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Post #1: 7th Apr 2016 12:03:52 AM 
I'll answer these tomorrow but I will send Dana.
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Post #2: 7th Apr 2016 9:58:48 PM 
Hello Beautiful people. I apologize for the delay I just got home from a long day of work but I knew the first thing I had to do was answer my elimination questions.

I will start by explaining to you guys what happened the last two rounds. After Sugar left I attempted to make an alliance with Julia and Caleb. Caleb ended up making a group chart for us two, Julia and Sash. Marisa got added later and I thought maybe the sun was rising on my game. However that was not the case. When we were at tribal council we were simply told that the vote was Dana. When I asked about what happens if Dana does not get the majority of the votes they acted as if they were confused with the question or just said that everyone was voting Dana. Eventually I got tired and gave up hoping that Dana wouldn't pull out an idol. I was told that they scanned Dana and that she only had one half idol but that was clearly a lie. I actually should have left last round but they got so paranoid that I also had an idol they threw 3 votes on Sash plus Dana's vote was enough to send him home. I was happy to stay, but could not get over the fact how they treated me like I was stupid, and were paranoid enough to think that two idols would be played when they were clearly the ones with all the power.

But there was a silver lining. I was going to get to go to the floating island and I could buy a mutiny and leave this God forsaken tribe. The issue was I only had 15 points. I did not do a lot of cross tribal communication in this game but I would catch up with the boys from Aso once in a while and I figured they would be excited for me to join them. So I IM'd them all and asked them for 10 points. Well they decided that me joining them was too risky and would make them look like a target so they all agreed that I should stay on my tribe. Butch told me that Spencer and Fairplay had talked to him about Ki wanting to turn on Sakai (why the hell did they not talk to me) and me going over there could mess everything up. Needless to say I was heartbroken. Even Reynold, the person I considered my closest ally in the game said that I should stay on the tribe that treated me like absolute garbage for 2 rounds. I was so upset. I almost decided to just give up. I literally felt like I had no one.

So we lose the challenge and I get a second wind. I go to Spencer and tell him that I am sick of just sitting on my hands and that we should vote Caleb out. He was semi receptive but it ended up getting shot down. Apparently he claimed I was more threatening than I was. The girl who does not do any cross tribal communication, nor has any idols. So I switched things up and sold Butch/Spencer out to Julia and Caleb. Julia did not believe me and immediately told Spencer. For the third straight episode I chewed Julia out for being stupid. While I do not know Spencer's true motives I felt I at least deserved her to keep it quiet and maybe try to keep me over Dana. Like the tiger on my bathing suit I pleaded with Caleb to keep me in the game until the last minute and I believe he was actually considering it. I offered him the challenge advantage I had bought. Unfortunately he did not make a move and I left having never gotten to come out of my cocoon. Thus ended my most frustrating ORG experience ever. Special thanks to Chelsea for putting up with hours upon hours of me bitching out pretty much everyone in the game.

This came out longer than I expected so I'll answer questions in next post.
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Post #3: 7th Apr 2016 10:20:39 PM 
Is there anything you could have done, looking back rounds and rounds, to prevent this? Did you go wrong anywhere?

The big one would be undoubtedly be not be the selfless caring women I have always been and try to get on the new Ki tribe. I did not anticipate how up their own asses the mountain people would be and figured it would be a piece of cake, like the ones I made when I worked for Cake Boss. Delicious! I also perhaps regret targeting Caleb this last round. He claims that was the reason he did not switch his vote from Dana to me but frankly I do not believe he would have switched. I also would have never forgiven myself if I had done the passive old lady act for the third straight tribal. I am still working on that Fool me Thrice saying by the way.

I am sure I did make a few mistakes here or there but overall I happy with the way I played the game. I got to play the game for 10 days, which is longer than I keep most jobs so that is a plus. I had a blast and I think I can use this game as a platform to perhaps run for political office one day soon.

Who actually fucked up by sending you home? Who do you think you'll see here soon? Who could actually go far and win this game?

The hardest part for me was due to the tight lipped nature of the mountain it was hard for me to use my under cover detective skills to really pick up on the core groups. I honestly think Sakai is in some trouble. I think Spencer, Fairplay and Marisa are sharp players and I think they know what they are doing over Julia and Caleb who both played very paranoid and transparent when I was on a tribe with them. I could see the girls of Osaka do well because eventually this game will turn into Sakai against Ki and everyone else will skate through for multiple rounds, however the difficulty for me was making it to that point.

But the beauty of Survivor is, I am probably wrong. Like my time as a weather lady, or sports broadcaster, most of the time I was wrong. But the station did not care as long as I got ratings. And believe me I got ratings.

Who are you rooting for? Rooting against anyone in particular?

It is better asked who am I rooting against, and you can figure out who I am rooting for by seeing who is left. I have no ill will in a personal sense to anyone played the game and enjoyed my conversations with most of the players in the game, however in a game sense I am very bitter and want to see them fail. The top of my list for failure is Butch and Julia. Butch was a nice guy, but he just seemed so slimy to me when it came to strategy. I did not trust him at all because of that. I also feel like he was the one who spearheaded the keep Debbie in suffrage movement. Julia was brutal to talk to about strategy and she seemed so suspicious of me which really pissed me off. Those first two rounds I was completely devoted to Caleb and Julia and they gave me absolutely no trust in return and I could not understand why. Fairplay also rubbed me a bit the wrong way but it is probably because I worked for one of the rival wrestling companies.

Rooting for would be Dana, Caleb and Reynold. The first two swap rounds I did not talk to Dana at all and had no problems voting her. But talking to her in round 3 she was such a nice and genuine girl and it is a great comeback story. Plus if she wins it would be kind of like had Caleb switched his vote I would have won, right? Also despite being super frustrating Caleb was really genuine with me. Well genuinely invested in my character. He lied to me like no other when it game to game play and then tried to blame his lies on stuff I did (even before I tried to target him)... I changed my mind I am just neutral on him.

Reynold was my number one ally at the start of the game. I do not know if I was him number one over Butch, but I really enjoyed talking to him and boy is he a good looking boy ;). When he told me he didn't want me to mutiny it really broke my heart but not enough to work against him.

That is it I think. Any other questions let me know. Sorry it took so long. Good to see you all again. Not sure what Chicken was talking about I thought Aso was a pretty active and pretty fun tribe. Alexis, I really enjoyed our couple of talks and was crushed when you left. Sugar, you are awesome and I wish we could have worked together longer. Sash, you did great for your first game I hope this doesn't discourage you from playing again.

Time to send out the resumes.
Debbie Wanner
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Post #4: 7th Apr 2016 10:21:33 PM 
Oh hey Butch! I guess wishes come true (:
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Post #5: 8th Apr 2016 2:38:17 PM 
Doing Reyn dirty
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Post #6: 9th Apr 2016 8:30:49 PM 
I hope Sydney can get over her anti Aso mentality and get a mountain out of the game. I could not handle seeing Reynold here.

I guess I'd like to see Eliza here, bitch wouldn't give me immunity after I wrote her a remix of call me maybe.

Post Edited by Debbie Wanner @ 9th Apr 2016 8:31:00 PM
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Post #7: 10th Apr 2016 1:00:39 AM 
I got this...

Posted Image
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Post #8: 10th Apr 2016 1:05:56 AM 
Contact Deb's Drop Down. For all your drop down solving needs*

*may take 24-48 business hours.
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Post #9: 10th Apr 2016 9:57:01 PM 
Fuck this game (just kidding I love the hosts but for real)

Reynold I am so sad
Debbie Wanner
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Post #10: 10th Apr 2016 9:57:02 PM 
Fuck this game (just kidding I love the hosts but for real)

Reynold I am so sad
Debbie Wanner
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Post #11: 11th Apr 2016 9:26:17 PM 
Gervase/Dana/Brad team up?
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Post #12: 13th Apr 2016 6:30:31 PM 
At least he acknowledged it. I did not talk to Matt a lot but the few times he did he seemed pleasent just not interested in working with anyone but Sakai.

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Post #13: 13th Apr 2016 9:11:41 PM 
I hope Ki wins immunity
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Post #14: 15th Apr 2016 9:23:08 PM 
Ugh why didn't they vote out Julia.
Debbie Wanner
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Post #15: 16th Apr 2016 10:38:49 PM 
poor Gervase. I liked him.
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