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Episode 1; I Put the Banana in Banana Split.
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Reputation: -5
Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #1: 27th Mar 2016 4:23:17 AM 
Hi Hosts and PWs! My name is Dennis! You may know me as a newish ORG player and I am loving the community so far, still trying to win one, but with every game I play, I get just a bit closer and lot more experience. This season, I mean the Asian just has to win right? Being the sole banana, I need to represent! My strategy going into this is take everything day by day and try to be a leader, I also really like being in the middle of things, so if I can be the swing vote, then I want to control it.

I really want to be the first shogun, I think knowing what to expect going into Ukiyo will help a lot. If and when the conversation comes up, I will tell people straight up I am interested and I would share the information that I find out about it with everyone. Gets people to like me and I wouldn't withhold information of course because other people will know. For future, hopefully people will keep sending the same people over and over again too. And I want to be prepared going forward this game.

My tribe is super active, and I just spent the night partying away. I already have a paranoid feeling that I have not connected with them as much as I needed to tonight, so I will work my butt off on this challenge and show them I am a strong asset to this team, even though I suck at challenges. I need to do work and get people onto my side. This Sakai tribe seems like a bunch of shady players, and so I need to put my charm and get into the majority because I'm sure there is already alliances forming, I just happened to form one on the other side already. With Spencer, of course the two gays are going to work with each other right?? #Brancer FTW! I was able to find out his target is Baylor, and he does not want Shogun or play the twist either. Right now, I think my tribe is totally boring. No one really talks... and if there is no conversation going, you know something is up. If I need to work with someone, it would have to be Jefra and Caleb. My target for the round is Julia, but I really hate this assassin rules game, I don't plan to work on that side of the twist unless you know the majority wanted to get Julia, but then I wouldn't mind you know getting her out. So as much as I want to work with her, I can't because she seems like a really nice person. If I had to choose someone who had me as a target right now, it would be Eliza. I don't know why, but she does not converse back to me, ultra boring. I really want to touch bases with Matty and see where his head is at. The main part is figuring out who has me.. I would feel a lot safer knowing who is targeting me. So far, I like everyone so far on the Ki tribe. I like this twist so hopefully in the future I hook up with them, I am totally an alliance flopper. Hopefully we can just win and avoid going to tribal.
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dis be me in dis game.

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Offline Marker
Reputation: -5
Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #2: 27th Mar 2016 6:51:18 PM 
<33333 I hope to not let yall down!

Just a few things, my tribe is so sketched, that I truly cannot choose who I want to ally myself with, until I figure out if we lose, not trying to play hard. All of them are nice, except Matty, who I think should be our first boot, you know I think we were all thinking it, if we were to lose, so that's good for me. I am so paranoid for the person after me right now because Spencer told me he was suspecting an all girls thing on my side. I feel like it's Caleb+girls. But when I talk to everyone, it seems like no one has been approached to work with each other at all. Mhmm.. sure. Jefra seems very smart, her and me both have our suspicions about Caleb at the moment. Julia is my target and I can't believe it, but I connect with her on the personal level the most. I love her firecracker attitude and it pains me that I would have to get her out if needed for the bounty points. Eliza is slowly growing on me, she's become more outspoken.

Caleb gets his own paragraph, he is the charmer. He probably uses the same script with everyone. If only I had gotten on this morning and stated that I wanted to be first Shogun, I probably would have gotten it, but Caleb was able to charm everyone before I got to. In the end, I had to give it up to him, to not rock the boat so much because he was soooooo adamant about being the first Shogun. Like really adamant. Almost defensive when I told him I wanted it too. I told this Jefra and she seemed to expect that he would react that way too. Suspicious. I definitely do not want to work with him, but if I have to, then I have to. He told me he is super trustworthy and he promises and blah blah blah, but I don't buy it.
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dis be me in dis game.

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