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Round 3
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Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #1: 3rd Apr 2016 1:57:08 AM 
I don't really know where to begin with this one. So many things have happened in the past couple days, and I don't think any of us are completely sure where we stand in this game.

The tribe swap screwed the Coasters up big time. We don't have numbers in either tribe, and we have to try to flip people who we haven't interacted with much. I've definitely ended up on the easier side of things, and I'm feeling good about our chances (more on that later). On my new tribe, we have Butch, Kat, Reynold, and Sydney from the Coast. I'm thrilled to be with Butch and Kat again. Butch is a very good strategist, and Kat is really easy to talk to and a great person to have on your side. I'm a little more nervous about Reynold and Sydney, but I think both of them will stay loyal to us and not run up to the Mountain.

From the Mountain tribes, we've joined up with Eliza, Jefra, Brad, James, and Michele. Michele has not responded to chats from anyone on the Coast, which pisses me off a bit. It's her loss, we're awesome people and she's definitely missing out on some game-changing opportunities and great conversation. Jefra seems okay, although we haven't talked much. James is a cool dude. He acts a lot like me, which makes it easy to talk to him. None of us think he's flipping though, so I haven't tried talking to him as much.

Brad, Brad, Brad. This guy is a nut. When I talked to him, there was something about him that was a bit off, but I tried to ignore it. A couple hours later, I heard that he had spontaneously started ranting about everyone on his tribe, throwing them under the bus and then running over them a few times. Then he spills that two of the Mountain people on our tribe (James and either Jefra or Eliza) have bought extra votes from Ukiyo. He either wants to flip REALLY badly or he's playing the most convoluted game in the history of Survivor. To make matters worse, he's on some kind of bizarre schedule that makes it impossible to find him at a time when he's online. Even if he flipped over to our side, I'm not sure that I could ever completely trust the guy.

Because of the colossal trainwreck that is Brad, my hopes are pinned on Eliza. I've talked some strategy with her, and we're getting to be pretty close. We're going to pitch to her the idea that the original Ki members are eventually gonna turn on Sakai because Sakai has a full complement of six people. Additionally, it seemed like she was really surprised by the other tribe's decision to vote out Sugar, so I think we can make her develop a lack of trust in her allies on that tribe.

The current challenge is for individual immunity. I've got a strategy all planned out and I think I've got a really good shot at this one. This challenge is crucial to win, because I've got a feeling that there's some kind of twist that's coming for whoever wins immunity. Ideally, I'd like for at least one Coaster to win this one (or two Coasters in a perfect world) so we can try to turn this thing around. As always, my fingers are crossed.
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