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ROUND 2: Not much to say.
Jonny Fairplay
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Reputation: -3
Joined:Sep 19, 2015
Post #1: 25th Sep 2015 5:43 PM 
Waddup guys.

So we got new tribes, which is awesomesauce considering i'm on the one with the returnee majority, yaw yaw. I'm sad that I'm seperated from my number one Abi and my #Serenbestie Vytas, but considiring I have Dan the fucking Man, Amber my OTHER number one, and my good ole boy JT, I think I'll be good. The other newbies on this tribe, I actually like quite a lot. Colton is turning into a low key favorite of mine, and Dan and Abi are just great.

Theo nly who I don't particularly like is Jenn cause she's just not talkative. When her name came up as the vote I was like "Duh. Obviously." That's literally how it went. I heard she's targeting me but like Angie last time I don't think it's going to work.

So yeah, that's pretty much it for this round, sorry to say. Not a whole lot going on. Hopefully next round will be more interesting.
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