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Confessonal - Round 3
Richard Hatch
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Post #1: 21st Jan 2014 10:59 PM 
Well, to summarize before I write a confessional on this round..

I liken Yau in this game to Caryn in Palau. We can't turn on the majority alliance because Yau is a fucking idiot. G-U-L-L-I-B-L-E Smh.
Richard Hatch
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Post #2: 21st Jan 2014 11:26 PM 
P.S.. I hope we switch and have another clusterfuck! lol. Because then maybe I'll have a chance to survive this madness that is new Gwad.
Richard Hatch
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Post #3: 22nd Jan 2014 1:19 PM 
So I'm really disappointed on how everything played out last night. It just goes to show you how much twists can throw a wrench into plans. Danni, Kathy, and I were in complete control on old gwad. Yet, the switch completely obliterated us.

So the way it went down was like this..

As the picks were going on Danni told me that Leann was gooing to pick him. I was freaking out about possibly getting put on Ciera's tribe because I knew immediately that she'd try to get rid of me first. Danni said that if John wasn't picked, he'd pick him, and he'd be able to get John to pick me. He felt comfortable that John was in his back pocket. So I trusted him on that. It worked out that John was picked by Danni and he indeed picked me. I thought this was confirmation that he was in fact aligned with Danni.

This had me feeling pretty confident because Yau, Danni, John, and I could just easily pick off Leann and Dan. Worst case scenario, the old gwad could just force a tie.

Then the challenge happened and we found out that whomever won would be able to go to a different tribal council to fuck things up. I knew pretty much instantly that it would be my tribe that someone came to. A lot of people were worried about Gwad's numbers going into this because we hadn't lost a tribal council. I'm not too sure why they were freaking out so much about it because I feel that old Gwad is really fractured. We didn't have a tribal council to deal with our issues so we still have those feelings boiling over.

Long story short, PG won and came over to our tribe. Then all hell broke loose basically. Yau and John didn't trust each otther to vote the same way. They were both willing to do it, but felt that the numbers wouldn't be there due to the other person.

The vote was between Leann, Yau, and Danni. Leann and Dan were working on Yau hardcore. Then Danni freaked out and cussed Dan out. So then they switched to him. Danni then worried that the numbers were against her tried to get Leann and Dan back on Yau. They then showed Yau screen shots of Danni doing this.

It was nuts. I tried at the last minute to get everyone on the same page but it just didn't happen. Yau and John both told me they were voting for Leann. I just had a gut feeling it wasn't going to happen. I have been playing these games long enough to know the signs of when you're not in the know, despite people telling you one thing. Yau stopped responding to me. She would only reply once in a while and when she did she would avoid the content of what I had said in the first place. It'd be something very generic.

So I flat out asked Yau. I was like if you're voting Danni just tell me so I'm not the outsider in the votes. He said she was because she wanted to build a new Gwad and Danni leaving was the best thing for the team. *rolls eyes*

So I voted for Danni. I thought John was still voting Leann because that was the last thing I heard from him and he wasn't around during the time Yau told me. So I figured he'd vote for Leann, they'd get mad and just target John the following round. Unfortunatelly, I think John was lying the entire time like Yau was.

I have a long road ahead of me. Danni and Kathy were the two people I trusted the most. They're both gone now. I'm stuck on a tribe where I'm on the outside of things. So if we don't win immunity or if another twist doesn't happen. There will be very little I can do to get me out of this mess.
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