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Sugar Kiper
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Post #1: 3rd Apr 2016 12:09:18 AM 
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone!!!! This is a super weird feeling because while I'm super bummed to be here... I'm also kind of relieved. I absolutely loved my initial tribe and losing twice was devastating. Then swapping into such a shitshow of a tribe with some of the people on NuSakai.... I'll be happy to have my free time back. I never gave up but I kind of wish I did because I literally spent probably a combined twelve-ish hours just after challenge results scrambling, and even more hours between the swap and the challenge. It definitely started to consume my life fighting a losing a battle, and I think deep down I knew it was a losing battle within the first five minutes of talking to my new tribe.

Before I get to my questions, I do have to say to Tom that I honestly probably do deserve to be here because of how I handled you. I did really fight for you to stay, but once Kat and Dana told me that they felt no personal connection with you, I stopped fighting and kind of resigned myself to it. It boiled down to whether I wanted you in the game more, or whether I wanted a more unified tribe. And I wanted the unified tribe and with the way that Dana/Kat were speaking like they were already locked in, I had a hard time seeing it you staying AND a unified tribe happening both at the same time. I should have told you and let you start fighting for yourself, but I have to admit on a tribe as small as ours, I was nervous you'd leak that chat that Me/You/Sydney had or would scramble hard enough that the vote would get back up in the air. I don't think it affected my eventual fate at all, but I felt so awful for how I handled that, that I totally invited karma to come get me. Keep playing ORG's though, you're really good and likeable and honestly I feel like being on such an active tribe with REALLY strong personalities screwed you over.

I should have told both you and Alexis about the votes and after the game you'll both see I posted multiple confessionals complaining that all the other girls told me NOT to tell either of you for fear of scrambling and I was weak and succumbed to peer pressure. I really regret that on a personal level, that was wrong.

Alexis.... honestly I have no way to justify your vote happening. The reason Dana was able to push it towards you was with the argument that if you left, she would get 40 bounty points to add to her 30 and then Me/Kat/Sydney would just have to give her 10 more points for her to buy the idol for our tribe. THAT'S why you were the target. Super shitty reason beyond your control and completely due to the twist, and the worst part is that the idol was already bought by the time we got to it. It was completely pointless and when all the mountain people on the new tribe asked me about our tribe, I told every single one of them that in any other season on any other tribe you would have been able to easily win this game.

Ozato was such a tragedy </3 After getting the chance to talk with everyone else in the game, literally the best collection of people IMO were on Ozato and we had to go to tribal twice and vote two amazing people out. And then we swapped and I got voted out so that makes three amazing people.

Okay moving on to the actual questions

(I just had to say those things to Tom and Alexis to maybe somewhat absolve me of my sins)
Sugar Kiper
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Post #2: 3rd Apr 2016 1:00:40 AM 

Why you? Why did the majority choose you for the vote? Was it a mistake?

I knew that joining the tribe with a 4-6 coast/mountain disadvantage would be rocky for me, but I was always fairly confident in my social skills and activity rate to make it work. I dedicated SO much time to getting to know the new mountain people on my tribe and honestly was making REALLY strong personal connections. I feel like I did and said everything I was supposed to. I threw the other coast members under the bus, (even Dana to a certain extent, who I adore). I responded within seconds of any message and spent hours waiting online just to see who would pop up for me to talk to. I worked my ASS off to make sure every single person on that tribe knew that I was there for new friends, new connections, and new allies. I think I was online quadruple the amount of times that Dana, Sash, or Debbie were. I made it clear MULTIPLE times that I was not with the coast, I knew the score, and I was an individual vote and shield that could cause a lot of damage if anybody wanted to wield me.

Everybody from the mountains was pretty decently receptive, (and by everybody I mean the half that actually talked, God it annoys me how many uninteresting and semi-active people there are who are justing coasting on the fact that they're from the Mountains and will be used as easy goats in the end, but I digress), and I got a LOT of positive feedback from players like Caleb, Julia, Fairplay, and Spencer about how much I was connecting with them and how much they appreciated my complete honesty and game philosophy and how I was talking to them more in a few hours than some people on the old mountain tribes talked to them all together. Like I really thought for a second that maybe I could make it work and integrate.

But then a few hours before the vote it all went to shit when for some reason they all started flipping the FUCK out over idols. All those hours and hours of conversations I put in meant absolutely nothing because "I could just be trying to get close to them to find out who the coast people need to play an idol on." Oh my God it was so annoying. Even if the coast people all banded together and idoled out someone, it'd still be 5-4 and the other tribe would still be able to send over a Mountain Shogun. Like literally it made NO sense how much they were all freaking out and the more I tried to calm them down and reassure them how logically the coast people voting together made no sense, the worse it became.

And during those moments when they were all panicking, I figured out it was going to be me. Sash was barely active and was the agreed upon boot up until that point. Dana and Debbie both visited Ukiyo and could have found a hidden immunity idol, which they would most likely use on themselves. I was the person least likely to have an idol played on them.

All those hours and hours of talking to people and sometimes waiting 40 minutes for responses... completely meaningless. If they were that paranoid about idols, I was the only logical choice for them to vote out, because if Dana/Debbie had any idols they would either play it on themselves or use it on obvious boot Sash. And when all of a sudden everything calmed down and they literally ALL messaged me at once, (so sloppy tbh), that the vote was going to be Sash with smiley faces, I knew I was gone. Sucks. But I literally did everything I could have.

(Sorry this was so long, this was actually really important for me to write down and articulate to myself so I can understand what happened)

Who's joining you soon? Can the coast recover from their current position?

Me sending Dana to Ukiyo put a MASSIVE target on her back, but I know she already bought one half-idol so I hope she was able to snag another one in time. And maybe find one on the grid? If this round is any indication, they're playing so scared that threatening them with even the possibility of an idol seems to do the trick.

I think that in general Gervase/Reynold/Sash are screwed. None of them talk to Debbie and barring several lucky immunity challenge wins, she's gone too. Which is unfortunate, I appreciate her dedication to her character.

I'm really hoping for Kat/Sydney/Butch to pull through, (and Dana too if she can get out of that awful position that she's in). The plan that the Coast people talked about pretty extensively before the swap was to turn on the less charismatic, engaging coast members and try to keep the really active, vocal people in long enough to start breaking down barriers on the Mountain tribes. Those people were basically Me/Kat/Butch/Dana and to an extent Sydney, (but she's been out sick for the past few days since the tribe swap happened). So I'm pulling for them.

The coast isn't going to be able to recover, not for a long time. The Mountain people are so fucking crazy that a lot of them are playing out of fear, and fear is a strong motivator. I felt like it was Redemption Island and we were Zepetera and they were Ometepe. A few crazy people at top running things and then a bunch of /mainly/ sheep scared of being picked off if they disobey. They aren't disbanding for a while. I think that only a few coast members are going to make it to merge, (hopefully like some combo of Kat/Debbie/Dana/Sydney/Butch, though only at max two or three of them), but then those coast people will become swing votes. That was the plan keeping us going anyway.

Is there anybody you're rooting for? Rooting against in particular?

Already touched upon this, but obviously my Ozato girls. There's only three of them left now, so hopefully they don't appear like huge targets. Sydney's incredibly well rounded and a straight shooter. I appreciated her input on so many things. Dana is fucking hilarious and such a great, to-the-point ally. And Kat... I had a really special bond with Kat. I wouldn't call her my "final two" because it was so early in the game and I think that does a disservice to the other Ozato girls, and my relationship with Kat was a lot more than strategic. I rarely bond with people as much as I bonded with Kat in this game. She's a really special individual and such a sweetheart. I connected with her instantly and honestly if she joins me here then I'm going to be even sadder than when I myself got voted out.

If we're talking about other people I'm rooting for, Butch and Debbie. Fairplay was the only one with enough balls to tell me that I was the vote after everything locked, everyone else either lied or ignored me. So for his frank honesty, I'm rooting for him. Spencer still talked to me until the second results went up, which I appreciated. So I'm rooting for him. I'm also rooting for Caleb. I feel like parts of his strategic game are sloppy, I thought I was paranoid but watching him I felt sane. He just needs to tone it down and start surrounding himself with shields FAST because he's the biggest target from the Mountains tribe. But I appreciate his OTT'ness, I'm the same way.

Well, first, let's talk about a problem in this game. The fact that literally SO MANY OF THE MOUNTAIN PEOPLE straight up would IGNORE people. Kat would always message me telling me she was lonely and had been on AIM for an hour already and no one had returned her messages, even though she knew they were all online messaging other people. This really really bothered me. I get not telling someone about a vote. I get not voting with someone. I get voting someone out. It's a game, we all signed up for it. But literally treating the people on the bottom like they don't exist is so gross. Like what a shitty thing to do to someone. Matty did it, Julia did it, Marisa did it, Eliza did it to Kat, James did it to Kat, Michele did it to Kat... like, Kat and I would honestly private message for hours into the night just to feel like we were talking to someone. It's not like these people weren't online and we were like creepy ex-girlfriends waiting for texts back. These are scenarios where these people were DEFINITELY online and straight up didn't feel like talking to us. It was really depressing and made me personally feel like all those hours I was investing genuinely trying to get to know them.... meant absolutely nothing and they legitimately didn't care about me at all. I hope I addressed that in my goodbye message in the Sakai AIM chat

Sugar Baby
And for those of you who aren't only ignoring me, but are ignoring anybody on the bottom.... we're people too. We have feelings just like you. And when we invest hours and hours trying to get to know people and play the game and get treated like we don't exist.... it hurts a lot. Please realize that.
I made a lot of great friends. Debbie and Dana, I adore you both. Sash, I wish we had talked more. And to the people who made an effort to include me and make me feel welcome, thank you. (You know who you are, I won't name name's to make you targets)

Sugar Baby
Have a great game everyone, and remember that is just a game. And there are people behind those computer screens. These past few days have been really hurtful, but the hurt will move on. I just hope it doesn't happen again

^ that's just the tail end of it, there was quite a bit more. And I sent the people who I felt like were most responsible individualized messages before leaving just to let them know how I felt about their actions.

Down below is what I sent to Julia:

"Hey Julia, just wanted to shoot you a message before I log off for good. I was really, really excited to be on a tribe with you and I thought we connected really well together. I totally get why I left, I just wish that so many people hadn't completely ignored me as soon as it was decided hours before deadline. I get that the people voted out now won't be on jury, so you don't technically need them to like you, but we're still human beings.

I sat on my computer for 5 hours last night and literally all day today trying to get to know people and really engage and invest in new relationships. And to work so hard to connect with people and feel like they didn't even care enough about me to even talk to me when they didn't need me as a vote really, really hurt. I'm not mad I got voted out. It's a game and I don't expect anyone to keep me here if it doesn't strategically benefit them.

If you didn't want to talk about the vote or strategy with me, you could have easily said, "Hey, look, I really like you Sugar and I love talking to you but because there's the possibility of an idol out there, I may not be able to give you a specific name to vote for," and I would have been fine and completely understood. People don't need to strategically work with me and people can vote me out, that's the game.

But to be completely ignored by someone who I really liked honestly is really hurtful. And there's a lot of people doing it. Kat tells me she sits for literally hours on the other tribe without a single person messaging her. Like, we're human beings too.

I adore you Julia. I think you're fun and spunky and a great gameplayer with a really natural social game. And that's why I feel so hurt.

The hurt will go away though. I'll get over it easily. I just don't want other's to feel the same way in this game.

Good luck, you have the skills to go far. <3"

And Tom, before you say anything about how we got bad about talking to you when you were the target, it was about ten times worse haha. Especially because it STARTED out this way. I get that it can be kind of rough to really engage into conversation with someone when you know that you're writing their name down, I'm guilty of the same. But this problem happened when the tribe swap first happened in the first place, when we were all getting to know each other. I would know for a fact that Julia was talking to other people and responding within seconds, but she would take forty minutes to an hour to reply to me on that first night.

So who am I rooting against? The people coasting on bullshit faction lines. I don't care who's Mountain and who's Coast, I genuinely like people on both sides. But if you're not even going to bother to talk to the person who was on the other faction as you, then #ByeFelicia . That was the sucky part about this game


I really hope I don't come across as bitter in any of this, I honestly really am not. Am I kind of upset at how certain elements of the game are going and how certain members of the cast are treating people? Yeah. But I can also recognize that it's just a game and it doesn't really matter in the long run if Julia blindsides Kat or if Matty and Sash end up in the Final 2 together, (lol imagine how awful that would be tho), because we'll all move on. I obviously have my preferences, but at the end of the day it's just a game and a really well run one at that.

Thanks hosts for putting up with my sometimes bitchy, often-times demanding ass. I'm not the easiest person to host sometimes because when I have questions THEN I WANT ANSWERS, but ya'll really helped me have a lot of fun.

Also ty Chelsea again for making that Harpy Lady Sisters card with Me/Dana/Kat on it. All I've ever wanted was a Harpy Lady Sisters alliance and I finally got one so who's the real winner here? Me!

Post Edited by Sugar Kiper @ 3rd Apr 2016 3:10:56 PM
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Post #3: 3rd Apr 2016 3:24:10 PM 
Now that I've processed everything I'm super excited to get to follow along and post my thoughts on everything! It'll be like I'm an honorary PW, just not cool enough to be in the PW lounge yet so I have to post my thoughts in here.

I know for a fact that Dana got at least one half-idol, and borrowed enough points from Kat to purchase another one and now that she's on the island I REALLY hope she was able to get one fast enough to make a full idol.

Honestly, with how crazy everyone got last round, I can't see the mountain cult lasting together for TOO long. How you handle your first TC as an alliance says a lot about the future of the alliance. They were so unorganized and were all fighting and the vote flipped like four different times between the different coast people. It was so sloppy and sooner or later they are going to massively implode.

I'm super bummed I miss this challenge, I LOVE posting challenges because my internet skillz are great at posting on-the-dot. I'm happy both tribes are going to tribal, I feel like the mountain people from my tribe got a lot of input by mountain people on the other tribe about our TC, so both sects being distracted by their own votes will be great for even more mass chaos.

Really hoping for Coast immunity wins on both tribes just to make everything even more panicky. If someone like Dana won immunity on NuSakai, I feel like the mountain alliance would implode trying to figure out something as simple as splitting votes. They need a clear, ORGANIZED leader who can lock down votes and calm people down, and I feel like they lack that at the moment.

Sugar Kiper
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Post #4: 3rd Apr 2016 7:46:44 PM 
awwww Michele, I'm sorry :( I hope everything turns out all right!!!

Things just got a lot more interesting on Ki now with a 5-4 Coast/Mountain split, with a Shogun from Sakai making it back up to 5-5. If the coast alliance can flip Brad.... there's still those pesky double votes to worry about, but at least there's a shot in hell now of something happening.

I think Dana is definitely in a lot of danger this tribal, they have the votes to split 3-3 between Dana and Debbie. Hopefully Dana plays her cards right and convinces them to take out less-active Sash instead. Or maybe Sash self-votes again and gets pulled from the game. Or Dana is smart enough to vote for Debbie, making the vote something like 4-3-2 if she convinces Debbie/Sash to throw their votes onto a mountain person. (I'd hate to see Debbie go though).

Hoping that it's Sash or a Mountain Person joining us here tonight. If not them, then I'd be sad but understand a Debbie boot. I just don't want Dana here :(
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Post #5: 4th Apr 2016 10:42:47 AM 
yassssssss @ my episode 2 title
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Post #6: 4th Apr 2016 1:39:09 PM 
Ughhhhh I have a feeling it's Debbie or Dana joining me tonight :( Hoping that it's actually sash and they won't be lame enough to continue voting out the active people over the less active ones, but I don't have high hopes.

If Dana was able to buy another half idol then it'll be Debbie. If Dana didn't, it'll be Dana. I have to admit that Dana was like my number one in the game, (I mean other than Kat who was like my emotional number one... I couldn't have chosen between the two), so if push comes to shove I hope it's debbie over her.

But I'd still be so sad to see Debbie here. :( she plays her character so well and is genuinely trying. Ughhhh this sucks
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Post #7: 4th Apr 2016 7:40:03 PM 
Chicken @ 4/4/2016 15:57
Sugar Kiper @ 3/4/2016 13:24



ty for catching the reference babe <3

Baylor that was also for you and Host Woo
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Post #8: 4th Apr 2016 10:19:43 PM 
omg Sash voted out? I thought for sure they'd split between Debbie and Dana
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Post #9: 4th Apr 2016 10:57:24 PM 
Damn, they had the votes to do that? Did Dana/Debbie play idols?
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Post #10: 6th Apr 2016 1:33:13 AM 


(C wat I did thar?)

Honestly the Ozato slaughter just needs to stop for good. Those three girls are individually absolutely amazing <3 I hope Dana playing her idol helps decrease the target on her back.
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Post #11: 6th Apr 2016 1:15:02 PM 
Dana going to tribal five times in a row </3 gl gurl

Hearing that Jefra used one of the double votes is interesting. If Ki ever loses and the coast people play their cards right, they might be good to go now as long as they can flip Brad.
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Post #12: 6th Apr 2016 10:36:53 PM 
Nooooooooo Debbie :( I didn't want Dana here but I didn't want Debbie either!!!!

I'm sorry girl, the coast people on Sakai got fucked over :(

When you answer Woo's questions feel free to give a play-by-play for how the votes went down and everything that's been happening!

All the cool people get eliminated pre-jury anyway
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Post #13: 7th Apr 2016 11:22:14 AM 
prejury is literally so tragic rn

I was told there was no outcast twist which makes me even more excited for the final redemption island challenge to be held right before merge

Seriously Debbie, so bummed that you're here with us :( I loved working with you on NuSakai and venting about how everyone was treating us like we were cattle. You definitely didn't deserve this fate
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Post #14: 7th Apr 2016 4:05:30 PM 
Out of the seven people voted out, six have been from the Coast.

literally so tragic I hope this game changes soon.
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Post #15: 8th Apr 2016 11:31:42 AM 

These new tribe divisions better bring new life. I've never been part of an ORG that has had a pre-merge slaughter like this before, it's so disappointing because I feel like there's nothing that a lot of us could have done.

Butch can you tell us what happened at your tribal? I imagine with a Mountain Shogun but a 5-4 Coast advantage but with the possibility of a double vote and maybe a Brad flip.... that something could have happened to maybe turn the direction of this game around

Seriously this boot order is so tragic </3
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