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~"The Queen of The Jury" Josh's Questions & Comments~
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Post #1: 26th Apr 2015 4:29:56 AM 
Thank you for slaying that.

Which jury member to you believe will be most bitter and why do you deserve their vote?

Tina, without a doubt. We started out on day one and I really built a strong rapport with her. I would say that I connected with her better than anyone else this game. That's why voting her out was the hardest thing I had to do.

I hope that when she reads through my answers and votes, she will vote for me because she understand the moves that I made and the motives behind them. Voting her out was about making sure I made it past the final seven. The way the majority alliance was comprised at the final nine was 3 Starks, 2 Lannisters, and a Baratheon. I was terrified at the thought of the alliance turning on Stark at the final eight or seven and knew I had to strike first. The problem with striking first is that there was only one logical person to vote out to ensure that everyone didn't band together and vote out Stark. If we had jumped and voted out someone else in the alliance, the reality of three Starks still being in the game was still present. I knew that I would probably be the one voted out of the three if that was the case, due to my challenge strength. Voting out Tina was the only way to eliminate the potential for that to happen. That doesn't change the fact that it killed me to vote her out. I hope that being a big fan of Survivor, she can appreciate the gameplay involved in that vote, as well as as my gameplay in general.

Why didn't you take me to the final two when you knew you could win?

It's easy to look at my game and say that I wasn't loyal to anyone because of my flip-flopping, but I stayed completely loyal to one person at all points in the game. Until Luke betrayed me, I was 100% loyal to him. As soon as he flipped, that became Stan. While I may have kept them both in the dark at times with things I was doing in the game, never did I do anything that immediately endangered them. Even though I know I could have won against you, I wasn't going to break that loyalty for an easy win. Loyalty to one person brought me to the end and I wasn't going to abandon that.

Compare each player to a Survivor castaway

Annette - Sierra Thomas, Worlds Apart. Sierra is one of the better social players of this season. Despite being in a majority alliance, she entertains other options and is well liked by everyone. She sticks with the majority alliance even when things get rocky. Annette was one of the better social players in the game and stuck to her alliance from the beginning until the end. Even when she left the game, nobody had a negative thing to say about her.

Phil - JT Thomas, Tocantins. JT was universally liked by everyone in the game, a strong challenge competitor, and part of a strong three person alliance. Phil was so well-liked by everyone in the game that he was considered the biggest threat for that fact. Everyone was concerned that if he stayed in the game, he would be able to use his likability to change things up.

Tina - Parvati Shallow, Cook Islands. Parvati was always safe due to her connections at every point in the game. She used her social charm to win over those close to her. She was cunning, something that some people didn't see at first. She only lost after another person flipped sides and put her in the minority. Had flipping not happened, she would have likely gotten to the end of the game. If you take out Parvati's name and put in Tina's, their games match. Tina used her ability to connect with others to keep her safe on Stark, Regina, and the early part of Targaryen. She was playing the game more than most knew, keeping strong connections with everyone in the majority alliance at merge, which would have protected her if the tables turned. The only reason she was voted out was because someone else turned on the majority.

Luke - Kass McQuillen, Cagayan. Kass had a great understanding of the game Survivor. She formed strong bonds with most people in the game, but still kept perspective that every person was expendable in order for her to get to the end. She also had a tendency to get into quips with other players. She flipped on the majority alliance to further her gameplay. Luke and I worked well strategically because we both were able to have a future-oriented outlook on the game. We were concerned about the present but also aware of the ramifications of our actions further down in the game. When we flipped on Tina at the final nine, that was to protect us if the game turned against the Starks. Him blowing up at me was because he was so future-oriented that he foresaw me setting up a final three that would guarantee me a place in the final two. It was a Kass-like blow up that caused him to be voted out.

Sagar - Ethan Zohn, All Stars. Ethan was well regarded for his ability to play Survivor from his previous showings. He was well liked by most and could hold his own in challenges. He was voted out by his tribe because he was deemed the biggest threat left in the game. When I saw Sagar in the cast, it made me nervous since I knew he could play this game well. He was likable but also had a very good head on his shoulders. His reputation ended up working against him as it was known how good a player he could be.

Grant - Shii Ann Huang, Thailand. Shii Ann was a student of the game, and always thought ahead. When she reached "merge", she was not well liked by her original tribe and sought a way out. She had the foresight to try and make a move before a move could be made against her. Her eagerness to make a move exposed her prowess as a player, and caused her to be voted out. Grant came into the merge and it was apparent that Baratheon did not talk as highly about him as they did about the rest of their tribe. Despite being seen unfavorably, he made it through five merge tribal councils. He was only voted out when he was too eager to make a move against his alliance, prompting the game to turn on him (and causing only one of two unanimous votes after merge). I think the fact that everyone saw Grant as a threat to come together and vote him out shows how threatening he was.

Brian - Cirie Fields, Panama. One of the most likable Survivor players of all time, with a subtle strategic mind. Cirie used her charm to persevere through difficult rounds. Even though she was in the minority, she allowed the chaos going on around her to get her farther in the game. Her perception of being able to win the final tribal council played crucial in her being voted out. Brian is such a good social player. He is just a really good, genuine person. I grew to like him so much that voting him out was as difficult as voting out Tina, whom I had known for 15 more days. He was loyal to those that were loyal to him. That made him such a threat if he made it to the end of the game. Everyone knew he was a shoe-in to win the game if he made it to the end, which is why he was voted out.

Gabe - Sugar Kiper, Gabon. Sugar faced an uphill battle from the beginning of the game, always seeming to be close to be voted out. She kept to her strategy of eliminating bad people. She took part in the most prominent feud of the season, publicly getting into fights with Randy. Despite having an over the top personality, she was well liked by most of her tribemates as well as the viewers. Gabe had the same rocky road as Sugar. He found himself on the outs right before One World, was on the outs on Brymmdreng, and was outside the main allaince at the beginning of the merge. Yet he still made it to the final four. He was loyal to those that he entrusted, which he showed by eagerly saying he would go to roulette for Luke at the final eight. He also got into a Randy/Sugar fight in the blast chat with Josh at the final six. He was a straight shooter, and was fun to watch and play the game with.

Josh - Courtney Yates, China. Giving you anyone else would be sacrilegious. Courtney was remembered for her personality, sarcastic nature, and feud with Jean-Robert. Despite being weak in challenges, she made up for it with personality. If I had to summarize Josh's game, it would be OTT. He made big moves at the beginning of the merge and then transitioned the OTT to his personality. He was direct with everyone, got into a public scuffle with Gabe, and never let an opportunity pass to be sarcastic. While not the best game player, he will be remembered as a personality moreso than a player, just as Courtney has.

Ben - Tony Vlachos, Cagayan. "Flippers never win." "Tony won." Thank you Shirin <3. Tony played the game in a calculating way, willing to do whatever was needed to get ahead. His charisma allowed others to trust him and he used those connections to stay aware of everything in the game. Tony controlled Cagayan. I feel like the game I played mirrored Tony's, using the connections I made to give me options every round. I did what I believe was best for my game, put aside my personal feelings to get further, and still managed to stay well-connected after it was known I had worked with both sides.

Stan - Woo Hwang, Cagayan. If I am Tony, then Stan has to be Woo. Woo played the game staying loyal to his alliances, even when it would have benefited him to make other moves. He let stronger players, like Tony, make big moves and followed those decisions. He was a challenge threat and earned the respect of most of the players in the game. Stan did the same as Woo. He was loyal to those he held close. He let those people make moves for him while he followed. He won several immunities to get further in the game. Even though he did not meet eye to eye with some people in the game, it seemed like everyone respected Stan. Plus, he's asian.

Which six players would be on the DVD box of Survivor Chronicles 16?

The first person would be me. I believe I played the most prominent strategic game while also being well connected with everyone in the game

Stan. He made it to the final two by being loyal to his allies.

Brian. America's sweetheart, he would need to be on the box.

Josh. The villain of the season with the biggest personality.

Luke. The brains of the early merge, his meltdown laid the groundwork for the rest of the game

Gabe. This season's underdog story, he also had a big personality that the viewers would enjoy.
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