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PIG Episode 14 - Ender - RESULTS
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Post #1: 19th Jun 2018 7:26 PM 
Will be in here!! Doing this from the train home so stick with me if I temporarily disappear.
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Post #2: 19th Jun 2018 7:37 PM 
Question 1: Which of these have I not eaten?

Answer: TRIPE!! (6) - im317, brian, wikey, curtis, kc, shadow

Incorrect Answers
Haggis is actually really yummy and spicy (1) - christian
Blood sausage tastes kinda weird and metallic but would eat again (3) - nav, merc, herm
Chicken feet are basically just tendons and pretty gross (4) - primate, jacob, jj, ahoda
Mopane worm was the texture and approximate taste of dirt... (2) - jamie, vlady
Escargot is actually one of my favorite proteins if I go out to fancy dinner (2) - boc, spin

im317 - 12
brian - 12
wikey - 12
curtis - 12
kc - 12
shadow - 12
christian - 0
nav - 0
merc - 0
herm - 0
primate - 0
jacob - 0
jj - 0
ahoda - 0
jamie - 0
vlady - 0
boc - 0
spin - 0

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Post #3: 19th Jun 2018 7:51 PM 
Question 2: Which of these countries have I not been to?

Answer: NEPAL!! (6) - primate, jacob, boc, curtis, herm, ahoda
Nepal is first on my bucket list - I'm huge into backpacking and really want to explore the Himalayas - but I haven't made it there yet

Incorrect Answers
Zambia (0)
Had an amazing time microlighting (google it) over Victoria Falls here, one of the most incredible experiences of my life because it actually feels like you're floating in the middle of the sky.

Peru (0)
My best friend and I backpacked the Salkantay route to Machu Picchu over Christmas and New Years a few years back. Really cool because the city feels frozen in time so you're stepping into how life actually felt back then, instead of seeing one building subsumed by a larger city.

Cambodia (5) - nav, im317, wikey, kc, shadow
Did the stereotypical Angkor Wat at sunrise and toured a few of the other temples. Just cuz it's popular doesn't mean it's not worth it.

Estonia (3) - jamie, brian, spin
Went here on a Baltics cruise back in 6th grade and got a handmade sweater that's one of my favorites to this day.

Ireland (2) - jj, vlady
My grandfather was born here, so when I went with my family, we got to see his childhood house and town. Really cool family bonding experience.

New Zealand (2) - christian, merc
My mom and I went bungee jumping off the Auckland bridge together, you can't get much better than that.

curtis - 24
im317 - 12
brian - 12
wikey - 12
kc - 12
shadow - 12
herm - 12
primate - 12
jacob - 12
ahoda - 12
christian - 0
nav - 0
merc - 0
jj - 0
jamie - 0
vlady - 0
boc - 12
spin - 0

Curtis takes the lead as there's a huge tie for second

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Post #4: 19th Jun 2018 7:55 PM 
I have a good feeling I'll get 0 points
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Post #5: 19th Jun 2018 7:55 PM 
O wow
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Post #6: 19th Jun 2018 8:09 PM 
Question 3: What is my favorite book/series?

Answer: ENDER'S GAME!! (9) - primate, nav, im317, brian, wikey, spin, merc, herm, vlady
Clearly unsurprising to many given my username, Ender's Game takes the prize! Ender is by far the fictional character I've identified most with, so reading his story was a very introspective experience. Plus, zero gravity laser tag!!

Incorrect Answers
Night Angel trilogy (0)
This gets second and it's not even close. For anyone who likes fantasy, thinks ninja assassins sound cool, and wants to get in the heads of really complex characters with conflicting motives, this is a must read. Brent Weeks is a genius.

As I Lay Dying (3) - jamie, christian, shadow
Most people think of The Sound and the Fury when they hear Faulkner, but I think this is a more fun book by far. It's just so goddamn weird and the characters are fantastic. Definitely one of my favorites if I'm talking classics.

Shatter (3) - jacob, jj, kc
Michael Robotham knows how to write fucked up psychological mystery thrillers better than anyone I've read, and this is him at his best.

The Westing Game (1) - curtis
One of my childhood favorites, it's a super quirky, solveable mistery aka everything I want in life.

Stormlight Archives (2) - boc, ahoda
Only the first three in a planned 10 book series are out so far, but fuck it if they're not expansive and inspiring. They do a good job of exploring some pretty heavy themes without being heavy handed or preachy, which is cool.

Count of Monte Cristo (0)
The Three Musketeers was my first classic back in 4th grade and made me fall in love with the genre, so I'll always have a soft spot for Dumas. This revenge fantasy that actually comes to fruition is a great study of the human consciousness, but mostly incredibly satisfying.

curtis - 24
im317 - 21
brian - 21
wikey - 21
herm - 21
primate - 21
kc - 12
shadow - 12
jacob - 12
ahoda - 12
boc - 12
nav - 9
merc - 9
vlady - 9
spin - 9
christian - 0
jj - 0
jamie - 0

Kc, Shadow, Jacob, Ahoda, and Boc fall slightly out of it. Nav, Merc. Vlady, and Spin get on the board!

Post Edited by Ender @ 19th Jun 2018 8:10 PM
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Post #7: 19th Jun 2018 8:20 PM 
Question 4: Which of these did I not consider majoring in during college?

Answer: CHEMISTRY!! (5) - nav, Christian, Curtis, kc, shadow
I was the poster child for indecision most of college, but the one thing I didn't consider studying was Chemistry. After borrowing a Chem textbook from a teacher in high school (just the first of many #nerd stories), I ended up not taking a single class during college, since I placed out of the intro courses needed for engineering and never came back.

Incorrect Answers
Engineering (4) - wikey, jj, ahoda, vlady
This was actually my major. I've never used it.

Philosophy (3) - Jamie, primate, brian
Took an intro class, loved it, never had enough room in my schedule to come back but would've loved to double major. Still read it in my spare time occasionally.

Psychology (6) - im317, Jacob, boc, spin, merc, herm
I'm obsessed with psychology but hate the way it's taught and didn't want to put myself through that.

Anthropology (0)
People are interesting. Anthro is another way to study them.

Ecology (0)
I did Ecology research my first two years of college and loved it, but realized outside of that tiny sub-section (mathematical modelling of populations and communities of organisms) it wasn't for me.

curtis - 37
kc - 25
shadow - 25
nav - 22
im317 - 21
brian - 21
wikey - 21
herm - 21
primate - 21
christian - 13
jacob - 12
ahoda - 12
boc - 12
merc - 9
vlady - 9
spin - 9
jj - 0
jamie - 0

Curtis extends his lead and Christian gets on the board!
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Post #8: 19th Jun 2018 8:28 PM 
Question 5: Which of these is not a personal claim to fame?

Answer: PIANO AT CARNEGIE HALL!! (2) - primate, jacob
I did play classical piano for 12 years growing up, but I never got into the real competition scene. This would've been cool, but was way beyond what I was trying for.

Incorrect Answers
Valedictorian (3) - christian, jj, shadow
High school: make grades, not friends

NH Mountains (3) - im317, merc, ahoda
This is what I did instead of going to class.

National essay contest (6) - jamie, nav, boc, wikey, spin, curtis
In 6th grade, my teacher made us write an essay for homework that was a fake inaugural address (it was an election year). She submitted them all to a national student magazine contest and I somehow won. Notable for my teacher being excited and me not caring enough to call my parents and instead telling them when I got home lol

Scientific paper (4) - brian, herm, kc, vlady
Published my senior thesis. Also convinced my college to pay for me to present it at a conference in Toulouse, which was 99% wine and food and 1% science

curtis - 37
primate - 37
jacob - 28
kc - 25
shadow - 25
nav - 22
im317 - 21
brian - 21
wikey - 21
herm - 21
christian - 13
ahoda - 12
boc - 12
merc - 9
vlady - 9
spin - 9
jj - 0
jamie - 0

Primate ties Curtis and Jacob jumps into second!

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Post #9: 19th Jun 2018 8:36 PM 
Question 6: Which of these careers did I not consider as a young child?

Answer: MAGAICIAN!! (2) - jacob, boc
My mom likes to make fun of me for having pretty low aspirations as a child, but one thing I never wanted to be was an entertainer.

Incorrect Answers
Luggage cart (1) - spin
I was 5. We were flying to Florida to see my grandmother. Apparently it seemed cool.

Laying tile (6) - jamie, nav, im317, christian, merc, ahoda
Another 5-year-old dream, laying tile was all the rage when we moved into our new house while the kitchen was being finished.

Blacksmith (3) - primate, wikey, shadow
Honestly, I still think this would be pretty badass.

Professional soccer player (6) - brian, jj, curtis, herm, kc, vlady
Let's just say my dreams and talent didn't really line up...

jacob - 44
curtis - 37
primate - 37
boc - 28
kc - 25
shadow - 25
nav - 22
im317 - 21
brian - 21
wikey - 21
herm - 21
christian - 13
ahoda - 12
merc - 9
vlady - 9
spin - 9
jj - 0
jamie - 0

Jacob takes the lead from Curtis!

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Post #10: 19th Jun 2018 8:37 PM 
this is as far as my guesses takes me
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Post #11: 19th Jun 2018 8:47 PM 
Brb getting on the subway
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Post #12: 19th Jun 2018 9:14 PM 
Back home and ready to finish this up

Question 7: Which sport did I never play competitively?

Answer: BASEBALL/SOFTBALL!! (3) - jacob, christian, ahoda
Somehow missed out on this all-American pasttime

Incorrect Answers
Soccer (1) - vlady
The sport I've played the longest - age 5 through a few years of high school varsity

Lacrosse (1) - jamie
The sport I'm naturally best at. Too bad I hated all the people.

Basketball (11) - nav, boc, brian, wikey, jj, spin, merc, curtis, herm, kc, shadow
It's a really good thing for everyone I gave this up after 7th grade.

Volleyball (0)
I still have no idea why I thought this was a good idea, but luckily it was only for 9th grade

Rowing (2) - primate, im317
Became my main sport by the end of high school because I couldn't get hurt doing it. Lots of fun, but I'd pick a team field sport over endurance any day.

jacob - 59
curtis - 37
primate - 37
boc - 28
christian - 28
ahoda - 27
kc - 25
shadow - 25
nav - 22
im317 - 21
brian - 21
wikey - 21
herm - 21
merc - 9
vlady - 9
spin - 9
jj - 0
jamie - 0

Jacob increases his lead

Glory (jamie)
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Post #13: 19th Jun 2018 9:17 PM 
im killing it
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor

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Post #14: 19th Jun 2018 9:22 PM 
Question 8: I've been told I live under a rock. Which one of these popular movies have I actually seen?

Answer: MEAN GIRLS!! (1) - herm
Not proud of it, but I guess not seeing the rest is equally bad. Or something.

Incorrect Answers
The Avengers (0)
Gladiator (3) - wikey, spin, merc
The Incredibles (3) - jamie, christian, ahoda
Avatar (6) - primate, nav, im317, jacob, kc, shadow
WALL-E (3) - boc, brian, vlady
Get Out (2) - jj, curtis

jacob - 59
herm - 38
curtis - 37
primate - 37
boc - 28
christian - 28
ahoda - 27
kc - 25
shadow - 25
nav - 22
im317 - 21
brian - 21
wikey - 21
merc - 9
vlady - 9
spin - 9
jj - 0
jamie - 0

Herm catapults into second place with a solo win!

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Post #15: 19th Jun 2018 9:30 PM 
Question 9: Which one of these fears do I have?

Answer: ANYTHING MEDICAL!! (7) - primate, im317, boc, brian, wikey, Curtis, herm
We're talking "had to sit in the corner of the health class room that wasn't facing the plastic skeleton in kindergarten" level bad. It's a wonder I now watch horror movies.

Incorrect Answers
Claustrophobia (2) - Jacob, shadow
Fear of heights.... I actually really love heights like in a probably unhealthy way... (1) - ahoda
Spiders (3) - nav, kc, vlady
Agoraphobia (5) - Jamie, Christian, jj, spin, merc
Snakes are cute y'all! (0)

jacob - 59
herm - 49
curtis - 48
primate - 48
boc - 39
im317 - 32
brian - 32
wikey - 32
christian - 28
ahoda - 27
kc - 25
shadow - 25
nav - 22
merc - 9
vlady - 9
spin - 9
jj - 0
jamie - 0

im317, Brian, and Wikey make a move!
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