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Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #1: 6th Dec 2014 3:53:33 AM 
(Yes, I'm writing this while high, but I had this revelation today that y'all need to hear)

I'm loving playing this game. It took until this very moment to realize how in the manner of 3 weeks, I've spent multiple hours per day talking to these complete strangers. We live in a completely separate world when playing and chatting - though we're playing online in our jeans and t-shirts, it feels like you're putting yourself into the game. I've exchanged personal information with these people who I would never interact with otherwise. We're created this simulation of a show that many of us love, into a game that we all live.

It's ridiculous and somewhat absurd at times, when I sit down and think about it. But the beauty in these strange friendships - whether for strategy or in reality - is that it makes us want to put in all these hours into something that has no external benefit...except for making new social connections.

I'm not 100% sure how involved I'll be with this community after this game. But at this time, I'm living and loving it. I spent the past 4 hours just chatting up folks. I'd guess that 1/3 of the talk was strategy, and the other 2/3 just socializing. We're relaxing after a work week; we're out with friends; we have other things to do. But so many of us just choose to keep talking to these former strangers.

It's so fucking weird. I have outside friends, I swear!

This is the freaking sappiest thing I might have ever written, but it's really been fun with everyone - all you contestants for being awesome and so much fun to play with. All you hosts are doing a fantastic job of hosting. And you random viewers - I hope you MERCILESSLY MOCK THIS POST for how stupidly sappy it is. But y'all are great too.

(I feel like I'm acting like a diva. Someone slap me if I am, please)

Anyways, it's been a ton of fun, and hopefully I'll be in touch with people after it's over.

And I actually think I might regret this shitty post in the morning, but whatever gets posted stays posted.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 24
Joined:Oct 19, 2014
Post #2: 6th Dec 2014 11:19:05 AM 
this is gross.

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #3: 6th Dec 2014 3:39:14 PM 
I'd be disappointed if you reacted in any other way, Aaron.

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #4: 16th Dec 2014 5:40:09 PM 
Yo jmoney...damn, I wanted you in that FTC. Even though I turned my back on you, you were by far the best player out there. Hope there's no hard feelings between us there - it was just game on my end (and paranoia, emotions, etc).

And in retrospect, the way I handled those last 2 rounds might've screwed you over. Making it so blatantly obvious that you were far and beyond the favorite to win - it opened up Kate's eyes to taking Eric to FTC. I really did think Kate was sticking to being blindly loyal when Anthony had mentioned it to me. But in fact, she was the one who benefited the most from everything that happened from F6 on.
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