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Pre-Game Questions!
Host Brett
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The Control Freak
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Post #1: 9th May 2016 9:16:02 AM 
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Just a few questions so that we can get to know you as a player better!

1: Would you describe yourself as a Hero or a Villain?

2: What's your strategy going to be like?

3: What reason did you have for selecting the character you're playing as?

4: What's one word you would use to describe your gameplay or personality?

5: What do you typically look for in an ally?

6: What makes you unique as a player? How will you use that to your advantage?

7. Any other comments?

If you wish to remain alias from the PW's, now is the time to PM either Brett or myself and inform us.
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Post #2: 10th May 2016 12:46:51 AM 
First before I get to the pregame questions and feed into the machine, I thought I'd let you all know that today is a manbun up kind of day for my hair. This is a very important aspect to my game and I thought you all should know.
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Post #3: 10th May 2016 1:21:11 AM 
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[2016-05-09 9:42:21 PM] Curtis: Congratulations! You've been cast as [STEPHEN] in Sausage Island 11!

Registration and Check-Ins have now begun. Please register your account as your Survivor's name ASAP. Reminder: This is a strict alias game, you may not tell anyone else that you were accepted and must do your best to hide your identity. We look forward to watching you play!

[2016-05-09 9:44:29 PM] Stephen!: OH FUCK
[2016-05-09 9:44:30 PM] Stephen!: WELL
[2016-05-09 9:44:31 PM] Stephen!: THIS IS
[2016-05-09 9:44:33 PM] Stephen!: SUDDEN
[2016-05-09 9:44:40 PM] Stephen!: also
[2016-05-09 9:44:42 PM] Stephen!: who the fuck
[2016-05-09 9:44:43 PM] Stephen!: is
[2016-05-09 9:44:44 PM] Stephen!: STEPHEN
[2016-05-09 9:44:50 PM] Curtis: lolol
[2016-05-09 9:44:53 PM] Curtis: Stephen fishbach!
[2016-05-09 9:44:56 PM] Stephen!: oh fuck
[2016-05-09 9:44:58 PM] Stephen!: this
[2016-05-09 9:45:00 PM] Stephen!: is gonna be
[2016-05-09 9:45:04 PM] Stephen!: weird
[2016-05-09 9:45:23 PM] Stephen!: wait I do know him
[2016-05-09 9:45:28 PM] Stephen!: he's the little pussy bitch who can't do anything!
[2016-05-09 9:45:40 PM] Curtis: hahaha
[2016-05-09 9:45:48 PM] Stephen!: I am okay with this!
[2016-05-09 9:45:51 PM] Curtis: the one who had digestive issues

[2016-05-09 9:47:07 PM] Curtis: what the fuck
[2016-05-09 9:47:10 PM] Curtis: I thought
[2016-05-09 9:47:12 PM] Curtis: lolol
[2016-05-09 9:47:15 PM] Stephen!: oh
[2016-05-09 9:47:15 PM] Stephen!: god
[2016-05-09 9:47:17 PM] Curtis: i thought you saw PW Stephen fishbach
[2016-05-09 9:47:18 PM] Curtis: and said
[2016-05-09 9:47:21 PM] Curtis: who the fuck is stephen
[2016-05-09 9:47:24 PM] Stephen!: no
[2016-05-09 9:47:24 PM] Curtis: no i just had a brain fart
[2016-05-09 9:47:26 PM] Curtis: you're joe
[2016-05-09 9:47:29 PM] Stephen!: ...
[2016-05-09 9:47:29 PM] Curtis: i just wrote your real name
[2016-05-09 9:47:33 PM] Stephen!: JESUS CHRIST KILL MYSELF
[2016-05-09 9:47:35 PM] Curtis: i'm a vry good host
[2016-05-09 9:47:37 PM] Curtis: looool
[2016-05-09 9:47:42 PM] Stephen!: BACK TO RELATIVE CALMNESS
[2016-05-09 9:47:52 PM] Stephen!: literally I was like
[2016-05-09 9:47:54 PM] Stephen!: "um...."
[2016-05-09 9:47:59 PM] Curtis: hahaha
[2016-05-09 9:48:00 PM] Curtis: oops

"hahaha oops" - my story summed up about Sausage 11.
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Post #4: 10th May 2016 1:56:53 AM 
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Alright hey dudes and dudettes it's me perfect stupid sexy All-American Role Model Good Samaritan Joe Anglim™ here ready to buckle down and answer some rad Q's and then probably talk about night one which consists of conversations about pizza, Mulan, and ovulation all in chronological order. Luckily pizza, Mulan, and ovulation are my three favourite things next to Posted Image and my adoring Survivor fans because without you there would be no Survivor and you're all the greatest fans in the world and I'm heavily booked up for prom season, sorry.

1: Would you describe yourself as a Hero or a Villain?

So in my last only game I was a hero, I think? Maybe? For a while? And then I became a villain? Maybe? I don't know? Basically last time I was super happy and positive and then I turned into a shitty piece of shit shithead. I'm gonna basically do the same as last time, except not turn into the latter. I think hero and villain is so black and white (RIP MJ love you) and I think in a game there's a lot of gray area. A villain is perceived by what side you're playing on and who you're rooting for, so I'm not gonna pay too much attention to it. It's a game, no hard feelings, it is what it is. I'm just gonna be myself and stay true to what I want to do and what I want to achieve in this game. If that's a hero, so be it. Did I mention that I love America and all of you?

2: What's your strategy going to be like?

Probably bad. I like socializing with people, and I like challenges which means I'm probably not going to learn from my mistakes last time. I do think a year around this community will make me a little bit more aware of things that may be going on, but at the same time this is my first crack at alias and I've never spectated an alias before. It's a challenge, for sure. I'm not going to get too paranoid and just have fun for now and adjust my strategy later. I'd like to get to know people and align with people I get aLóng with, as well as offer as much support to my tribe in the team based aspect of this game. I'd like to bring people I like to the end -- because there's no million dollars that I'll be winning and I'd like to earn a victory instead of bringing a few undeserving people to the end. Is this piss poor strategy? YUP. Get used to it, probably. Drink it in.

Will I be perceived as a threat? Probably I picked Joe Anglim lol. Whatever. I'd like to not be too dominating but also make my presence felt and be part of a well functioning tribe. I say like because I'm not solidifying what I say because I don't know the twist yet and I don't know the tribe breakdown. Play it by ear. Charm people. Win challenges. America. Got it?

3: What reason did you have for selecting the character you're playing as?

[2016-04-20 1:43:17 PM] Curtis: 9. Who do you want to play as? Give us a few people, and any reasons you have for wanting to play as them
[2016-04-20 1:43:20 PM] Stephen!: aw fuck
[2016-04-20 1:43:31 PM] Stephen!: so for this question can I shoot a question back?
[2016-04-20 1:43:35 PM] Curtis: yessir
[2016-04-20 1:44:17 PM] Stephen!: From someone who has Survivor knowledge, and not copying players who have played before -- because via common sense I'm assuming once you play as them they're exclusive -- with who I am who do you think I resemble personality wise?
[2016-04-20 1:44:37 PM] Stephen!: because I could always say "RUPERT!" "MALCOLM!" "GREG!" buuut -- what's the fun in that
[2016-04-20 1:44:57 PM] Stephen!: I remember this guy on Pearl Islands who was like the leader of his tribe and everyone was like "fuck this guy" eventually but I forget his name
[2016-04-20 1:45:48 PM] Curtis: savage it sounds like
[2016-04-20 1:45:53 PM] Curtis: honestly your answers sound just like JOE
[2016-04-20 1:45:56 PM] Curtis: from recent seasons
[2016-04-20 1:46:03 PM] Stephen!: let's pick Joe then
[2016-04-20 1:46:06 PM] Stephen!: does he have nice Lóng hair
[2016-04-20 1:46:09 PM] Stephen!: if so he's totally me
[2016-04-20 1:46:11 PM] Curtis: he sure does
[2016-04-20 1:46:12 PM] Stephen!: LMFAO
[2016-04-20 1:46:17 PM] Stephen!: since I also have nice Lóng hair
[2016-04-20 1:46:19 PM] Stephen!: let's go with that.


4: What's one word you would use to describe your gameplay or personality?
Ebullient. I looked this word up because I couldn't think of one word to describe myself.

5: What do you typically look for in an ally?

Good, free-flowing conversation. This is probably the most important for me because if I'm not clicking with someone it just probably wont work out. Someone who I can intersperse going in and out of game talk is important. These games can be work, and they're supposed to be fun at the end of the day. Why not have both? Of course someone who is on the same page as I am etc etc etc generic Survivor answers.

6: What makes you unique as a player? How will you use that to your advantage?

I'm probably the only person who has given shout outs to America thus far.

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God bless.

I guess I'm just someone who wants to have a good time and is generally excited for everything to come. 27 people? I was stoked to see that. I'm excited for this game, I've heard many good things about it and whether I'm first boot or first place (odds are I'll wind up in between there) I'm having a blast and it's been a fun experience already. Here's hoping the ride continues.

I like keeping close to the people I like the most and trying to go as far as possible with them as well, even if there may be a better option. This is probably my go to narrative and is organic to me, but who knows? Things can change and I look forward to it all!

I also don't care, I love challenges and I'll compete to the best of my ability. I'm a junkie. Again, things can change though! Maybe I should tone it down? Will I? Lol probably not.

7. Any other comments?

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I love America so much but I'm staying true to Canadian spelling.


So because of that I guess I also want everyone to know I'm a hypocrite.

Cool. Rad. Awesome. Later dudes!

Shout out to Brice and Boston Rod and fuck you Vytas.
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Post #5: 10th May 2016 2:06:15 AM 
Also 9 dragons.

27/9 = 3.

I rather did one of two things:

Figured out something relevant (9 tribes of three? Something to do with 9 groups?)


Did basic math.

Either way I accomplished something.
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Post #6: 10th May 2016 2:14:07 AM 
Jenna Lewis
I want a mini indian kid
They're so adorable

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Post #7: 10th May 2016 2:28:21 AM 
Alright, pre-game blurb numero uno. Actually it's seis. Not too much spanish in here because this is all about the land of the free and the home of the brave! Also China because that's where the location of the season is. I'm quirky hip and cool, aren't I?


I'm equally excited and overwhelmed. Since there's a night before I just threw my name up there to sign in thinking "cool tonights an easy night and then tomorrow it begins!"


Kinda begins as soon as I post my name.

Alina messages me almost minutes afterwards. Shit.

The game hasn't started in the sense that everything is full force, and I don't expect it to be full force right away. But this is the small talk period. The period where you see who you gel with and could see yourself working alongside if everything plays out in your favour.

Alina is first to message me and we've been messaging pretty frequently ever since. It started with talking about Papa Johns pizza, to our first date, to our nude calendar. Pretty much I'm likely flirting with a dude and enjoying it. That's fantastic. I'm literally feeling like I'm playing Second Life or something. Regardless Alina and I have had good conversation. The fact that we've talked pretty nonstop indicates to me that I think she digs me and I dig her. Unless she's a nonstop machine and has been keyboard warrioring all night to everyone -- I'm getting good feelings from her. Joelina is sweeping the nation.

Jenna is pretty rad too. Our conversation started off slow but we got pretty comfortable making jokes about ovulation, to sharing baby stories, to me telling her I got a phone call during talking to her from my friend who told me her dad cheated on her mom (true story, yikes!) to talking about what nationality a baby named "Jhra" would have. She's someone who gets my sense of humour and I can have a good conversation with.

Natalie and I share the "high on life" vibes. I enjoyed the little bit I talked to her and she went to bed to work the 9-5. I told her I'll message her at 5 tomorrow, you bet your ass I'm gonna do that. Joe don't forget.

Melinda and I talked briefly, she liked my "positive attitude" :). That's literally the extent of our conversation. The rest was just filler.

Most of it is filler right now. "Hey how's it goin you like stuff?" I'm very thankful that I'm a fan of stuff because I have things to talk about!

Francesca and I talked briefly but then the hoe stopped responding to me but kept updating the boards. Don't think I don't see that shit! I'll message her tomorrow and see how it goes. It's too early to really indicate anything right now.

See the theme? The women love Joe.

I've been overwhelmed and excited and confused and had no idea the game started so I've kinda just let people add me up to this point. I don't wanna try to maintain conversation with 17 different people all at once. I'm focusing on a few and building up to more as I go along. No matter how this game is split down, if this is a tribal game, I have a few solid relationships that I can rely on to help network me further in the game. That's all I'm doing right now. Scouting people I like and making sure we're good. No game talk until after tomorrow night.
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Post #8: 10th May 2016 2:29:55 AM 
Joe @ 10/5/2016 2:14
Jenna Lewis
I want a mini indian kid
They're so adorable


I approve this message

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Post #9: 10th May 2016 3:00:41 AM 
6 mins ago

my video game brotha whattupppp
Yung Kenny Hoang
my athletic brotha not muchhhh
how bout youuuu
4 mins ago

ya know chillin relaxin needing to catch fish because im a junkie but kinda just settling in and taking it easy because 27 is a big ass number yaknow?
the smash bro kenny h back in china again for another season of survivor!
2 mins ago
Yung Kenny Hoang
ya ya i see ya Joey
but i was never in china

my god
Yung Kenny Hoang
i am not frosti

im dumb
Yung Kenny Hoang

so ive became an accidental racist
this is not good for my fan base
if we need to start a fire around camp i suggest we burn this evidence to start it
1 min ago
Yung Kenny Hoang
hey, the facebook moms dont care

nah the facebook moms are very sensitive creatures!
Yung Kenny Hoang
in fact, some of them are purposefully racist

oh true
some of them are
dare i say something controversial
trump supporters
Yung Kenny Hoang
oh good lord

controvery creates hilarity
literacy didn't create joe
just now

i think what i did was genetically splice frosti and todd herzog and thought that was ken hoang

I actually watched Gabon and China though.

I'm just naturally stupid.
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Post #10: 10th May 2016 4:18:16 AM 
Finished the night off strong. Good conversation with Hope and Kenny (first person I contacted -- it was late and the board died down and he was active so it made sense since I know a little about smash bros and I figure the person who plays Kenny may know a bit about the game -- and I was right!).

Hope and I share a bond over really dumb puns and humour, Kenny and I talked about everything ranging from Smash Bros to peacock/cat hybrids. Small talk is fun. My goal is to check in with them tomorrow to show that I want to talk to them and I enjoy talking to them -- but keep the conversation slow leisurely and light-hearted. Same goes with the others I've bonded with this evening. There's a lot to handle, but I think I can handle it. I'm enjoying getting to know everyone, even if it's just a persona. This is going to be a fun cast to play with!

Throughout the day I'll peek who's most active on the board, add them, and start conversations with them. I feel I may be juggling 27 conversations eventually but I hope to god that doesn't happen. I'll just talk to the survivor contestants I like or I know and wait til the game starts to add the rest. I'm hoping the bonds I'm making right now will pay dividends come the game beginning. Nothing is for certain right now, except that I'm really enjoying playing under an alias. No way to know who anyone is, no mumblings of how people have played in past games and how they're a "threat". I'm sure there's a ton of good players and threats snuggling up to Joebaby already. I'll keep snugglin' for now and have fun. Til tomorrow!

PS: America is great.
Kim Powers
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Post #11: 10th May 2016 11:19:30 AM 
Good luck!
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Most Loved PW Award
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Post #12: 10th May 2016 12:19:50 PM 

don't let me down son
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Post #13: 10th May 2016 3:49:27 PM 
BriceZilla @ 10/5/2016 11:19

don't let me down son

thanks mom
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Post #14: 10th May 2016 4:26:35 PM 
Jaison - "I just had the dopest quesadilla"

Alexis Jones

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Post #15: 10th May 2016 4:54:58 PM 
gl my son do better than bri(y)ce
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