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Post-Challenge 1
Jefra Bland
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Reputation: 15
Joined:Mar 25, 2016
Post #1: 28th Mar 2016 6:15:00 PM 
I guess I can do a short recap of what happened in the last 24 hours before going to sleep, so that's what I'm going to do. Hopefully every phase from now on!

We totally slayed in that challenge, and we even managed to save our Ki friends from tribal! I was afraid I was going to fail miserably at the challenge, but even though my performance wasn't exactly the best, I did revive our Bride Assassin Julia. So I did play a part in our victory after all! If Julia was the tank and Eliza was the warrior, I was the healer. Pretty much a perfect alliance!

No need to worry about tribal for a bit.

My biggest concern right now is, surprisingly, Caleb. It's been pretty much sealed that Matty is the one leaving worst comes to worst, but apparently Caleb has been spreading some weird information about him, Eliza, Julia and Brad being in an alliance. Eliza told me about it so I can trust she's not going anywhere with Caleb, but I'll have to be wary of him. We want to drag him along cause he seems easy to manipulate but when we ultimately make the move that reveals his alliance was a sham, he might be mad. Just speculating, of course.

In other, unrelated news, if anyone asks, I'm a Dutch. I don't remember if anyone I played with last time knew I am Spanish but you can't be too careful. But I told Eliza I have a Mexican family cause if helping her with her Spanish assignments is going to take me further in this game, I will do it. Also Calculus.

Jefra Bland
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 15
Joined:Mar 25, 2016
Post #2: 29th Mar 2016 2:29:03 AM 
Hahahaha, I'm Spanish! I just don't remember if I said that somewhere when I played last time, so in a quite sad attempt to hide my identity I'm just going to pretend to be Dutch, cause it's the same timezone. I guess now that I'm saying it here I can't reuse the strategy in the future, so if I ever play again I'll have to think of something else hahaha.
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