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Reynold Toepfer
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Post #1: 10th Apr 2016 9:46:37 PM 

Butch, you should've really sent me to Ukiyo. Not that it would've mattered, but still :P

I'm pissed off at many people, but I definitely did try to save my ass. I can't wait until Sydney gets out. It'll be such a joy!
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #2: 10th Apr 2016 9:52:17 PM 
Scratch that, let me think rationally about this.

Post Edited by Reynold Toepfer @ 10th Apr 2016 9:54:37 PM
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #3: 10th Apr 2016 10:03:13 PM 
Debbie Wanner @ 10/4/2016 21:57
Fuck this game (just kidding I love the hosts but for real)

Reynold I am so sad

Same dude, same. These people are idiots. At least with my tribe, Caleb is not trustworthy. Eliza bold faced lied to me. Sydney is many things (all terrible things). And Kat is not the brightest (yet she's the kindest or was trying to pander to send her to Ukiyo).

EITHER WAY, I SHOULD HAVE MUTINIED YOU, DEBBIE. (idk if it would've mattered but still)
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #4: 10th Apr 2016 10:10:10 PM 
Can I just send Brad to Ukiyo lol? Or Dana? I'd much rather it be them.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #5: 10th Apr 2016 10:16:34 PM 
One more thing, I was not really surprised that I left. At all. I tried to pull something out of my ass, but it didn't come to fruition because Eliza's way smarter than I thought or people are eating the BS from her hand like candy.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #6: 10th Apr 2016 10:28:40 PM 
Host Chelsea @ 10/4/2016 22:22
Reynold Toepfer @ 10/4/2016 22:10
Can I just send Brad to Ukiyo lol? Or Dana? I'd much rather it be them.

You can send ANYONE that you would like.


I'm sending Brad then. I'm for him, Gervase, and Dana to destroy these other people
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #7: 10th Apr 2016 10:33:23 PM 
Butch Lockley @ 10/4/2016 22:27
I think Eliza is just really smart.

Also, sorry to see you here, Nold-Dog. The swap was probably the least kind to you of anyone in this cast. And as far as the Ukiyo thing...I dunno, it was an emotional decision and kind of a protest of even having the ability to make a game decision after being out of the game, and also a "I know what you did, u lil ho" to Sydney, but if I was thinking in a more benevolent manner, Dana prooooobably had a slight edge over you in who I would've sent anyways...if that helps.

Man, this game sucks. 4 Aso's in a row. 4 Coast vs. 10 Mountain people left, what a joke.

Yeah, I mean I didn't know that you and Dana were close. Gerv and I were kinda pissed because we did stick together as an alliance, and then you sent Sydney, which was a giant WTF. Idk if it really would've mattered obviously, but whatever.

Also, Sydney is more than a little ho. Like...a lot more. I just don't like that girl. I HATE that I tried to pander to her. HATE IT. It bugs me so much.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #8: 10th Apr 2016 10:36:12 PM 
Host Chelsea @ 10/4/2016 22:31
Reynold Toepfer @ 10/4/2016 22:28
Host Chelsea @ 10/4/2016 22:22
Reynold Toepfer @ 10/4/2016 22:10
Can I just send Brad to Ukiyo lol? Or Dana? I'd much rather it be them.

You can send ANYONE that you would like.


I'm sending Brad then. I'm for him, Gervase, and Dana to destroy these other people

Ok nevermind my fault, you need to pick someone out of the people who eliminated you. (just needed to clarify)

DAMMIT! I'll send Kat then...not that it should matter, but maybe she'll make her move.

Also, she told me that she's playing for Sugar, Butch, and myself now after I was voted out. Like WTF?! It's exhausting, but she's the least worst one.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #9: 10th Apr 2016 10:58:23 PM 
Baygod Godlor @ 10/4/2016 22:40
I hope at least one Mountain besides Michele joins us in here... :\

Seriously, I'm shocked none of them have tried to make a big move or anything. Maybe they have and we just aren't seeing it.

I tried to make one against them, and you would've seen Caleb here. Basically, Sydney and Kat told me that they were gunning for me to go, so I thought that I made this alliance with Kat and Sydney to blindside Caleb and Eliza. Did I believe it? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but I needed something. Kat, as much as I like her, and Sydney are dumb to think that they wouldn't have had some leg up and not play from the bottom, but whatever.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #10: 10th Apr 2016 11:11:07 PM 
Butch Lockley @ 10/4/2016 23:05
yeah, as much as I love Kat and as much as she was my closest ally in this game...idk how sincere she is haha, she keeps voting out her friends unnecessarily and obviously is a lot tighter with Sydney than she wants to admit

Oh I agree. I'm pretty sure Sydney hated me and you. Idk why though. I didn't do anything to inspire such hatred. I was never an asshole. Always truthful to her, but alas, she's an idiot. Can't wait to see her go down in flames!
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #11: 11th Apr 2016 12:19:50 AM 
Butch Lockley @ 10/4/2016 23:44
Reynold Toepfer @ 10/4/2016 22:11
Butch Lockley @ 10/4/2016 23:05
yeah, as much as I love Kat and as much as she was my closest ally in this game...idk how sincere she is haha, she keeps voting out her friends unnecessarily and obviously is a lot tighter with Sydney than she wants to admit

Oh I agree. I'm pretty sure Sydney hated me and you. Idk why though. I didn't do anything to inspire such hatred. I was never an asshole. Always truthful to her, but alas, she's an idiot. Can't wait to see her go down in flames!

Yes, Sydney absolutely had a very specific hatred for you and me, God knows why. but in the end, that was all it took for us to be sent home

I totally wish that she wasn't exiled and Sugar was. Game would've been so much better.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #12: 11th Apr 2016 1:32:34 AM 
Sugar Kiper @ 11/4/2016 1:00
Only 4 coast people left in the top 14.... honestly, it probably would have been 3 if Michele didn't have to leave the game.

I'm sad to hear that Sydney is apparently abandoning the Coast completely. I still feel the need to root for her as an Ozato girl, but I fear that she's backing herself into a corner and she's cornering Kat with her. And my biggest fear is that if they lose again, she'll throw Kat under the bus to avoid a 2-2 tie with Caleb/Eliza.

Seeing Kat or Dana join us would literally kill me, this absolute pre-merge pagonging genocide is hard enough to watch already.

Sydney's crapped on the ship, abandoned it, and burned it straight to the ground.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #13: 11th Apr 2016 3:52:54 AM 
What was your plan going forward if you survived? Did Sydney and Kat really fuck up by sending you packing?

If whatever I had that was for nothing worked, I was going to try to get Eliza out next or just win challenges until the merge. I would've continued to talk to old-old Ki members to try to get them to flip on Sakai because Sakai had the numbers.

However, it didn't work obviously. I was playing from the bottom after the Butch boot, so I tried to form an alliance with Sydney and Kat SINCE I HAD ONE WITH THEM BEFORE THEY FUCKING FLIPPED IN THE FIRST PLACE. Kat was all like, "I was backed into a corner with Butch vote, I'm sorry" and Sydney told me I wasn't annoying like Butch. However, both agreed to it. OBVIOUSLY, Sydney has some fucking random vendetta against me and is probably one of the worst people I've come across while playing an ORG. Like being all, "Seeya Reynold!" in some sly way felt condescending when I was actually being genuine. And I hate saying that because it can come off obviously self-righteous, but I feel like I was genuine to these people (well, the ones I thought I was allied with). If I'm loyal to you, I'm truly loyal to you and will have your back until it's time for you to go.

To answer the question though, I think that they're both fucked. Kat wants to make a play but is "waiting for the right moment," which the moment was the Butch vote but whatever. Like numbers wise, I have no fucking clue what she's waiting for. It's dumb to play this game from a scared perspective because it'll be too late to make your move, which is going to happen. And then she tell me that she's going to play the game for Sugar, Butch, and me...AFTER I WAS VOTED OUT. First off, how are you going to play for us when you voted two of us out???????? Secondly, I need her to not be so naοve and play to win. I HOPE Sydney gets fucked over royally though. My god, I was so damn nice to her. I pandered so much, and it's infuriating to hear that she has something against me when I did nothing wrong. I was always apologetic to her and always talking to her. But for whatever reason, she hates me. I legitimately don't understand her motivations, unless she has some past game relationship(s) with people from the Mountains. But I hope that her game is FUCKED SO MUCH. I can't wait to see it be destroyed. Or for her to get decimated at an FTC. Either way, her comeuppance is coming, and it'll be great.

Is there anything you wish you could've changed looking all the way back?

1. Give Debbie the 10 points for her to mutiny. I would've had my main ally back and someone to work with.
2. Talk more to people not on my tribe, but I'm very impatient so idk how I would've done with that. That being said, my social game was overall way better than other times I've played.
3. Decimated Sydney more after this TC.
4. Try to go to Ukiyo earlier. Like I wanted to go in the third round, but I gave it to Jefra...dumb move.

Who are you rooting for? Against?
FOR: Gervase, Brad. I guess Dana, but we never talked. Kat but when she makes her move against the Mountain people if it ever happens, and if she gets rid of any other allies, then...nope.
AGAINST: Sydney, Eliza, Caleb (screams disingenuous to me, unless I'm totally off, in which sorry!). I don't really care about anyone else. Jefra and James are decent, but eh.

Who do you see going far in this game? Who has no shot at winning whatsoever?
I have no clue but probably Eliza (sly as hell), Matty (seemingly inactive, so goat), and JFP (apparently really good). Sydney has no shot in hell in winning! And that's the best part because she thinks she does. She is SO going down.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #14: 11th Apr 2016 11:04:43 AM 
Baygod Godlor @ 11/4/2016 9:31
Butch Lockley @ 11/4/2016 0:31
I wish that convoluted first challenge hadn't somehow ended up in the 2 Coast tribes winning.

It's funny that it ended in one Mountain tribe choosing the other Mountain tribe to be immune with them. Sort of was prophetic of the rest of the game.

That's because our faction was already working together for the challenge. The decision to have the mountains work together was made before the first challenge even happened. We even all had targets picked out based on alphabetical order and tribe. (It was kind of annoying tbh because i think a challenge like that you need to be flexible for. )

I don't know who proposed it, but it seemed like a smart way to get a leg up in the early challenges. I guess once the wheels were turning for that megaalliance they never stopped.

We got the impression that the Coast was working together for that challenge too, but you guys may have just been responding to our attacks.

Yeah we also worked together too. We had spreadsheets and everything. We were very evenly matched for the challenge IMO, but the challenge could've been a bit better too, but what happened happened.
Reynold Toepfer
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Post #15: 11th Apr 2016 3:24:18 PM 
Butch Lockley @ 11/4/2016 14:25
Twisted 8: Fans vs. The Coast

But replace Sydney with Brad!
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