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Host Woo
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Post #1: 28th Mar 2016 8:36:42 PM 
Unfortunately, your journey was cut short this time around. With no outcast twist, we nonetheless hope you guys stick around to discuss the game. This cast was great and don't beat yourselves up over the loss.

Personalized questions will be posed to each of you.
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Host Woo
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Post #2: 28th Mar 2016 10:25:46 PM 


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Chicken! This game started at a bad time for you and I do feel terrible. You know I'm always a fan of yours, kiddo, so this is sad for me. You were good for your short time here. Hope you enjoyed yourself.

Do you think this all has to do with your missing the challenge? Would you have been fine otherwise?

Any idea of the Aso dynamic? Who do you think could go far?

Thanks for playing Chicken!

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Tom! This was a real heartbreaker, knowing how invested you were. I could give a few tips to you, a first time ORGer, but I will say that you did get unlucky, being put on the most active tribe out here. You were enjoyable and fun, and I strongly encourage you to keep playing. Brett, our first boot (another first timer) in India went on to win his second game. You have a lot of potential, and I'd love to see you stick around.

Why you? What are you thinking?

What do you regret? Anything you wish you could change?

Is there anybody you're rooting for? Rooting against?

Thanks so much for playing Tom, you were an early favorite and somebody we'd love to see back. Don't get beat up! This happens a lot.
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Tom Westman
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Post #3: 28th Mar 2016 10:41:05 PM 
Dana is still my floating island pick, a mix of her being funniest and pettiness towards Sugar.
Why you? What are you thinking?
I just didn't talk to Kat/Dana enough. I legitimately loved my tribe, but in a way I thought people were more willing to lock things in then they were. You can watch my descent into madness in my confessionals, but basically I was confident until an hour ago. I also thought my majority was firmer then it was, they were willing to let me die for a unanimous vote, and honestly I'm not sure I would have done the same.
What do you regret? Anything you wish you could change?
I would just talk to people more. I looked at the other tribe and saw Butch in the coast thread, and thought I didn't want to be a Butch.(Still love him tho)
Is there anybody you're rooting for? Rooting against?
I'm kinda rooting against Syd/Sugar for convincing themselves that they did everything they could. Radio silence isn't a hint when you give excuses for not responding, I just thought they were busy people.

Woo, you've got my email if something opens up

Post Edited by Tom Westman @ 28th Mar 2016 10:42:03 PM
PW Ratalie White
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Post #4: 28th Mar 2016 10:47:31 PM 

I'm just a random PW (viewer that can see everything), but I can attest that there is a lot of heartbreak in our board. We love to see newbies get invested and excited about joining the ORG world, and you were no exception. :) There was nothing you really did wrong, you just got put on an extremely active tribe. You did a good job in the challenge too!

If you look in the Advertisements board, there are links to applications for other ORGs that are casting and starting soon. A word of warning though, not all ORGs are created equally. Few can touch the quality that is Twisted! Regardless, I hope you aren't disheartened by being the first boot and continue to play more. I did bad in my first game, but came back for more and love these things. lol
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Post #5: 29th Mar 2016 12:25:47 PM 
Do you think this all has to do with your missing the challenge? Would you have been fine otherwise?

Nah there's no way that could have anything to do with it. Having 4 people able to bond over a difficult and frustrating probably had no bearing on who went home. I just got unlucky when they all randomly pulled my name out of a hat independently. Such is life.

Any idea of the Aso dynamic? Who do you think could go far?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if every one of them were premerge/early jury. I literally had to force myself to talk to anyone on my tribe, and I've never had that problem in an ORG. I don't know if it was a personality clash, or if they actually have the collective personality of a work boot, but it just didn't work. The only person who seems to have a personality is Dana, so I hope she wins.

And Jesus Christ, Sugar. Please, try harder to be quirky. It's a REALLY good look.

Anyway, this is probably coming off as super bitter, but it's really not. The timing just didn't work out this time. I'm bummed, because the season looks sweet and the challenge was really cool so I know I'm going to be missing out.

Speaking of that challenge. Holy FUCK. The whole tribe told me "man what a hard challenge. That was so crazy. It was so confusing. Blah blah blah". If that's what they consider a hard challenge, I'm surprised they were able to navigate to this page every day or figure out the time zone conversion.

In closing, I'm nominating Debbie for the whatever thing because "lol fuck your majority alliance of boringness".
Host Woo
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Post #6: 30th Mar 2016 9:55:46 PM 

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Alexis, your devotion to this game was incredible and you were such a pleasure to host. I'm sorry you were so invested and your time was cut so short out here, but I know from experience how much of a force you can be and it sucks we won't be able to see that happen.

Why you? Is there anyone you blame in particular?

What do you regret? Is there anything you wish you could change?

Is there anybody you're rooting for? Rooting against?

Why did you choose Dana?

Who's joining you soon?

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Baylor! I enjoyed the ~private confessionals I got all game and I think you had a handle on this game that a lot of people didn't realize you had. Sorry it didn't pan out, but I'm happy for both of our sakes that you stuck around the whole way through.

Who do you blame for your demise? Regret anything?

Is there anybody you're rooting for? Rooting against?

Who's joining you soon? Who's going deep?

Thanks so much to the two of you for playing! Hopefully you stick around for the fun.

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Alexis Jones
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Post #7: 30th Mar 2016 10:22:31 PM 
Why you? Is there anyone you blame in particular?

I guess Dana was closer to the other girls? I really don't know. I thought I had it locked in, the social part of the game.. I thought that was seriously the only thing that could've made me survive and I spent so much time building relationships... I dont know, really? Perhaps they saw me as an easy target because my name was discussed for round 1?

Can i blame anyone? I'm not sure. Though I feel that Sydney's and Kat's unnecessary fakeness made me feel sorta safe so I'd say their false assurances did me in.

What do you regret? Is there anything you wish you could change?

I don't regret anything, really. I didn't see any other way I'd have approached it... But if you insists, perhaps sort of ostracizing Dana after figuring out there was nothing I'd do to shift the target to Kat was probably not a very good move.. Maybe I'd have figure something out with Dana and maybe work something with Sugar and us 3 would have voted Kat.. Who knows.. :/

Is there anybody you're rooting for? Rooting against?

I'm definitely rooting against Kat and Sydney. Don't call me bitter, they were just too fake without needing to. I hope Sugar and Dana do good.

Why did you choose Dana?

According to the other girls, she was the person they'd talked to the least and we were kind of basing our decision on who had the least "connections".

Who's joining you soon?

I hope Kat or Sydney.. I really dont know :x

Thanks for having me! It was a PLEASURE!

Post Edited by Alexis Jones @ 30th Mar 2016 10:22:47 PM
Baygod Godlor
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Post #8: 31st Mar 2016 12:03:42 AM 
Who do you blame for your demise? Regret anything?

I blame me, first of all. My timing was pretty terrible across the board, and it lead to an "inactive" label I couldn't do much to shake. On the other hand, though, if the entire tribe, or most of them, had been around before the votes came in, I think I stood a chance of turning it around. I'm an awesome scrambler. But, well, no one was around! So that answers regrets. I regret letting myself get labeled the less active one of the group.

But I also feel like some combination of a core of Fairplay, Marisa and Spencer were the ones who made the call, and the others rode along. I'd say Fairplay was probably the man responsible. He didn't really try to suck up to me and apologize. I kind of like that, actually, but I wish he'd just acknowledged I was going. Plus...

[Ki Tribe AKA Cult of Baygod] 9:30 pm
itsallfairplay has removed you from the "Ki Tribe AKA Cult of Baygod" AIM group chat. Visit aim.com to see our newest products or create your own group chat

He removed me from my own cult! Who does that!

I also regret not bonding more with the other tribe in the faction. They seemed fun, but I didn't want to get too attached.

Is there anybody you're rooting for? Rooting against?

I'm rooting for Spencer for being a sweetheart, Caleb for being a trainwreck, followed by varying degrees of Marisa, James, Michele, Eliza, Julia, and maybe even Fairplay a little bit for being such a rules lawyer. Rooting against Fairplay for writing off doing any kind of strategy on the challenge, and for kicking me out of my own cult. And I'm kind of rooting against my tribe(or its remnants) as a whole, while rooting for all of them on some level individually. Does that make sense?

Who's joining you soon? Who's going deep?

Joining soon, probably Michele or James. Both less active, don't seem terribly established.

I think Spencer goes deep. Everyone else, yet to be determined!

Thanks for the fun game! I really enjoyed my short stay! :D

Post Edited by Baygod Godlor @ 31st Mar 2016 12:04:17 AM
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Host Ciera, Destroyer of Worlds
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Post #9: 31st Mar 2016 12:32:29 AM 

I am so wrecked...
"You're all so nice. You're not good, you're not bad, you're just nice.

I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right."

~ The Witch, "Into the Woods"
Host Sierra
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Post #10: 31st Mar 2016 1:04:46 AM 
@all of u I hope to see u in future twisted seasons, ty
check your org privilege
Baygod Godlor
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Post #11: 31st Mar 2016 11:43:40 AM 
I just realized I'm the only Mountaineer to leave so far. Maybe we can talk shit about our factions and learn about each others' and stuff? I'll answer any questions you guys have, if you have any.

I'm curious, were you guys all working together Challenge 1? We were. (not that that wasn't super obvious)

Post Edited by Baygod Godlor @ 31st Mar 2016 11:44:04 AM
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Baygod Godlor
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Post #12: 31st Mar 2016 11:45:26 AM 
And did your tribes have a battle plan for Challenge 2? I wated us to have one but Fairplay was like "lol nah its all luck." Weird how little luck favored us! #notbitter
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Post #13: 31st Mar 2016 8:51:45 PM 
yes and yes
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Post #14: 31st Mar 2016 8:52:15 PM 
but nah foreal, sorry to see you guys go. active casts lead to sad early boots.
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Post #15: 1st Apr 2016 11:43:40 PM 
Yay Ki! I'm rooting for that tribe!
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