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The Blandest Juror
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Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #1: 6th May 2016 5:11:30 PM 
I really really really REALLY want to vote for you. For selfish reasons, mostly, cause I do want to see a Sakai win this, and also because I want to have voted against (at my last council) an eventual winner. We were good friends, alliance members, and we had a lot of fun until the awful swap that put us both at the Ki's mercy.

Jefra! :heart:

Gosh, I missed you so much when you left. I loved talking to you and bothering you about how jealous I was of where you're from ;) and talking game with you and Eliza and the 3 Girls chat was the best part of pre-merge to me. I was so psyched that we got put on Sakai still, but it was completely ruined once Spencer came along and we were immediately outnumbered.

You maneuvered masterfully through the cracks, surviving every vote, and that means you're kind of the underdog here. However, I don't know how much of that is your fault. So these are my questions:

1) What made you survive the council where I went home? What did you do that I didn't, and what did I do that you didn't?

A lot of different awkward variables lined up with this. I felt fine through the whole game and this tribe was horrible because I was aligned with everyone on it. Had we not lost you that round and we won and Ozato went to Tribal Council? You would've made merge with Eliza, Caleb and I and James would've went home and who would've known how this game would've played out. However, we did lose and I knew we didn't have the votes. My pre-existing relationships with Spencer, Marisa and JFP are the reasons why I stayed over you. I ~felt like I was more comfortably aligned with them and they saw me as someone who was less of a threat down the road than you were.

This is about the time I started getting increasingly close to JFP and I had already been in a long term alliance with Spencer at that point. I knew that you and Spencer had a tight bond, but Marisa and JFP has assured me rounds earlier I would've been safe had we lost.

I don't really think there was anything you should do that I did. Me surviving over you was laying ground work and building up these alliances and relationships with other people that I was able to use to get to the next stage of the game. I guess I would just suggest is play a round ahead of yourself.

2) I have the impression that Kat dragged you all the way from F8, but she came up short while you did not. Is that correct? Can you attribute yourself a single post-merge boot in some way?

I'm glad you asked this Jefra! I've been waiting for a question that could elaborate my game from Kat's game.

Alright, so Kat and I didn't exactly start off on the greatest terms. I was insanely suspicious of her pre-merge because I saw her as the wedge between Caleb and I. I really thought she was just trying to meddle in things and flip stuff around and Caleb blindly believing every word she said just never sat well with me. The first round of the merge Caleb insisted that we talk to Kat because she has information she wanted to share. She tells me about Spencer trying to flip the game and take out the Sakai members. I really couldn't believe it because I had thought Spencer and I were going far together in this game. Granted it was only "Caleb and Eliza" but that's 2/3 Sakai members what do you want from me. Totally warranted paranoia.

She was leaking all this information from Dana through Spencer and I went and told Spencer as if it was all a lie. Essentially, everybody got pissed at me because word got out, but I guess in the long run it really helped because it really showed ME where every single person stood in this game. Kat got called out and I'm assuming the plan got shut down because that's when Gervase was voted out in a landslide.

After the truth came out and Ki was totally not with me I was kinda lost. I reached out to Kat and apologized and everything, but it still felt rocky. The round continues and Kat and Sydney this time try to help Sakai out. Like I said in my OS, I just was in shock Ki was trying the same plan....again. That's when Jonny got sent out because I just didn't want any part of them. After Caleb left was when Kat and I clicked. Individually, we were tight with Caleb so naturally we stayed together after he left. To be fair, Kat was the one who asked if we should flip on Sydney and Eliza to survive while I still had my regards, but if she was doing it anyways there was no point in being in the minority. Final 6 I thought I was doomed, but her pulling in Dana to vote with us and her idol really helped us out.

By Final 5 and 4 I made moves that I thought would help me win the game. I told both James/Spencer and Dana/Kat I was keeping the other because I didn't want them to talk to each other and compare notes. So after Dana left I made sure that James and Spencer saw Kat as this golden girl and me as someone easier to beat. Tying the vote on top of that and attempting to bring Kat to the end over James was what I thought the best scenario to be able to win in.

3) What was your Sakai preferred final 3? What combination of Caleb/Eliza/Jefra/Matty?/Brad????? did you want to go to the end with?

Sakai is love :heart: I loved our tribe so much and it's not lost on me that I stayed on Sakai beach through the whole thing. ;) I had a Final 3 with you and Eliza, a Final 4 that was with Caleb and when the swap happened, Caleb and I created a Final 3 alliance with Matty, I adored Matty and everything, but that was just security during the swap. The superior INV Sakai member went home that round. :(

I really wanted this to be the end game because I adored all of you so much. My ideal Final 3? It would have been you, me and Caleb because I think Eliza would've won this whole game if she made it to the end.

Love you girl! And good luck with your vote!
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