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Welcome to Survivor Twisted 7: Ukiyo!
Sash Lenahan
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Reputation: 3
Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #1: 25th Mar 2016 7:46:40 AM 
1. What's your strategy going to be like? If you've played ORGs in the past, what was a strategy that's worked well and gotten you far? What is the most fun you've ever had in an ORG? What do you think might be your downfall?
I would say my strategy going in is to just try to get people to like me. I am not an over the top sort of personality, I'd rather be sneaky about making everyone like me. It has worked for me in the past when I have played ORGs, it usually ends up putting me in a pretty good alliance because when people start throwing out other people to make an alliance with, I'm usually a top choice. The most fun I have had in an ORG was in Endure when my alliance sort of annihilated the other majority alliance at merge. It is just a lot of fun to watch power structures crumble. I think my downfall will probably be that eventually everyone will know that I am a liked player, that I am pretty good strategically, and that I can perform in challenges which all together could make me a threat.

2. What real Survivor would you align with? Who would you never align with (and don't say Russell)?
The real Survivor person that I would like to align with is Sophie Clarke from South Pacific. Some people didn't like her personality or the way she talked to Albert and Coach but I thought she was brilliant. She is super smart and loyal if you show her that you deserve it. I am all about that kind of loyalty. The person I wouldn't want to align with is Ciera Eastin. She is by far one of my favorite players and I love her to death but things usually set her off and make her flip on people. I would rather work with someone who willing to take risks without freaking out.

3. Which popular Survivors do you not like? Which do you think is the best of all time? What's your favourite season? What is your favorite moment in Survivor history?
The popular Survivor players I don't like are Fairplay, Shane Powers and Tyson Apostol. In Tyson's game it was more that he was annoying than his gameplay which was obviously good in Blood vs. Water, Tocantins Tyson was funny but after that...eh. I think the best player of all time is Cirie Fields, which probably isn't an exciting answer but it is true. She was a goddess in that game and got royally screwed by Micronesia having a random Final 2 instead of a Final 3. My favorite seasons are Vanuatu, Guatemala, and Micronesia. They were just great seasons, I have been watching since I was 8 years old so while I love the cutthroat and intense game Survivor has turned into, those three have a special place in my heart. My favorite moment in Survivor history was when Troyzan declared that "THIS IS MY ISLAND!" It was just such a simple moment but I found it hysterical. Survivor has great strategy, shocking moments, crazy characters, but the moments that make me laugh are the best. Honorable mentions: the tribal in Cambodia where Kimmi left, Ciera forcing rocks in BvW, and John Carrol's existence in Marquesas.

4. Why will you be the Sole Survivor of Twisted: Ukiyo? Are you a hero or a villain?
I will absolutely win, if someone says no to this they are absolutely going to lose. I think that I have a good social game, I don't stick my foot in my mouth, I am smart, and I am good at challenges. Those things make me a threat, but I am confident I can work around that. I mean it depends on the people I am with, I could easily be a hero but if some shady stuff starts happening in this game I am not afraid to go to villain status. I am Sash after all.

5. What element of Survivor do you value most? Stategic? Physical? Social? Something else?
I have to say strategic. Social and physical games are obvious, everyone can see those, but strategic is more hidden. I see strategic gameplay as those secret deals and conversations. Those aren't the things that people notice first.

6. What are your very first impressions of your fellow cast members and their alias choices?
I think this is going to be a very active cast, there already seem to be some OTT people so we will see how this goes. If they aren't too annoying once we are on tribes I'll see whether or not they are my targets or my allies.

7. Try your best to make us laugh!
I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said: "Are you two an item?"

Also my AIM username is sash.lenahan
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Sash Lenahan
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 3
Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #2: 25th Mar 2016 3:37:11 PM 
Thanks Jamie!
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