the game wraps up that people should be able to put the past behind them, pat each other on the backs and realize the game was just that a game. Some people aren’t like that though, some take it more personally than I do and perhaps that is a character defect on my behalf but it’s just the way I assume people will see a game they’re signing up for with only one winner.

I also put you in my speech because we had a dynamic friendship that stemmed from the early days of the game where we really got to know the person behind the computer screen like you stated in your speech. We looked out for one another during the early portion of the game but you came here to play for yourself which I understood and when you decided to try and make a move against me at f8 (I won immunity, so you had to go after Todd) I didn’t take it personally. I wanted to make a point that one of the closest individuals to me in this entire game went after me during this game but I knew it wasn’t personal, it was game, you tried blindsiding me and if you pulled it off I would have tipped my hat off to you. Told you great game and that’s that. My whole don’t just vote against me/bitter because I was a selfish schemer spiel I felt like correlated in that instance because I saw even my closest friends having to play a game of their own, having to also target people close to them and I felt like it showed I wasn’t a hypocrite.

Lastly, like mentioned above, I knew most of my questions would most likely be personal but I hoped people would simultaneously ask me game-related questions as well because I had a feeling that most people felt like they knew my game already and were just trying to give John a chance to say something while I was silenced. My theories partially became true since I feel like getting to the final 2 should allow people to hear my game-plans even if they felt like they knew the ins and outs of it because it just feels like people aren’t giving me the chance to talk about what I came here to play — a game — instead I’m being called a sociopath when in reality I’m just a self-interested player and I’m not ashamed of that.

Most of my confessionals ended up being audio confessionals so I sadly didn't have the star power I suppose to have any episode titles mentioned haha.

I was definitely 100% genuine on continuing our friendship after this game, so you’ll definitely be hearing from me as this game wraps up! Thanks Dave.

Post Edited by Jamie Newton @ 27th Feb 2014 4:52 PM
John Cody
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Post #3: 1st Mar 2014 5:46 AM 
Dave, I just want to start off and get this out of the way. I’m still so down for hosting a game together and want to follow through with any plan we had outside of the game. I know how some things within a game can be diluted by the fact we’re in a game but you know me well enough to know I love doing the graphics and stuff so that was all genuine, I hope to talk to you after the game.

As far as my thinking to vote you out. It was a sacrifice on my part to get to the end of the game. Prior to that vote I had to use what you said to form a final 4 with me, Chet, Todd and Jamie. With Chet being with me, Todd and Jamie willing to go against anyone against them it helped me further than any deal we had since it wasn’t clear where you wanted to take me. I also brought in Leann to prevent a tie vote at the final 8, since you left her out of the people who would vote out Todd. I saw the opportunity to make a move. So ultimately I saw bringing together me + jamie + chet + todd in the final 4 and telling Leann you were against her gave me a clearer path to the end. I saw this as the opportunity to split up the old lugata. I hope you understand my reasoning for making the move, hope you talk to you soon danger dave!
Dave "Meat" Ball
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Post #4: 1st Mar 2014 12:43 PM 
John could you still answer:

For both of you, a lot of stardom has been sprinkled around and a lot of words shed. I want to know truthfully how big of a deal you were. The only way to know for sure, is by telling me how many episode titles you have and what they were.
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John Cody
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Post #5: 2nd Mar 2014 7:28 PM 
Oh my bad! I don't think I had any episode titles since the last update unless I was blacked out when writing them.
John Cody
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Post #6: 3rd Mar 2014 2:20 AM 
Although I did have a hand in one of them #anotherweekwithrichard
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