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Butch Lockley
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Post #1: 7th Apr 2016 10:51:27 PM 
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Butch Lockley
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Post #2: 7th Apr 2016 11:01:05 PM 
Also, Baylor, you were my number 1 intended ally based solely off the meet n greet so I'm excited to meet you
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Butch Lockley
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Post #3: 7th Apr 2016 11:53:08 PM 
the Survivor Gods decided Twisted had gotten too exciting
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Butch Lockley
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Post #4: 8th Apr 2016 1:27:43 PM 
-me-Gerv-Reynold-Kat-Sydney all operate under the assumption we are sticking together

-Brad says he wants to flip on the Mountain people

-We think we rope in Jefra and Eliza just in case

-Michele leaves

-We lose immunity

-Obvious choice seems James, though I argue a bit for Brad so the Aso's don't alienate anyone prior to the swap

-Decide on James, think everyone but James is on board

-Votes get read

-Apparently, Sydney started a group chat with the 4 Mountain people very soon after the swap, roped in Kat who didn't really want to flip, Sydney had this weird anti-me and anti-NoldDog sentiment, the 5 of them plus Kat, being dragged along for the ride, decide two nights ago to vote Brad, but then apparently it switched to me yesterday

-Not to mention, Kat and Eliza both had a 2 person alliance with me and could have probably prevented my demise without any backlash against them if they really wanted to , but no, SYDNEY "I IRRATIONALLY HATE MY ALLY BUTCH" WHEELER had other plans

And yes, Baylor, it really is pretty much a complete Coast holocaust by the Mountain tribe and if I could change two things about this game, it would be the way the first swap worked, allowing an obvious 6-4 advantage on one side which was unlikely to ever be broken, and a 5-5 on the other side where the Mountain people could strategically send all their idols and double votes to be used if necessary. All because one pre-swap challenge was one by both Mountain tribes and lost by both Coast tribes. It sucks
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Butch Lockley
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Post #5: 8th Apr 2016 1:30:55 PM 
Also, I made a prejury chat and added all of you except baylor who i never AIMed
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Butch Lockley
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Post #6: 8th Apr 2016 2:02:34 PM 
Host Woo @ 8/4/2016 12:40

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Butch! ...Yet another rough boot to swallow. You possibly had the most consistent confessional stream out of anyone here and you were definitely a joy to experience. Literally yesterday morning I was thinking about how you were a lock to go far, for me to come home and see you were getting voted out. Under different circumstances, I think you could've flown through this game. Sorry it had to end like this so suddenly.

Do you regret not allowing Debbie to mutiny? Is there anything else you wish you had done differently, long term or short term?

Ultimately, no, Debbie coming to our tribe would have only made things worse, and would have only cultivated an even greater anti-Aso sentiment than certain people *cough*sydney already had. I guess that's the main spot I slipped up, I created a strong bond with 4 of the 5 people in the alliance I was counting on, but it was the 5th person that I guess I didn't quite do enough with who ultimately ruined everything for me. It looks like I was never getting the Sakai girls to vote with me (oh what a familiar trend this is turning into) even though Eliza and I had an alliance and was supposedly very sad to see me go It looks like, as I often do, I made myself too visible and my likability, when contrasted to the not-great conversationalists (though really good guys) that are Gerv and Nold-Dog, made me into the main threat of the Aso's. Even though I was the one most willing to work with PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR ME. Kat and Eliza both could have put in a "hey why don't we vote out someone other than Butch" and if they both had done that, I wouldn't be here. So it sucks, but I really truly did what I could to be in the best position possible, circumstances being taken into account, with several people on my tribe. But then it all went down the tubes, and here I am with my worst placement ever.

Did Kat and Sydney fuck up here? Why?

I think so. 3 Aso members in the game are not really a huge threat to take control of the game, especially when you have the allies you are putting your trust in are already in tight with 6 people on the other tribe. Sydney and Kat are both great social players (well, Kat certainly is) and I'm sure they have a chance to get in tight somewhere and stick around, but I think it was a mistake. I understand Kat not wanting to go to rocks once the Vote Butch train left the station without her, but the decision itself was a bit of a head scratcher. If Sakai and Ki are that willing to continue sticking together on BOTH tribes, then I don't know where Sydney thinks she's going to fit in.

How do you see this new swap playing out?

I think these tribes are actually all really interesting and no easy boots are to be had. I would imagine Spencer, JFP, and Marisa stick together and vote out a Sakai lady, which, thank God. I think Caleb or Reynold are in trouble for Ozato, it kind of depends on who Kat and Sydney get to work with them. I know Eliza and Caleb aren't exactly tight, but it could very well be a 4-1 Reynold vote. Ki is fascinating and any of those 5 could go home. It's 5 people who really have little connection to any of the other 4, but if I had to guess, Gerv and Brad stick together, they pull in Dana, and James or Matty goes home. But ultimately, I will probably be wrong and the Survivor Gods will probably find a way for Sakai to win all the immunities and for Dana and Kat to go home before the merge.

Who do you see going far? Who do you see not?

Eliza is smart and I think has been more UTR than the other Sakai's. Don't really know Marisa, but I feel like she's positioned to sneak very far in this game, though the same could be said about any of the original Ki's except for maybe JFP. Brad could go far simply because he's not a threat to anyone and no one really cares about what he does enough to target him. Gerv might float to the end because he's not really in any big alliance. And Kat is so likable, I think she can get in tight with people and go far, same goes for Dana.

I think Caleb has merge boot written all over him, maybe same goes for JFP or Sydney. But then again, I would probably be best served to just guess Gerv, Dana, Kat, Sydney, and Reynold are the least likely to go far

Rooting for? Against?

Rooting for:
1a) Outcast Twist
1b) Dana
3) Reynold
4) Gerv
5) James
6) Eliza

7) Marisa
8) JFP
9) Spencer
10) Jefra

Rooting Against:
11) Julia
12) Matty
13) Brad
14) Caleb
15) Sydney

Thanks again, Butch!

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Butch Lockley
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Post #7: 8th Apr 2016 2:24:25 PM 
Oh, I did not realize

I'll send Sydney

Matthew 5:44

Post Edited by Butch Lockley @ 8th Apr 2016 2:27:22 PM
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Post #8: 8th Apr 2016 2:28:15 PM 
Host Woo @ 8/4/2016 13:27
(just wondering)


I edited my post with a link to Matthew 5:44, a highly relevant verse.

but also just because of irony.
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Butch Lockley
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Post #9: 8th Apr 2016 2:39:48 PM 
I dunno, there's no one I particularly want to send all that much, I considered Dana but eh. I hope it puts a target on her back.

Post Edited by Butch Lockley @ 8th Apr 2016 2:40:33 PM
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Butch Lockley
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Post #10: 10th Apr 2016 10:27:32 PM 
I think Eliza is just really smart.

Also, sorry to see you here, Nold-Dog. The swap was probably the least kind to you of anyone in this cast. And as far as the Ukiyo thing...I dunno, it was an emotional decision and kind of a protest of even having the ability to make a game decision after being out of the game, and also a "I know what you did, u lil ho" to Sydney, but if I was thinking in a more benevolent manner, Dana prooooobably had a slight edge over you in who I would've sent anyways...if that helps.

Man, this game sucks. 4 Aso's in a row. 4 Coast vs. 10 Mountain people left, what a joke.
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Butch Lockley
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Post #11: 10th Apr 2016 11:05:44 PM 
yeah, as much as I love Kat and as much as she was my closest ally in this game...idk how sincere she is haha, she keeps voting out her friends unnecessarily and obviously is a lot tighter with Sydney than she wants to admit
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Butch Lockley
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Post #12: 10th Apr 2016 11:44:31 PM 
Reynold Toepfer @ 10/4/2016 22:11
Butch Lockley @ 10/4/2016 23:05
yeah, as much as I love Kat and as much as she was my closest ally in this game...idk how sincere she is haha, she keeps voting out her friends unnecessarily and obviously is a lot tighter with Sydney than she wants to admit

Oh I agree. I'm pretty sure Sydney hated me and you. Idk why though. I didn't do anything to inspire such hatred. I was never an asshole. Always truthful to her, but alas, she's an idiot. Can't wait to see her go down in flames!

Yes, Sydney absolutely had a very specific hatred for you and me, God knows why. but in the end, that was all it took for us to be sent home
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Butch Lockley
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Post #13: 11th Apr 2016 12:31:25 AM 
I wish that convoluted first challenge hadn't somehow ended up in the 2 Coast tribes winning.

It's funny that it ended in one Mountain tribe choosing the other Mountain tribe to be immune with them. Sort of was prophetic of the rest of the game.
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Butch Lockley
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Post #14: 11th Apr 2016 2:25:47 PM 
Twisted 8: Fans vs. The Coast
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Butch Lockley
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Post #15: 12th Apr 2016 12:32:43 AM 
I think through some crazy turn of events, Ki loses, James teams up with Gerv and Brad, and they turn on Dana because they did;t bother to talk to her while they were on separate tribes
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