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Day 4
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Post #1: 24th Nov 2013 6:02 PM 

Vic was slumped behind a dumpster, lighting up his crack pipe. It had been another long day of towing cars, and he needed a baby-hit just to take the edge off. Not to mention the death of his beloved Franklin hours earlier. Franklin might've been running with a bad crowd, but damn if he didn't still have feelings for the man. His thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard footsteps coming from around the corner.

In a desperate attempt of self-defense, Vic chucked his crack pipe at the intruder, but they simply smacked it away; it shattered on the ground harmlessly.

"My turn," the killer whispered, as they raised their firearm and shot Vic point-blank through the head.

Vic AKA Tonya Wiggins, TOWN, has been wasted.

Item dropped:
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Tow Truck (enough fuel for 2 more uses):
each night, you may pick a player. You will tow their car to wherever you want to take it. i.e., you will force them to use any actions they were planning to use on whoever you tow them to. However, you only have enough fuel to make TWO trips, so choose wisely.


Meanwhile, Paco was stalking down his latest celebrity. He heard whisperings that a certain starlet had neglected to wear panties this evening, so he simply had to see this for himself. He was hidden in the bushes in front of her house, patiently waiting for her to pull up and step out.

His patience was finally rewarded, as a limousine came coasting down the street and pulled over near where Paco was crouching. Paco's adrenaline was pumping as he saw the passenger door slowly open.

The starlet did a 90 degree turn to exit the vehicle, and Paco whipped out his camera excitedly. There it was. The rumors were true. This was gonna make him rich.

As Paco's finger slid over the shutter button, ready to take his money shot, a car grinded to a halt right by the limo. The sound of glass shattering could be heard, as the driver bust their gun through the window and opened fire. The car quickly sped away, but not before they took Paco's most precious possession.

Paco AKA Beverly Felton, TOWN, has been wasted.

Item dropped:
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Camera (2 uses remaining):
each night, you may pick a player. You will relentlessly follow them and see where they go. However, you use your camera so much, your battery is running low. You currently have enough battery for THREE uses.


Shawn sat sadly down in FIB Headquarters. All alone now. In his hand, he held a group picture - him with his two partners. He remembered those days fondly.

"We're gonna make it to the end together. All of us, together." he recalled himself saying to his two partners. Those were much more optimistic times. Before that saboteur, that traitor had to go and raise hell.

"We had a good thing going goddamnit!" Shawn screamed as he chucked his bottle of whiskey against the wall. It was time for him to leave this place behind. Nothing but bad memories here anymore.

He walked to the door and took one last, long look at the headquarters.

"Closing time." he whispered softly, before turning off the lights and walking out.

Just outside the door, he was met with someone with an enormously large weapon, standing just a few feet away from him.

"It was only a matter of time I suppose. Go ahead. Do it." Shawn said as he closed his eyes and outstretched his arms.

A barrage of bullets came flying out of the killer's gun, completely obliterating Shawn's body. The killer turned around and walked away slowly, as the FIB building blew up behind them.

Shawn AKA Andreas Sanchez, TOWN MASON, has been wasted.

Items dropped:
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Super Heavy Armor:
This armor will make you invulnerable to kill attempts.

This item is not transferable and was not picked up.

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Bong (0 uses remaining): One night during the course of the game, you can choose to pass the bong around and get everyone high. The next day, everyone, including you, will freak the fuck out. They will all receive unlimited lynchvotes, and two people will be lynched at the end of the day.

It is now Day 4.

The day will end in 24 hours (6 EST) or when a majority is reached. With 15 alive, it will take 8 to reach majority. Plurality is in effect today.
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Post #2: 24th Nov 2013 6:08 PM 
Fuck I'm super stupid!!! It's really embarrassing ><

I'm some sort of vig. I had a couple of gun shots. Felt like I had to use them before mafia would kill me and get to use them. So each night I killed someone. Im317 (barely posted and said they thought it would get interesting.... wanted to test that theory), Greenday (Samm FOS'd him and I thought he was suspicious too), and Paco (felt like he was fishing for my role and I really didn't have a read on him... almost killed Nobert but ugh I changed my mind).

Anyway, I'm SORRY for being such a hot mess. Good news for all town is I'll die at the end of this day cuz I fucked Im317.

That's it. I'll have to leave and I won't be back til like 4am in the morning so thought I'd get this out here before the day ends due to hammering. Then at least you know how these poor townies died.

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Post #3: 24th Nov 2013 6:10 PM 
Oh and if someone wants my camera and my aids then fuck me plz. If there are no good leads then it may be useful idk.
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Post #4: 24th Nov 2013 6:13 PM 
and again ugh sorry town, I just didn't want the mafia to get my gunshots and yeah I'm stupid :/
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Post #5: 24th Nov 2013 6:15 PM 
Why is everyone claiming randomly with no reason to?
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Post #6: 24th Nov 2013 6:16 PM 
omg RIP all.

Cuz apparently he's gonna die tonight from the AIDS anyway, and he wants us to know how some of the towns died so it may help us piece together this puzzle, I guess.

Thanks for coming forward about that Lamps. At least that will solve how they all died. Unless you're actually mafia and lying about having AIDS, which I don't see why since we'd all find out by the end of today anyway so I'm inclined to believe you lol.

I was gonna FOS on Shawn so awkies that he died.

ugh my head hurts
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Post #7: 24th Nov 2013 6:18 PM 
Also I can confirm that Shawn has (well, had...) a bong and super heavy armor but that's useless now anyway since he died ;-;
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Post #8: 24th Nov 2013 6:23 PM 
ff_zero @ 25/11/2013 0:15
Why is everyone claiming randomly with no reason to?

I will die at the end of this day. Why not throw out all my info? Don't get your concern here.

##Lynch: ff-zero
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Post #9: 24th Nov 2013 6:24 PM 
So Vic was like a busser, like Lamps was suspect of? But it says there's still 2 uses I think so I'm not sure he even used it..?
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Post #10: 24th Nov 2013 6:25 PM 
Unless there's other bussers out there, and it's also possible bussing was never used.
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Post #11: 24th Nov 2013 6:29 PM 
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rip Paco
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Post #12: 24th Nov 2013 6:34 PM 
Gonna read through some things after I eat.

Anyone who has been popping in to point out the obvious or just be useless in general is going to get my finger hooked into their nostrils. Because they make me so miserable miserable miserable MIS-A-RA-BLE.

WOO WOO WOO WOO oh sorry.
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Post #13: 24th Nov 2013 6:36 PM 
oh man, RIP all.

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Post #14: 24th Nov 2013 6:47 PM 
Animal - why in the world would you scan Shawn who was pretty much confirmed BP with Curtis' death? Seems like a bit of a waste of night imo.

I have more to say but I'll wait a minute. (:
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Post #15: 24th Nov 2013 6:47 PM 
And if I'm reading your post right, are you saying you get all items in your scans, not just their main one?
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