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Round Two
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Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #1: 27th Mar 2016 11:57:48 PM 
Um so that challenge was insane and I would be pitching a fit if I was Aso but OH WELL :D

Nothing much happened today. I know that Michele asked Spencer for an alliance, and that he is a sweetheart and told me about it. And I know that she has him for a target. So these are the ones I'm aware of:

JONNY: James
MICHELE: Spencer
JAMES: ???

I'm not really super psyched that the two least active people have me as their target, I kind of wonder if they might use that as an excuse to come after me when they're looking for someone else to try and pin the vote on. I'm not quite convinced that Baylor isn't active, but I barely talked to her yesterday and today so maybe. I'm willing to chalk it up to the holiday weekend if she shows that she's around more tomorrow. If we'd gone to tribal I think it would have maybe been James leaving. Although Spencer says Michele was pushing for Baylor to go, which at this point I wouldn't have fought, although I expected to like her more in the beginning.

I think Michele asking Spencer for an alliance is a little weird to be honest. I'm not sure why. I didn't get the impression from Spencer that they had talked all THAT much and I feel like he would have told me? I wonder if she's going to approach others too.

Ideally I'd still love it to be me/Spencer/Jonny. I really want Jonny to bring it up though. Also I just want to say that Jonny has a REALLY abrupt way of signing off AIM and it kind of makes me crazy. :P Hopefully he reads that when the game is over. ;)

I've barely slept the past couple days so my head is kind of swimming. That probably contributed to my mistake in the challenge. I know it ended up helping us out but hopefully my tribemates don't think I'm a dumbass and come after me for it. I really hate live challenges. :P

Goodnight for now everybody, thanks for being so active and amazing in here, it's awesome and makes me want to update all the more. :)
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Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #2: 28th Mar 2016 11:35:14 PM 
I love Jonny. :D

(7:46:55 PM) Marisa: I need some advice
(7:48:08 PM) Jonny Fairplay: Shoot
(7:48:17 PM) Marisa: Okay it's about a guy
(7:48:49 PM) Jonny Fairplay: I'll PROBABLY be bad about this but ok, go on
(7:50:02 PM) Marisa: Okay so there's this guy that I feel like I totally hit it off with and he's super easy to talk to and I think we have a good time and I feel like he MAYBE might like me too but I'm not positive
(7:50:25 PM) Marisa: And I want to ask him to like be with me but I'm not sure if he's with anyone else or if it's too soon to ask him
(7:51:08 PM) Marisa: And there's a decent chance someone else may have gotten to him first but I don't know if he'd tell me because it might hurt my feelings or something
(7:51:18 PM) Jonny Fairplay: Did you check his facebook? Like usually people will update that kinda STUFF
(7:51:34 PM) Marisa: I don't have access to his Facebook
(7:51:42 PM) Marisa: And also this is about this org :D
(7:51:55 PM) Jonny Fairplay: Lmao I was wondering :P
(7:52:16 PM) Marisa: :D
(7:52:19 PM) Marisa: that was fun
(7:52:35 PM) Jonny Fairplay: lmao ur adorable

Post Edited by Marisa @ 28th Mar 2016 11:36:02 PM
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Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #3: 30th Mar 2016 4:32:03 PM 
Okay so a lot has been going on lately, I just haven't had time to update. But now I'm sitting in a super boring class so it feels like the perfect opportunity to catch you guys up. :D

SO I had a big change of heart about James. And for whenever James sees this after the game, I'M SO SORRY I EVER SAID YOU SUCKED! Unless you vote me out later. :P But otherwise I'M SORRY! James has really grown on me the past couple days, we've had some good chats and he's really super sweet and seems very open and honest and it's refreshing. He asked me if we wanted to vote together, which then moved into working together, and then he suggested bringing in Spencer as a third. But Spencer and I had already decided we wanted to bring in James as our third, so James pitching the idea was perfect. Our original idea was to bring in Jonny first then add James after, but due to our schedules the James thing happened first. But at some point last night Spencer worked something out with Jonny, and so now we have a group of three with him, too. We need to merge these two groups to have a four person alliance ASAP before I get our group chats confused. :P

So I have a one on one with Spencer, a one on one with Jonny, sort of a one on one with James?, then me/Spencer/Jonny, and me/Spencer/James. Spencer and Jonny are pretty neck and neck with me, I'd say I feel almost equally close to both.

So the Baylor vote is kind of a surprise, I didn't see it going this way at first, but she's just been super inactive. Michele has too, but Baylor leaving works out really well for Spencer and me--Baylor is his target, so he'd get the bounty, and I'm Baylor's target so Spencer would absorb me as his, and that's much safer than someone else having me. If we lose again though I assume it'd be Michele who leaves. Michele asked Spencer for an alliance a few days ago but it doesn't appear that he took it seriously because he seems to be fine voting her. Michele demonstrated one of my biggest pet peeves yesterday; she signed on and asked about the vote, then said "I don't care who it is as long as it's not you or me." Like... come on. :P We're not that close. At least include me in a list of several people you don't want to vote for, that's much more believable, especially when I know you already have an alliance with someone else. It just comes off as very disingenuous, it automatically makes me trust you less because I'm not an idiot and I know you're full of shit. :P But I digress.

Actually... I guess that's pretty much it. :P I thought I had more to say but I can't think of anything else right now. If I don't survive this vote I am literally quitting ORGs. :P
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