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Finalist - Julia
James Clement
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Reputation: 4
Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #1: 29th Apr 2016 10:54:15 AM 
In the first few days of this game, Julia and I messaged back and forth a few times. Mostly we talked about how we had a shared love for Panda Express. Then the game got rolling, and I started getting moved around.
A few weeks later I was looking at the list of players and I saw that Julia's name was still on it. Up to that point, we had not been on the same tribe. It was at that moment that I realized that she and I had not talked since that first week. I found it hilarious that we were already really far into the game and had barely spoken, and wondered if there was a chance that we could get to the end of the game almost without talking to each other.
I didn't let it get that far. I messaged her, she messaged me...and we laughed about the possibility of reaching the end of the game together without ever strategically coordinating. Since then, Julia and I have talked quite a bit. She is very friendly, ready to bullshit about nothing, and really cares about having a good time playing the game. One of my regrets is not messaging her sooner. She is an awesome person and player, and I'm happy that we were able to meet and work together, even for a short time, in the game!
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