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The Great Blindside
Spencer Duhm
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Reputation: 3
Joined:Mar 25, 2016
Post #1: 18th Apr 2016 12:47:43 PM 
So i think most of you will be disappointed that Gervaise went out but I'll try to explain why. First all taking out Geraise would of isolated me from ever working with the 3 assholes and Caleb + Julia. I don't think anyone else on Ki would of burned their bridges so thoroughly. Secondly people on the original Ki, paticuarly Jonny Fairplay on James started to get cold feet on turning the game upside down early.

The first reason was kinda a bummer for me, i know i would of been the first Ki target for the other guys. The second reason i don't really care about. But the third reason is probably the most important. I don't see how we blindside Caleb if knows I'm against him. There's is definitely an option this round if we can hold onto Dana of me playing my double vote to blindside Caleb if he doesn't win immunity.

I think I'm pretty good spot at the moment. It's only the 3 assholes that i can't really speak too and even saying that Sydney and I discussed the vote. So whilst blindsiding Caleb would bring me great joy, I'm going to do what's best for me to win.

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