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Post #1: 24th Mar 2016 7:48:36 AM 

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This is your voting history. Here, you will cast votes during Tribal Council. You may change your vote as long as you do so before the voting deadline. If you wish to play an idol on yourself or on someone else, you must do so here before the deadline.

To cast a vote, you must write the name of the person that you are voting for on this piece of parchment. Underneath, make a short statement.

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Use any tool such as Photoshop or Paint for this. Afterwards, re-upload the picture using a website like www.imgur.com (it's a very easy process) and post it here. Message us for clarification if you need it!
check your org privilege
Eliza Orlins
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Post #2: 6th Apr 2016 1:23:06 PM 
Tribal Council 5

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It's just the best vote for us. You seem really entertaining, and I would have liked to know you a little more.

Eliza Orlins
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Post #3: 7th Apr 2016 2:52:41 PM 
Tribal Council 6

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You're coming up with all the strategy for Aso. You're making deals with everybody. We can't let that go on.

You were a great guy to talk to - I'll miss you.
Eliza Orlins
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Post #4: 10th Apr 2016 2:01:21 AM 
Tribal Council 7

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You're good at the game - you know how to play people. Unfortunately for you, you're not breaking us apart, no matter how hard you may try.
Eliza Orlins
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Post #5: 17th Apr 2016 9:56:08 PM 
Tribal Council 10

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I didn't want to vote for you. I wanted to work with you a lot more than with Ki... I'm sorry.
Eliza Orlins
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Post #6: 20th Apr 2016 5:33:05 PM 
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You said if I ever voted for you you wanted it to be pretty... I tried.

I don't think it should be you. I have to hope it is though.
Eliza Orlins
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Post #7: 21st Apr 2016 7:22:14 PM 
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I would very much appreciate it if you didn't play an idol. And you still owe me a favour from when I gave you immunity so...
Eliza Orlins
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Post #8: 25th Apr 2016 7:41:17 PM 
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I'm hoping Dana flips... I don't think she will, so I'll probably be writing your names down again.

Assuming I last that long.
Eliza Orlins
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Post #9: 8th May 2016 11:53:22 PM 
This was not an easy choice. All of the finalists answered my questions really well.

In all, I think I'm giving James more credit than most other people are. I believe most of what he's saying. He also had pizza gifs. Unfortunately, that's not enough to win my vote.

It's between Julia and Spencer. The ally who betrayed me, or the kingpin who was against me the entire game.

In all honesty, I don't think either played amazing games like they are trying to showcase. And like some other people believe. Both of them had some major flaws, and a lot of luck. But that's Survivor. Luck is a part of the game, and both of them had it in spades.

Julia went above and beyond with her answer. She talked through the entire game, and showed exactly what she was thinking the entire time. Sure, she had some misconceptions - for example, I didn't feel closer to Jefra until after the first swap, and I certainly did not promise Sydney to take her to the end. However, Julia did exactly what I asked her to.

Spencer essentially just agreed with what I said. He gave me a fairly obvious answer with minimal insight. Of course, there isn't much more he could have said.

In other questions, both of them threw in some flattery, which will always make me happier. I'm actually glad to hear that Julia would have tried to vote me out at final four - she said that I would have won. I'll never get tired of hearing that.
Spencer also said that he instantly knew I would be a threat. That's nice to hear too. In a game full of big personalities, it's nice to know that I had an impact.

So this decision was not easy. It came down to if I could forgive Julia for her "ghosting" me on the last day, or bring myself to vote for Spencer, somebody who I honestly did not face enough adversity or challenge to deserve it.

Spencer did put himself in that position though... Or, rather, I did. I had the idea that decimated the Coast. So in a way, I paved the way to the finals for them. Not really though. In my mind, sure.

I wish I could vote for myself. I'd always vote for myself.

Spencer made choices along the road that placed himself into secure positions. He wasn't the greatest strategic player. In fact, he made some very stupid decisions (see: vote split at Fairplay boot). Marisa was responsible for putting him back into power with her idol play, and Julia was responsible for us playing into that.

-1 point for everyone.

Do I think Spencer deserves this? No.


Julia relied on her social game in FTC. And I know firsthand that it is not even close to as dominant as she claims. A dominant social game is making people want to vote for you after you put them on the jury. It is not ignoring your allies and leaving a bitter taste in their mouth as you flip.

Julia, I'm sorry.

Your social game is not as impeccable as you think it is. You admitted some of those flaws, but only after a lot of coaxing.

Spencer, I know I said you don't deserve this.....

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Post #10: 17th May 2016 11:32:44 PM 
I love you so much
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