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Round 1; I want my crown back<3
Caleb Reynolds
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Post #16: 29th Mar 2016 3:37:21 AM 
I got Eliza and jefra on board with the plan. Fuck
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Caleb Reynolds
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Post #17: 29th Mar 2016 9:14:33 AM 
bro making Juia my #1 was an amazing decision,she literally tells me everything the girls say which helps me strategize so m much better. <3
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Caleb Reynolds
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Post #18: 29th Mar 2016 10:12:49 AM 
I need Eliza online 😩
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Caleb Reynolds
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Post #19: 29th Mar 2016 1:24:33 PM 
Okay so let me backs track. So yesterday I get out of work and Julia tells me how jefra confronted her about me making an alliance of myself Julia Eliza and Brad and that Eliza told her. So at the moment jefra was saying that I was a bit sketchy and that she wasn't sure I could be trusted. So I knew I needed to work on that so I talked to her a lot about us working together and I am using the fact that I know Eliza and jefra tell each other everything to my advantage so I was telling Eliza how much more I like jefra than Brad and things like that. Anyway once I won the points I decided to try out the idea of getting them to give me their bounty points so that I could get the idol for "us" and I honestly didn't expect it to work but I used the shit out of my charm, and really made them feel like they were in some type of control of me which is hilarious. Then in the morning, jefra told Julia how I charmed her and that she trusts me THEN I knew they were all discussing everything about the points and I told Julia she needed to push for it to made sure it happened and then BOOM, it was done, they gave me their idol and coins which I will not share with them since they think they're just using me which is fucked up cause I trust them bitches. Lmao so for now I am just going to try and be as four strong as possible because I think we can work. I just still cannot believe they gave me an idol. Lmao also I feel like I am being so Strategic this season, I am living for this Caleb. JULEB is really the shit.
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Caleb Reynolds
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Joined:Mar 24, 2016
Post #20: 29th Mar 2016 5:26:22 PM 
I just realized round 1 ended. New thread.
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