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Marisa's Musings; <3
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Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #1: 6th May 2016 11:23:58 PM 
Congrats you three, you all played hard to get here and there's no one here who doesn't deserve to be.

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James: I had a lot of fun playing with you. I love the fact that you, me, and Spencer were a thing since the beginning, and that the Jaspencerisa (sounds like a spice remember? ;)) chat we made like the second day of the game lived all the way till the end. You were solid and dependable and loyal and pretty much everything you could ask for from an ally. Also older than me, which was cool. ;)

My first question for you is more of a statement that I'm looking for your comments on, and that would be that there were times I marveled at how uninvested you sometimes seemed. For example, before the Jonny vote and before my idol play, two HUGE important votes, both times you left two minutes before the vote read, once to watch television and once to go hiking. There were a few other examples like that but those are the two that come to mind. It's really hard for me to understand how you could not want to be there with us, stomach in knots and SUPER nervous that everything was going to blow up in our faces and also excited for it to maybe go right. I was surprised that you weren't DYING to see how these things played out, like the rest of us were, and lacked the passion of your opponents. I felt like you were here and you liked it fine but were not really in the trenches with us and it was seemingly by choice. In the end it cost me my game, when you decided to sign off an hour before deadline and promised to be back ten minutes before it so we could move the votes onto Julia if need be. Well, we DID need to, but you signed on at deadline on the dot so we were unable to do anything. It's frustrating for me to be here knowing that if you'd just come back, or not left at all, that we could have at LEAST forced a tie. It's difficult to be angry with you because you are super sweet and pleasant like everyone knows and has always known, and it's also difficult to feel like my leaving could have been avoided and was partially due to one of my closest allies.

My second question for you is, there were several points where we swore we'd go to rocks for each other. Would you have actually followed through on this?

All that being said, it was a pleasure to play this game with you and I really did enjoy our time together. Thanks, James. :)

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Spencer: You were everything to me here and you know that. I feel like I got to see your game PRETTY well all the way through, I'm sure you had some side stuff going on but I feel like for the most part we always knew the important things each other were doing, and always had each other's backs. So my question is more about your opponents' games. You answered almost every jury question before the other two, after having seen some of their responses are there any points that were made you'd like to address/dispute/add?

Also, do you think winning Biggest Snake impacted your game? Do you feel like things changed either good or bad for you because of it, or was it pretty inconsequential in the long run? Do you truly believe you were a snake or did you just embrace it because others did?

Thanks for everything, I love you. <3

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Julia: You are a sweetheart and I very much enjoyed talking to you in this game. I think things between us got dicey around the JFP vote but before that I would have considered you right behind Spencer and Jonny for me. I've been a little sad to hear since being out that you had a few less than kind things to say about me but hopefully outside of the context of the game we'll get along better.

My question for you is a chance to redeem yourself for that final immunity challenge. :) You have been touting your social game as your reason for making it here but was only able to identify one quote. I'd like you to go back through the prejurors and say one personal thing you learned about each of them. For the Coasts you never met, you can say something you heard from someone else or a way that you know they impacted the game.

Thanks Julia, it's been fun. :)
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