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Welcome to Survivor Twisted 7: Ukiyo!
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Post #1: 24th Mar 2016 7:49:53 AM 

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Welcome to your confessional! This is your private haven, meaning that everything that you post here can only be seen by the Hosts and the Prediction Writers. Your secrets are safe with us. On this board, you will cast your votes, do some challenges and pour your heart out. The more you confess, the happier we are! Though we can't make you confess, the more you do, the more likely you'll be to return in future seasons. Try and keep us updated! Refer to past season's winners and finalists for an understanding of what this is usually like.

Though we read your application, a lot of our viewers (or "Prediction Writers") didn't. Here are a few questions for you to answer! Answer them well, and you might get picked for our fantasy teams!

1. What's your strategy going to be like? If you've played ORGs in the past, what was a strategy that's worked well and gotten you far? What is the most fun you've ever had in an ORG? What do you think might be your downfall?

2. What real Survivor would you align with? Who would you never align with (and don't say Russell)?

3. Which popular Survivors do you not like? Which do you think is the best of all time? What's your favourite season? What is your favorite moment in Survivor history?

4. Why will you be the Sole Survivor of Twisted: Ukiyo? Are you a hero or a villain?

5. What element of Survivor do you value most? Stategic? Physical? Social? Something else?

6. What are your very first impressions of your fellow cast members and their alias choices?

7. Try your best to make us laugh!

Any questions? Let us know.

Good luck!
check your org privilege
James Clement
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Post #2: 25th Mar 2016 9:29:16 AM 
Good morning everyone! Here are my pre-game answers...

1. What's your strategy going to be like? If you've played ORGs in the past, what was a strategy that's worked well and gotten you far? What is the most fun you've ever had in an ORG? What do you think might be your downfall?

- I've played a few of these ORGs, and so over time, I have developed a technique that seems to have proven effective. First, I try to talk to and be as friendly with as many of the other players as I possibly can. You never know when you are going to need someone to make moves...and that base has to be there. I will never take anyone in the game for granted for the same reason. I like to play the hero...everyones best friend...the player that you can count on to lend an ear or a vote. When it works, no one is prepared for when the villain comes out. By then, it's too late.
I do love playing these games...and the most fun that I have in ORGs is when I can strategize with other players and then watch the plan come to fruition. When everything is coming together is when I have the most fun. An example of this was during my time playing Survivor FB, when a few other players and I plotted to blindside another extremely likeable player who happened to have a Hidden Immunity Idol. The fun part was keeping the secrets, sneaking around, and then eventually watching the votes come in. It was a thing of beauty. A pure Survivor moment.
Normally, my downfall in these games comes from my own hand. I either get involved in a game twist and can't recover from it, or I misread instructions and screw myself up. I've accidentally sent messages to players that I didn't mean to send, or not recognize an opportunity to better myself. If I can keep the careless self-errors in check, I usually do pretty well.

2. What real Survivor would you align with? Who would you never align with (and don't say, Russell)?

-I love having a sidekick. So, if I were to pick the perfect person to align with, I'd go with Stephen Fishbach from Survivor Tocantins. I love having someone to bounce ideas off of and have them feel the that they can do the same. Plus, one thing that I've learned is that it pays to be aligned with people who think that they can win the game. If you take someone who doesn't think that they can beat you, then they'll get rid of you pretty quick. Go to the end with people that think that they have a chance against you.
On the other hand, I don't like aligning with people that I can't predict or count on. Someone like NaOnka Mixon or Abi-Maria Gomes would be the worst because you never know what they are going to do. I want partners that will count on me and that I can count on to not get super-paranoid and freak out.

3. Which popular Survivors do you not like? Which do you think is the best of all time? What's your favourite season? What is your favorite moment in Survivor history?

Top 5 "popular" Survivors that I do NOT like...
5. Fairplay
4. Abi-Maria
3. NaOnka
2. Brandon Hantz
1. Russell Hantz

Personal Best "All-Time" Survivors (These are my favorites to watch...not necessarily the best game players.)
5. Sandra Diaz-Twine
4. Big Tom
3. Randy Bailey
2. Courtney Yates
1. Tyson Apostol

My favorite Season is Survivor: Pearl Islands.

Top 3 moments:
3. Jason and Eliza's fake idol in FvF.
2. Matty's smile.
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1. Any time Tyson, Randy, or Courtney speak in Survivor.

4. Why will you be the Sole Survivor of Twisted: Ukiyo? Are you a hero or a villain?

-I will win this game because I will do almost anything to win. I probably won't commit murder to win...but I will say just about anything to anyone to get myself there. I am also going into the game with a strategy that has worked before, and that I am confident in.
I'd say that I am a villain dressed as a hero. I am a wolf in sheep's clothing.

5. What element of Survivor do you value most? Strategic? Physical? Social? Something else?

- I value a mix of strategic and social, because both can be interchangeable...and one without the other is usually unsuccessful. My strategy is usually interwoven with my social game, and vice-versa.

6. What are your very first impressions of your fellow cast members and their alias choices?

-I like the choices that the other players have made. Like myself, I really thought about the face that people look at...and I wanted to make sure that the face that I presented was one that people were positive about. I know that players are not their avatars...but it is easy to fall into the trap of loving or hating a person based on the character they are playing.

7. Try your best to make us laugh!

Okay...click right here -----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_efRUrmjSc]

If you didn't laugh, you have a cold dead empty soul, and you don't deserve to laugh. So just go off and be miserable on an island all by yourself.

Thank you for the questions! I will do my best to have a fun and entertaining game!

Love, Matt.
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Post #3: 26th Mar 2016 12:56:17 PM 
Good luck Matt!
-Jamie from Endure

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James Clement
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Post #4: 26th Mar 2016 4:09:51 PM 
Scout @ 26/3/2016 11:56
Good luck Matt!
-Jamie from Endure

Thanks Jamie!
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PW Anna
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Post #5: 26th Mar 2016 4:31:54 PM 
Good luck Matt

- Random stalker of Endure
James Clement
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Post #6: 26th Mar 2016 11:43:33 PM 
PW Anna @ 26/3/2016 15:31
Good luck Matt

- Random stalker of Endure


and thanks!
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Post #7: 27th Mar 2016 1:22:08 AM 
I think I watched that video about 10 times and I envy her tbh

also, good luck :)
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