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The Blandest Juror
Spencer Duhm
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Post #1: 6th May 2016 10:09:30 AM 
Thanks Jefra that means a lot. You were the first person I spoke to in this game and I enjoyed all the time we spent playing together from that moment onward. It was also very nice having someone to talk to for the first 4 or 5 hours of the day when everyone else was asleep.

When I felt like I didn't need to lie, I generally didn't and I'm proud that's one thing that isn't tarnishing my game. You deserved to know you were going and I'm glad I manned up and told you.

Your 100% right Marisa Idol did give me breathing room in the game that I desperately needed and I'm very grateful they chose to stick with me during that vote. They could have easily left me by myself. But the main reason we even had the idol to play was because i gave everyone in OG Ki enough BH so they could afford to buy a half piece of the idol. The half idol Marisa bought and combined with Dana's was partly paid for using my BH points.

1) I read my ties with Sydney, Eliza and Kat were the reason I was chosen. Is that correct? Anything else that put Julia over me?

This is correct, my connections with Caleb were diminishing rapidly and I knew if you survived you were perfectly placed to make a very solid 4some with the 3 remaining girls and Caleb as your 5th. I didn't think Julia had your connections to Sydney, Kat or even Eliza. You were also a challenge beast unlike Julia, you proved yourself that in Temple Run and had done excellent in all the puzzle challenges. Both of which stood you as a big threat for individual immunity. Last of all you were also my target so it really was a no-brainer for me.

2) So, take your Ki alliance with Jonny, Marisa, James and yourself, and give each of them a percentage that represents the input they had in the decision making. Here's the twist: you can't just say 25%/25%/25%/25%. Each of them must have a different rate of input. In essence, rank the members of your alliance in importance.

Can i just clarify, do you want me to do just an overall summary? Or do you want me to break it up over the different votes because for the majority of the pre-merge James wasn't on our tribe and JFP went fairly early on in the merge. I'll give it a go but if you wanted something different Just let me know.

Me, Marisa, Jonny, James

Ultimately i do think I had the most say in which way our alliance voted in most points of the game, demonstrated most visibly in the Sugar, Sydney + Eliza and Caleb boots. People may be surprised to see I placed Marisa above Jonny but for me, she was the most important member of my alliance. She was involved in both my sub-Ki alliances with James and JFP. I connected with her the most and I trusted her to keep me ground as she was is very level-headed. JFP is next because he's a good strategical player and aside from Sydney/Kat read the game exceptionally well. I knew I could rely on him to build relationships, with Dana, with Gerv (when that was an option) to help cement our alliances. As a number, James was incredibly important to my game and as I said in my FTC speech we talked at length. However, I don't think he presented an idea that I wasn't sure about but then later convinced me around to his way of thinking. He even believed Kat when she said to play the Idol on me instead of Marisa and he believed Dana voted had voted with us at f6.

Overall the Ki alliance was incredibly strong and did respect each of their opinions. I'm thankful to them for getting me this far.

3) Being a bloody British you have an awful timezone just like I have. I guess we would agree on the disadvantages of that, but did you find any advantages to it?

Aye, I'm glad there is someone that can sympathize with me on the Jury. I think accidentally typing in the wrong chat has a lot to do with how tired I was at that point and competing in the challenges difficult, to say the least.

I definitely think there was some advantage too. I gained insight into how people were thinking without my influence in the group chats. I was able to sleep, digest the events of the previous night and then formulate a plan that was ready to put into action as soon people woke up. I was able to talk to pretty much everyone individually as they signed on before presenting my plans to the alliance as whole. This helped me dictate how our strategy went. It also meant I had a good excuse to sit out some of the challenges in the early game :p.

The final advantage is how it demonstrates how dedicated I was to this game and how determined I was to win. I, alongside you, sacrificed a lot of sleep to comepete in this org.

Post Edited by Spencer Duhm @ 6th May 2016 10:23:11 AM
Spencer Duhm
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Post #2: 6th May 2016 6:26:13 PM 
Jefra Bland @ 6/5/2016 22:03
Those are perfectly good answers, thanks :)

Lastly, a pro tip for James and Spencer: you keep trying to claim the same moves and fighting, so that means one of you is lying. I'm no clairvoyant so I can't really tell who is saying the truth, which is why I'd appreciate honesty if you don't want me to just vote for Julia by default.

I don't want to devovle FTC into an argument but seen as you've presented the opportunity to do so I'll take it. In a lot of these questions, I went first and answered the questions honestly. We were in the same alliance for most of the game so there are no other moves for James to claim but mine. I don't mind him trying to do so but to argue he simultaneously played an under the radar game and manipulated every big move is disingenuous. They are in direct conflict with each other and even insiders in the Alliance such as Jonny and Dana have not credited him with these moves. I understand what he's trying to do because playing an UTR game but failing to vote off the guy whose coattails you rid before the end doesn't leave him with very much room to manavouer in these questions. He has to answer them somehow.

Post Edited by Spencer Duhm @ 6th May 2016 6:28:15 PM
Spencer Duhm
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Post #3: 6th May 2016 8:07:11 PM 
He loved being the visible power player, and so I let him be that.

I wouldn't say I loved being a visible power. I did like having control over my fate in the game. However, you don't really have much choice when your two closest allies refuse to act. It's fine taking a back seat if you have someone to do the work for you. If you and Marisa were capable of doing it then you were certainly not willing to do so.

What did you do to stop Dana from flipping at f6 if I was the meatshield goat you were hiding behind?

There are plenty of players who have shown that you can be smart, control bigger players, and make moves while avoiding attention, who have done quite well. It's that style of gameplay that I chose to emulate.

This is true, but they have to actually do something out of the public spotlight to manipulate the game. I honestly don't believe you did that once. If you can point out somewhere you manipulated me I'd happily give you credit for it but if the only move was convincing me that you weren't a threat then I don't think that's much of a move. The choice at f4 was between you Kat and Julia, you were the last person I'd vote out.

I'd also like to reiterate I never said I made those moves without your help. You were a vote Afterall and as I said in my FTC i wouldn't have made it here without that vote.

Post Edited by Spencer Duhm @ 6th May 2016 8:12:29 PM
Spencer Duhm
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Post #4: 6th May 2016 9:25:30 PM 
To be honest, I'm not very familiar with the things that Julia did in this game (because I was barely around her, and we didn't get to speak very much (my fault completely)), so she very well could have played better than both of us.But I'd like to make it clear that I do not feel that Spencer deserves your vote, or any other votes over me

Man, your playing to beat Julia as well not just me and I think this indicative of your whole game.

Last point i promise, I know this is just making us both look petty. Maybe you are right and I have been completely delusional. I honestly thought we were friends but to know that I was coming across as a cocky arrogant asshole to you has shocked me. I genuinely believed, outside of Sydney, most people at least didn't mind my company this game. I don't know how you survived socially bonding and talking every single day with someone you compare to Phillip Sheppard. For over 39 days! If that's the case you deserve to win, that's dedication and I'll seriously consider making some changes.

Post Edited by Spencer Duhm @ 6th May 2016 9:30:32 PM
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