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Post #31: 26th Jun 2016 12:39:21 AM 
When you check the count on your stuff in the endurance challenge and it's right


also weed counter: 5.5/7 grams remaining This is fucked
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Post #32: 26th Jun 2016 1:56:23 AM 
Im going to do a video confessional like at noon tomorrow, just absolutely hating life.
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Post #33: 26th Jun 2016 1:59:47 AM 
Hello hosts :)

I'm actually having fun tbh. I'm not really fearing the next two tribal councils :P FTC THO. Woof, that's some scary shit.
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Post #34: 26th Jun 2016 2:32:31 AM 
Sitting here and thinking lots and lots has made me realize who Woo is and that makes me really happy :) Doesn't change anything about my game, I promise. I'm just glad he's someone that I've been able to reconnect with.
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Post #35: 26th Jun 2016 4:14:40 AM 
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 22:37
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 20:17
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 19:28
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 18:54
Junk Food Stock:
-Half a can of salt and vinegar pringles.
-1 bag of cripsers.
-1 bag of popcorn kernels and flavouring.
-5 hamburgers from that barbeque this morning
-2 hots dogs from the same bbq
-deli meat and cheese (stocks slightly depleted after the creation of 2 sandwiches)
-fresh panini buns
-2 bags of frozen fries
-tortillas (8/10 left)
-peanut butter (2 scoops missing)
-3 2 energy drinks

Weed count: 5/7 grams remain. Wheeee
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Post #36: 26th Jun 2016 7:48:28 AM 
Existential thought. What is the universe? What created the initial dense cloud of gas that caused the big bang and further UNIVERSE EXPANSION?! WE are HURTLING thru space right now. God damn.

Are we insignificant or is our significance higher than anything else in the universe? Is the latter a selfish thought???

Intense shit, yo.
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Post #37: 26th Jun 2016 8:08:34 AM 
Hosts should refund players for all snacks and energy drinks consumed during this challenge ;)
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Host Brett
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The Control Freak
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Post #38: 26th Jun 2016 8:18:47 AM 
The Rules
If you die as a result of any challenges we post, you waive your right for your family to sue. Not our faults! Nothing is our faults.

Basically we are covered against paying for your snacks through this. It is legally binding.
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Post #39: 26th Jun 2016 8:21:09 AM 
I slapped myself to wake up
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Post #40: 26th Jun 2016 8:31:07 AM 
Lizzie @ 26/6/2016 4:14
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 22:37
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 20:17
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 19:28
Lizzie @ 25/6/2016 18:54
Junk Food Stock:
-Half a can of salt and vinegar pringles.
-1 bag of cripsers.
-1 bag of popcorn kernels and flavouring.
-5 hamburgers from that barbeque this morning
-2 hots dogs from the same bbq
-deli meat and cheese (stocks slightly depleted after the creation of 2 3 sandwiches)
-fresh panini buns
-2 bags of frozen fries
-tortillas (8/10 left)
-peanut butter (2 scoops missing)
-3 2 1 energy drink

Weed count: 5/7 grams remain. slowin down here

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Post #41: 26th Jun 2016 2:43:15 PM 
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Post #42: 26th Jun 2016 11:22:52 PM 
My father always told me to not lose hope.

I guess final 8 was really just a smack in the face to my dad then!
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Post #43: 26th Jun 2016 11:51:19 PM 
Rita Verreos @ 26/6/2016 23:31
Host Lex @ 26/6/2016 22:49
Rita: We're right around the corner from the end now. Are votes being influenced by who people think they can beat in the FTC?

Absolutely. People are under the impression that I have in this game in the bag so I'm just going to lay out some truth tea. Underdogs =/= win. Sure they can be a good story to root for but that doesn't mean they win the game. Look at Sausage Island 10 for example, we had literally the most underdog to underdog in Monica LOSE against Rodney who played the overall better game, because he was in control and made moves and alliances to benefit himself further. Looking at this merge phase of the game, I have had 2 (but really 1) vote pan out the way I wanted it to go and that was the Hope vote. You could possibly throw in Kenny's vote too but that also caused sides forming for there on out and sides that didn't benefit me.

If you're someone who is counting on a bitter jury to get you a win, that's not the path to take. It's very risky as those people have most likely outwitted you and outplayed you. Juries are sometimes bitter yes, it happens. That is usually the case where someone has been a down right cunt to said jury, that's not the case here. We had such a strong merge group that I fully believe this group will vote the best GAMEPLAYER.

My gameplay has not been stellar, how can you get 2 votes to go your way all merge and make final 5? That is just a joke. To quote Shambo, my game has been feckless. If you honestly think I'm the biggest threat to win, we all know immunity challenges aren't my strong suit. I literally had to buy immunity to receive it. Use my vote this round to benefit your game. Take out who is your real jury threat and stop giving BS that it's me.

Thanks for the question Lex! Fellow final 5 members, my aim is ritasausage if you want to talk about using me to benefit your game, thanks.

I think this actually really shows why I think Rita would win if she gets to the end. Yeah, strategically things haven't panned out for her, but at the same time emotions play into a jury a lot. A post like this from Rita emphasizes underdog and a really sticky spot, and if she got out of it and was brought to the end, well I see that being an amazing argument where she did not have to upset ANYONE in the game. Everyone else took that heat.

In pretty much every singe vote, she has not made an enemy from the vote. Even with Hope, like, Hope has to understand that was a good move for Rita considering where the sides existed.

I don't know what votes Rita gets in the end for sure, but I think a lot of the jurors will be leaning her way from the get go and she's going to be able to have an FTC where she doesn't have to walk on thin ice with anyone. She can talk very openly because she didn't have to lie much, she didn't have to hurt anyone. All of that is what scares me.

Add on that she is a good talker. She knows how to write. I mean, everyone here knows how to write, but thats something that won't be a detriment to her and she's going to know what to talk about in the end where I think people like Rach and Woo are going to have slightly more of a difficult time there.

I get Rita's logic and her way of playing this Tribal Council but I see that all as making her more of an end game threat rather than less of one. Basically it makes her less desirable to be in the end, for me. Hopefully for the others too.
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Post #44: 27th Jun 2016 1:17:50 AM 

OPTION A: They Do. Fuck. Unexpected. I will laugh my ass off though. IDK if that's a good move or not for them! Look at my jury perspective knowledge tanking, isn't it great <3

OPTION B: They don't! Yay! This is what I expect! Just stay on your course, Lizzie McGee. If you follow due course, you look sturdy and not like the emotional piece of shit you are!! YOU CAN DO THIS!
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Post #45: 27th Jun 2016 1:18:30 AM 
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