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Immunity Challenge 4: Results
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Ms. Nelson, if ya nasty.
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Reputation: 31
Post #1: 31st Mar 2015 11:34:19 PM 
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Firstly, let's take a look at both tribes submissions.


House Name - Brymmdreng. Brymmdreng comes from the anglo saxon words for 'sea' (brymm) and 'warrior' (dreng), as we are a tribe that relies on the sea for comeuppance during our warfare when taking over foreign lands

House Words - The Rising Tide

House Banner
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Origin Story

Part A (How we were created) - Once, many moons ago, there lived an ancient people under sea. These people were often considered monsters, as they were seen as the bastard result of the creatures of the sea and human beings. Normal humans began to hunt these ancient people determined to wipe out what they saw as evil creatures. Eventually the land under the sea that these people lived on was destroyed, with nothing left. Many were lost in the destruction of the land, one being Princess Leilani, a beautiful girl whose soothing songs could bring anyone to their knees, but whose sharp wit and trickster nature surprised those lured in by her siren songs. The people had no choice but to scatter across the globe in an attempt to stay alive. One such group that did, was a group led by Brymmdreng the Brave. Under his leadership, his house began to grow and prosper. His people learned more about themselves and learned how to disguise themselves to appear as if they were normal humans. Many years passed, but before Bymmdreng the Brave died, he led his people to victory, overtaking a small island civilization and with their powers, sunk the island to the sea, which allowed those who so longed for a home below water to finally have one. It was a mere few years after Brymmdreng had won the battle, he passed. In his honor, the people he led began to call themselves the House of Brymmdreng.

Working together, the House of Brymmdreng came up with a battle plan to enact revenge upon the humans who destroyed their previous home, before the humans could possibly destroy them. This plan was made with inspiration from none other than the princess who died all that time ago in their past home, Leilani. A large group of the House of Brymmdreng would travel in ships to a new land and stake a small portion of it as their own, claiming to the other current ruler or rulers of the land that they were merely victims of a natural disaster that overtook their last home. For the first few years, their people and the House of Brymmdreng itself would appear to be nothing more than a mirthful bunch, welcoming any and all while giving more than they took. But, under the surface of the water, the Houses true plan would be carried out. As years went by and scouts knowledge would come in, information would be relayed to the armies always just off the shore. When the leaders thought enough knowledge had been procured and they were ready to attack, they did just that. Surprising all who were lured in by their sweet nature, the sharp side of their blades proved to be devastatingly cutting against the land being overtaken, both physically and psychologically. Under the name of their brave leader who helped them survive and thrive, and using a plan concocted in honor to their former princess, the House of Brymmdreng slowly began enacting their revenge. Destroying those who had destroyed them. And now they have landed in Westeros.

Part B (Why we each belong) - It takes a special kind of person to be a part of the House of Brymmdreng’s missions to destroy the other lands. These people must be able to conceal everything about themselves in a mist of mystery and deceive those who may wish the become close to them. They must be willing to make allies and friendships among the people of the land, and then stab them in the back. These people must be filled with the desire to prove themselves worthy of the House of Brymmdreng name. They must yearn and strive to be included among the greats of the past, to have those who settle on the sunken lands to tell grand tales of all that they have done. They must want to fight and win. But most of all, in the war against humans and their own people, they must have no desire greater than to be the Sole Survivor.

Notable Alumni

Annette - For years Annette was a gifted travelling musician, moving about from city to city, carrying nothing but a lute and her strikingly marvelous voice. Upon learning that she carried her busked earnings in a little pouch around her waist, an evil street-dweller became envious. One night, he drowned her in the sea and took her coin purse for himself. Annette didn’t quite die, but became one with the water, losing her voice in the process. Existing in a half-living, half-dead state, she exerts her revenge on unsuspecting townspeople, carrying out the assassination orders of the House of Brymmdreng. Her victims hear a horrid gurgling sound, and before they can figure out where it came from, they die gruesomely. No evidence is left behind, save for a puddle of water that smells faintly of the sea.

Ben - Taking after Phi Thale, a spirit of the sea in Thai folklore, Ben has chameleon-like abilities, able to shapeshift into other individuals or elements. Similar to the miracle that is transforming a limber gay male into a voluptuous drag superstar, Ben is able to mirror the sea with his fluidity to transform into any environment and put those around him at ease, before unleashing havoc. He is able to read these situations (to filth) and extract information about the best way to wreck havoc in the lives of those he’s infiltrated. he can do this by transforming into their fears (such as a infestation of spiders, rabid dogs, or clowns [even though Ben doesn’t need to shapeshift to look like one]), damaging natural disasters (such as fires, lightning strikes, or hail storms), or people in their lives (a scorned lover, someone they’re indebted to, or an idol they’d haplessly follow). While some in the House of Brymmdreng use physical pain to decimate other houses, Ben interchanges physical and psychological warfare to render those that oppose him useless.

Gabe - Once the mediocre captain of a legendary ship, Gabe used his shitty navigational skills to lead his crew over the edge of the world to their watery graves. As a result, they are forever stuck as the crew of the ghostly specter of their once-great ship. Never to cross into the afterlife and never to see land again, Gabe’s ship forever sails the narrow seas searching for lost ships. A well-meaning idiot, Gabe accidentally kills off every ship he encounters with his sheer incompetence. Time and again his crew advises him to stay away from mortals, but the eternally slutty Gabe doesn’t listen. Irresistible to look upon, one touch from Gabe sends a ship to the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again.

Jake - Looking to unleash the power of the Leviathan, Jake looks for victims to be offered as sacrifice. Thousands of years ago, the 3 Legendary Swordsmen defeated the Leviathan in a gigantic battle. Jake uses human souls as tribute to revive the Leviathan. He believes that giving the souls of [Tribe B] will benefit the Leviathan most of all. Once Jake summons it, the Leviathan will leave the sea and take to the skies and wreak havoc on the humans. However Jake's true intentions may surprise you. He is determined to sink the land and take control as the next king of his people.

Luke - While most of his Brymmdreng brethren, fight using their brawn, Luke takes a different approach. His job in the plan to decimate the enemy lands is the other as an ambassador. Going into many a court, Luke charms the rulers of the land with his bubbly personality and gifts of pearls measured with golden scales. In truth, Luke is a scout sent in to learn of a nation's true power in wealth, army, and tactics. His amiable nature, combined with his ability to act thicker than he appears, convinces those who meet with him to let his guard down. Luke keeps up appearances until it is time for the attack. As a reward for requiring the political intrigue needed for domination, the kings of the land are often kept to the side. This is where Luke can show the kings of the land what he truly thinks of them. And their head.

Phil - Born as a soft sprinkle of mist, spraying off the jagged coastline, Phil summons his victims with the sweet scent of the salty sea. Lured in by the refreshing moist chasm of pleasure, his unsuspecting foes become entrenched in a tumultuous spiral from which they are unable and perhaps even unwilling to escape. The firm grip of a winding vortex, swelling and pulsating with overcoming power begins to transform ecstasy into madness. Ever twisting, the tornado ceases to give in to the desperate cries as it carries its victims out to sea. Pure terror reigns over and the shadow of an enlarged fin erupts from the waves. Jagged teeth emerge from the blackness and swallow the helpless victim. Finally, the winds subside, and Phil returns to sea mist, another victim having been unknowingly sharked.

Sagar - It’s no secret that House Brymmdreng is intimately tied to the sea and the mysterious creatures that dwell within it. There is, however, an ancient lineage of Brymmdrengs that takes this to another level—the fish whisperers. Mockingly referred to as the fishperers, it is a dying lineage due to their self-imposed exile as well as ostracism from the rest of the Brymmdrengs, who resent the fishperers for their frailty and inability to contribute to the war effort against other houses. As the Brymmdrengs savagely feast on their bountiful collection of fish and other sea creatures, the fishperers writhe in agony over the screaming sounds of their dying fish friends. The last surviving fishperer, however, has turned his curse into a gift. Using his ability to understand sea creatures on an emotional--perhaps even erotic--level, Sagar sends out his battalion of fish across the narrow sea to discreetly collect information from enemy houses. His ability to somehow glean vital information from both enemies and in-house traitors has elevated Sagar to the higher ranks of the Brymmdreng army. His big secret? No one knows that the true source of his power is that he is a lowly fishperer. As he joins his fellow Brymmdrengs for a hearty dinner, he has no choice but to quietly endure the screams as he shoves a mouthful of his friend down his throat. “I’m so sorry Fred,” he quietly whispers as a single tear rolls down his cheek.


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House Regina was formed by the bastard child of Asha Greyjoy. During the battle over her father’s claim to the Iron Islands, Asha knew that she would not be able to take a husband. That is not to say that she never had any lovers. Months after her uncle, Crow’s Eye, was raised up to be Lord of the Iron Islands, Asha became pregnant. She went into hiding for a year to keep her pregnancy a secret. When the child was born Asha gave her daughter to a foster mother in the Neck, inland and far away from the Iron Islands. Asha made one last attempt to take back her father’s claim to the Iron Islands but was killed during the rebellion.
Years later, Asha’s daughter Regina had grown up in the Neck and was now 16. Regina raised up the old Lords of the north who had fallen at the same time that House Stark fell. She attempted to do as her mother did and take back the Iron Islands, which Crow’s Eye had ruined. She failed in taking back the Iron Islands but succeeded in raising up the old lords. She became her own Lord of the north. And instead of using a bastard name, her house was called House Regina.
The members of House Regina are cast-off nobles of the north. Who came together to basically be a band of misfit lords.

House Words: Ours is Everlasting Beauty

Queen Names:

Josh: Queen Dragoria of Ratchet Wigs

Tina: Queen Morgan le Fry of Magic

Brian: Queen Rnnrweno of Speed and Seduction

Eleanor: Queen Nyrie of Myr

Grant: Queen Patella of Exiltum

Queen Rnnrweno Backstory:

Queen Rnnrweno of Speed and Seduction was originally born as Roweno to a family in the Southern lands. As she matured, she quickly learned to use her beauty and seductive nature to manipulate the men of her house to suit her needs. She also had the gift of speed, being able to outrun many of the boys in her house on foot as well as by horse.

She quickly ascended the steps of power in her house through her beauty and alluring nature, but this did not go unnoticed by many of the other jealous women in her house. Roweno was put on trial for adultery and faced execution. On her execution day, she escaped her prison and outran her executioners.

Roweno adopted the name of Rnnrweno and she left the lands of the South and journeyed her way to the North. In her wake she left a path of destruction through her temptress ways with all men she came in contact with.

She finally decided to seek solace in the House of Regina in the North. She offered them her gift of speed, being able to train an army of swift horses that could patrol the lands of Regina. She was accepted as one of the House and currently is incharge of the Houses defenses.

Queen Nyrie was originally from Myr. She came to Westeros to marry a lesser lord in the north. Her husband, Lord Darryn, died with the Young Wolf at the Red Wedding at the Twins before Nyrie was able to have a child. Without her husband to protect their lands, outlaws soon pillaged the villagers and raided Nyrie's castle. She fled into the forest, where her enchanting magical Myrish powers proved useful.
Nyrie befriended the fairies in the forest and became the queen of the forest. After two years of living in the forest, Nyrie was seen with a baby girl. However, no one quite knows where this girl came from or if she is even Nyrie's child. After another three years, Nyrie had a second baby girl with her. Rumors say that Queen Nyrie must have a secret lover in her forest or that the fairies must have impregnated her.
In her 10 years of living in the forest, only a handful of people have actually seen her forest castle and everyone claims of its magnificence. Though none can find it unless Queen Nyrie wants it to be found.

Queen Patella of Exiltium

Born Patricia, Patella hails from Exiltium, a notoriously war torn country. While she was the Queen in waiting for the country, Patricia interest was always more piqued by matters of combat rather than decorum. When her parents died, Patricia ruled solely as Queen - but she abdicated the throne to instead serve as General for the country. She earned the nickname Patella by instructing her soldiers to aim for the enemies kneecaps, a method of limiting their mobility and allow for easier flanking. “The Destroyer of Kneecaps” was born.

Eventually, Patella’s strategic insight and inspired combat strategy ended most conflict in the region. When the new ruler decided against making efforts to expand their territory, Patella was left with no real purpose in her country. She decided to wander the lands, and seeing something fierce about the House of Regina, and offered to lend her services to them. She serves as their General and war tactician, the big stick to the others soft words.

Queen Lizzeth of Haznia

Queen Lizzeth, or Liz for short, hails from the harsh land to the north. She is a robust woman, and was often made fun of for her looks. She is a small and plump woman, resembling something more of a stocky man. However, she believes that real beauty is what lies on the inside. She is witty, and has a sharp mind. She is a good talker, moving crowds to tears when she explains sad stories, and making them laugh when she cracks a joke.

It was because of this she was banished from her kingdom. Her sisters were all very good looking, but Lizzeth was the eldest. The one next in line to take the throne, and she eventually did. For three hours.

Three hours after she said her pledges, her younger sisters began to tell lies about her. They accused her of poisoning the previous queen so she can take control. They even had proof of the poison, and after a quick look over the body, the accusations were proved to be true.

In reality, it was the sisters who poisoned their mother, only to later accuse Lizzeth and assume the role of queens.

After hearing news of the situation, Lizzeth's loyal butler Gip helped her escape by horse. She successfully fled her homeland and came to the house of Regina to seek solitude. After meeting her, they accepted her with open arms.

Since, she has been a vital member. Being a spokesperson and representative of the house, she has made many alliances and truces.

Queen Morgan le Fay was the half sister of King Arthur. Even though that Morgan and Arthur were related; Morgan was Arthur's biggest adversary. She stole the Excalibur from Arthur and gave it to one of her many lovers to use it against Arthur in battle. When this failed, she threw it in to a lake.

Morgan had many affairs with many affluent men; she used them to protect herself, and she was known for shape-shifting in to animals and different shapes, along with the ability to fly. She is often portrayed as a villainess, however, she is also known for being a healer as well. In Celtic mythology, she took Arthur to Avalon to be healed by herself, despite their differences. Morgan is a complex Queen, who was ultimately banished in to hiding in to the woods of Avalon, where she wandered aimlessly for many years, before settling in to the House of Regina, with her untarnished beauty and mysteriousness led her to fit in with the other Queens and she then embraced her “misfit label” and reigned there for many many years, and many more to come.

Queen Dragoria of the ratchet wigs hails from the West Bank of the land. On the "West Bank" Drag Queens were the only part of the population. Raised by the Royal "Edwards Family," Dragoria had two sisters, Princess Shangela & Princess Laganja. Dragoria was happy in the land of Drag Queens, but she had a deep dark secret that no one knew about... Dragoria was a transitioning women. In the laws of the West Bank, only men were able to populate the area dressed as woman, but a woman was not able to populate. Queen Dragoria was discovered by her jealous sister Laganja during the daily sashay through the Kingdom. When the elders found out Dragoria was banished from the West Bank and forced to fend on her own.

Dragoria fled to the land of Regina, and was welcomed with open arms. People understood her, and respected her skills in runway walks, and wearing different wigs. Dragoria was happy to finally be accepted and part of a community. Dragoria happy sashayed through her new home of acceptance.

Queen Birdeesha of the Cardinals was the original headhuntress. She was born in the heart of Archaeo to a king dragon and a queen swan. The queen was elegant with her pearl white feathers glistening in the moonlight, swooning whomever turned her direction. The dragon king breathed fire to those in the underworld that feared or did not fear him. One day, the two met and made Queen Birdeesha of the Cardinals. She had fiery red feathers and had fierce fiery breath. She was the savior of the oppressed and the evil. Her altruistic nature was heralded in the land of Archaeo as she fought evil and rewarded the good. Her feathers sparkled like fire in the midnight sun. She is the queen of the cardinals. Bold, beautiful and fiery.
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Ms. Nelson, if ya nasty.
Offline Marker
Reputation: 31
Post #2: 31st Mar 2015 11:38:47 PM 
The winners of the challenge with an average score of 86, are...

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Congratulations, Brymmdreng, you are safe from the vote tonight. Regina, you'll be headed to Tribal Council.

A: 86 average
B: 61.2 average

However, Regina was NOT eligible to win anyway, as their submission was posted four minutes late. That said, work was put in, so feedback was deserved. Judges comments to follow in the next post. Good job to both tribes, and thank you for the effort.
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Ms. Nelson, if ya nasty.
Offline Marker
Reputation: 31
Post #3: 31st Mar 2015 11:39:33 PM 


1. House Name: 10/10. Perfectly constructed.

2. House Words: 8/10. I like the theme of the rising tide/the sea, but it doesn't quite feel like a motto like most ASoIAF mottos.

3. House Banner: 22/25. It looks like a legitimate Westeros flag. I'm impressed. There's a lot of negative space though. I feel like it needs ONE more small element.

4. Origin Story: 30/30. Really well-written and reads like it would work in a GoT episode.

5. Notable Alumni: 25/25. I love how you all drew on your strengths and still found a way to connect back to the sea. I also couldn't stop laughing the entire time- the humor was clever and well-thought-out.


1. House Name: 8/10. I get what you were going for with Regina/queen, but a) there's no explanation for those who don't know and b) it doesn't have quite a Westeros feel.

2. House Words: 10/10. A motto if I ever saw one. Excellent.

3. House Banner: 15/25. I hate being the one to say this, but while it's cute, it looks like a cover for a forgotten Evanescence album, not a GoT house flag.

4. Origin Story: 15/30. I can't ignore that half of the origin story (why you all belong) is either not there or unclear.

5. Notable Alumni: 20/25. It's a bit hard to read, and I'm confused on who Queen Birdeesha is, but they're entertaining and clever!



1. House Name (10 points):

Tribe A: 7/10- Creative name but doesn’t flow off the tongue.
Tribe B: 9/10- I really like the idea behind it. Catchy.

2. House Words (10 points):
Tribe A: 8/10- Fits nicely with the back story. Very good.
Tribe B: 8/10- Same reasoning as tribe A.

3. House Banner (25 points):
Tribe A: 17/25- Looks ok but a bit bland comparatively.
Tribe B: 22/25- This one really caught my eye.
To be fair I’ve never seen GoT so I don’t know what a house flag is supposed to look like.

4. Origin Story (30 points):

Tribe A: Part A-10/15 Part B- 13/15
The origin story lost me a bit, I thought it was a bit too complicated. But the second part I liked a lot. It kind of got me hyped for the game, which they all seem to be.

Tribe B: Part A- 14/15 Part B- 5/15
The origin story was gripping and to the point. They gave a very brief explanation of why they all belonged in this house, and while I like their explanation, I definitely was looking for more.
Totals: Tribe A: 23/30 Tribe B: 21/30

5. Notable Alumni (25 points):
Tribe A: 20/25- Fairly well done. I wasn’t as enthralled with the characters, but I liked the connections to the actual players.
Tribe B: 21/25- Slight edge because the stories for each character had me more engaged.

Overall Scores: Tribe A: 75/100
Tribe B: 79/100
I thought both did an awesome job, but the overall edge goes to Tribe B for their incredible creativity and engaging story. If they had done a better job on Part B of the origin story this would have been more of a landslide in my humble opinion.




1. House Name (10 points): 7/10 points. I like the effort that went into the etymology of the Anglo-Saxon words. But the name itself doesn’t flow all too well, and isn’t aesthetically pleasing.

2. House Words (10 points): 10/10. Short and simple. Goes well with the oceanic theme of the tribe, representing the rising forces of revenge and a hunger to rise up.

3. House Banner (25 points): This one’s hard to judge. It seems nice enough, but it’s a little plain. I’m questioning the choice of a solid green background – if your theme is the sea, why not go with a blue? Sure, it’s cliché, but it also just makes more sense than any other color. The merperson is also fine, but basically looks copied and pasted. 15/25

4. Origin Story (30 points):
Creation of the house (out of 15): 12/15. Epic stories are always great. I could’ve used a bit more detail behind a few things (what made these ancient people different? What’s the point of Leilani in the write-up?), but overall, it’s compelling and interesting.
Why everyone belongs (out of 15): 14/15. I love how the mission behind the Brymmdreng tribe ties into the Survivor game.

5. Notable Alumni (25 points): I’m doing 3 points for each member, and 4 points for overall cohesiveness.
Annette: creative and creepy! 3/3
Ben: not fond of the reference to drag superstars (do they have those in Westeros?) -1 for going out of the theme. But I did enjoy the general theme to Ben’s write-up. 2/3
Gabe: also creative and keeps with the nautical theme. -1 for talking about sluttiness (that’s weird). 2/3
Jake: not very tied into his personality at all – seems like just a made up story. It’s a fine story, but not as good as the others. 1/3
Luke: fun write-up; adds something different to this tribe. 3/3
Phil: similar to Jake’s, not that telling about his personality. But I like this write-up more. 2/3
Sagar: This one is weird! But it’s strangely compelling…and perhaps even erotic. Poor Sagar, having to eat his fish friends! 3/3 for originality.
Cohesiveness: I really enjoyed the nautical theme – each character has a distinct personality, and a lot of thought went into these write-ups. 4/4
Overall: 20/25

TOTAL: 78/100


1. House Name (10 points): 8/10. Although it’s self-evident as a name (Regina meaning…royal), it has a nice ring to it, and makes sense in the context of the story.

2. House Words (10 points): 5/10. Sounds more like a disco song than House words.

3. House Banner (25 points): 16/25. I’ll give y’all points for effort. It's well-done and eye-catching, but this looks more like an anime cover than a banner. Or alternatively, the cover to a Twilight-spinoff fanfic.

4. Origin Story (30 points):
Part 1: 13/15. I like that there’s some actual Game of Thrones lore in this origin story, and it can make sense. I would have liked to see more detail, since the ending feels lackadaisical.
Part 2: 0/15. I feel bad about this, but it’s basically missing! There’s no explanation as to why y’all fit into this theme at all.

5. Notable Alumni (25 points):
I’m doing 3 points for each member, and 4 points for overall cohesiveness.
Josh/Dragoria: 1.5/3. The description is fun and all, but I wish it related more to Josh instead of Dragoria, who is…fictional. Maybe y’all just had a different interpretation of the challenge than I do, but it makes it hard to score when I can’t connect the real people and the fictional characters.
Tina/Morgan: 1.5/3. See above.
Brian/Rnnrweno: 1.5/3. See above.
Eleanor/Nyrie: 1.5/3. See above.
Grant/Patella: 1.5/3. See above.
Stan and Loren – I’m guessing y’all are Birdeesha and Morgan le Fay? This wasn’t even indicated in the character descriptions. I appreciate the two characters, but unfortunately, Stan and Loren just aren’t there. 0/3 for both of them.
Overall cohesiveness: 4/4. I’m throwing y’all a bone here, but the descriptions do fit with the theme, and they are cohesive. So you have that, at least?
Overall: 11.5/25

TOTAL: 52.5/100



Brymmdreng = 90/100
1.House Name: 9/10
Sounds epic! A bit hard to remember, but that's nitpicking.

2. House Words: 10/10
I really liked it! Fits with the Game of Thrones mottos well.

3. House Banner: 18/25
Not that interesting, but gets the job done.

4. Origin Story: 28/30
A bit long, but otherwise really good. Shows you put a lot of effort into it, and I really liked your explanation as to why you belong. Well done!

5. Notable Alumni: 25/25
This was by far my favorite part. You guys nailed this! They were all so much fun to read, and I liked how well each explanation tied into your own personalities. Really creative.

Regina = 61/100
1.House Name: 6/10
Doesn't seem like a lot of thought was put into it. Seems like one of you just happened to be watching mean girls at the time, or you were really inspired by the capital of Saskatchewan. Decent, but I think y'all could have done better.

2. House Words: 4/10
Isn't very creative or interesting, nor is it fun to say like “Winter is Coming” or “Hear me Roar”. But at least it exists!

3. House Banner: 15/25
I dont really see how its a banner, but its pretty!

4. Origin Story: 16/25
I liked the origin story, but I would have liked to see more than two sentences about why you were all in this house.

5. Notable Alumni: 20/25
I got kinda confused as to who was who as you didn't list everyone at the beginning, but they were still fun to read nonetheless. I appreciated the RPDR references but, let's be honest, the House of Edwards probably would get conquered immediately.



Tribe A

1. House Name (9/10) - I enjoyed that you combined two anglo saxon words to create your house name. A single point taken off because the name doesn't flow super well, but I enjoyed the creativity.

2. House Words (10/10) - Fantastic set of House Words. It doesn't seem to threatening if you look at it originally, but combined with the House backstory it fits very well.

3. House banner (23/25) - Good use of negative space and well formatted sigil, small nitpick for the purple color choice. Purple is a fantastic color, but doesn't fit the overall color scheme of the banner.

4. Origin Story (27/30) - Great backstory detailing the history of your people and famous ancestors that you all model yourselves after. I also enjoyed the militaristic approach and strategic way to reclaim land and rebuild your kingdom.

5. Notable Alumni (25/25) - Unique backstory for each individual that also makes sense with the theme of your House. Well done!

Total: 94/100 well done!

Tribe B

1. House Name (5/10) - Choosing your house name based off the first name of your origin character... Not sure if this was really lazy or just lacked in creativity.

2. House Words (7/10) - Good, not great.

3. House banner (18/25) - Great looking image, it just doesn't fit the Game of Thrones theme. Looks more like a forum signature on an anime image board.

4. Origin Story (18/30) - I liked how you took pre-existing storylines from the actual series and made a spin-off. Unfortunately that spin-off wasn't very well thought out and seems half-assed.

5. Notable Alumni (5/25) - I get you are a fan of drag queens... but this is Westeros not a runway. 5 pity points.

Total: 53/100 ouch.



Tribe A

1. House Name (7/10) - Haphazard and doesn't really flow well together. The Westerosi house names are like onomatopoeias. Stark is Germanic and abrupt and harsh just like the North. Targaryen flows off the tongue and immediately conveys regality. Anglo Saxon was a good choice for your language of origin, but I would have loved to see more creativity with the etymology.

2. House Words (8/10) - Solid. Thematic. Most of the other house words are complete sentences though. "The Tide Rises" would have been much more ominous and would have fit better. But solid.

3. House banner (20/25) - It's a mermaid. Yup. Adding some complexity to the heraldry on the banner would have been cool, but I like it. Again, solid effort

4. Origin Story (28/30) - Brymmdrung REALLY starts to shine here. They mesh the mythological and martial sides of their house well and really bring it all together.

5. Notable Alumni (24/25) - Everyone feels unique, yet cohesive, and I honestly love it. My one minor complaint is how everything is driven as one narrative, but I can look past that. I love it.

Total: 87/100

Tribe B

1. House Name (3/10) - Taking the most basic medieval word and translating it into the most basic mythological-ish language is lazy.

2. House Words (6/10) - Oh god I can see where this is going. I'm over it already.

3. House banner (8/25) - This looks like an unfinished project on DeviantArt.

4. Origin Story (14/30) - This backstory feels very tacked on to, and feels too derivative of, already established Westeros lore. The writing is sloppy, and doesn't seem to fit very well with the theme of "everlasting beauty".

5. Notable Alumni (13/25) - Others have stated that this was sloppy, and that not everyone was listed properly. I appreciated the overall cohesiveness of the stories and how you finally ran with the theme of cast-off nobility, but the writing was stilted, and I didn't feel like your individual personalities shined through as the characters.

Total: 44/100




1. House Name: 10/10 - The phonetics and construction of this pleases my eye and tongue. This, frankly, is the correct answer.

2. House Words: 10/10 - It is thematically appropriate and attractive. There is little to scrutinize or criticize here.

3. House Banner: 21/25 - Points for neatness. It is such a silly thing to address, but that particular shade of green, although quite pleasing, doesn't go with the aquatic theme presented. It does, however, work very well with the themes of renewal, ambition and wealth in some of the stories, whether intentional or not. A colour swapping of the font and the flag may have been nice. BUT IT'S STILL QUITE NICE.

4. Origin Story: 29/30 - It's well done. A classic story of revenge can never really go wrong, but can never be perfect without something to make it truly unique; but it's really damn good. You get it, Leilani! #LeilaniForChronciles17

5. Notable Alumni: 28/30 - These are really well done. One point off for all those (brackets[brackets]) in one sentence that was just wow, and one story mentioning Land so often without any real relation to the aquatic theme laid out by the rest of the tribe (even though I think these two I'm deducting points from are two of the more interesting [no offense?])

TOTAL: 93/100


1. House Name: 8/10 - The meaning of the name works for me. The choice works. This is a really picky thing, but without your historic background, I'm not sure whether to pronounce the name English Latin or Ecclesiastical Latin or head of the Plastics. Until I know for sure, I will be pronouncing it the way that makes me happiest; like a proper Saskatchewanian.

2. House Words: 10/10 - Powerful, and works with the theme you went with. It's evident that you embraced the more fabulous side of things as a tribe, so for choosing to go in that direction, this works.

3. House Banner: 14/25 - I used this image as my MySpace profile signature in high school. Just raggin' on ya. Again, for the thematic approach you chose, this look works. However, the rubric stated it was looking for something in the vain of your old tribe banners, and you decided to go the route of a tribe flag. It's giving me an orange when I wanted an apple; yes, it's a fruit, and it will feed me, but I totally asked for an orange, and you gave me an apple.

4. Origin Story: 19/30 - The story works for me. No complains there. My issue here is the explanation as to why you all belong here being placed into two small sentences (which, really, we could have replaced the period with a comma). I mean... yes, you did say why you all belong there, but (a lot) more backstory would have been nice. Points for choosing not to be a tribe because you all dream of hottubbing in garlic butter.

5. Notble Alumni: 20/25 - AGAIN, because of the theme you have chosen to present, all of this works, and all of this is fun. It doesn't bother me that you went fabulous, because the rules said to take creative liberty, so thank you for bringing some glam to Westeros, a world I know nearly nothing about. The formatting however made it a bit hard to read (Starting the first bio with "Queen Rnnrweno Backstory:" with a break, then the story underneath could have been done for everyone in the same style; right now it's just not uniform) and I am a bit bothered that with Regina literally meaning 'Queen' by definition, ya'll weren't, say, Regina Nyrie of Myr or Regina Rnnrweno of Speed and Seduction. I just think they sound cool? Missed opportunity.

Total: 71/100
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