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Episode 10

Offline Marker
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Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #1: 3rd Dec 2014 12:32:59 AM 
Whew. I wasn't worried about that vote, but we did it - got a blindside!

I'm not gonna strategize that much tonight cuz...oops, I'm almost high. Sigh. Why?

But I'm gonna post this quote, from Kate:

"Stacey would have gone this week if not for [Mike's] idiocy"

Kate, Kate, Kate. Why would you tell me that? Why would we (Jacob and I) have gone with a plan to take out Stacey? Why would we take out her and Spencey for a 4-Rockefeller, 3-Vanderbilt F7? Especially since we know that you're tight with Lindsay?

Before she said that, I already knew that she was playing both sides. But now, I'm almost completely sure.

Spencer has a good idea about this too. We NEED to make sure Lindsay, Eric, or Anthony go this round before F7, when Kate has a high chance of turning on us.

I'm thinking of a bunch of ideas, but I'll post a full description tomorrow. But as a teaser:

- Reinforce Kate's loyalty.
- Bully Eric/Anthony.
- Vote out Kate.


Offline Marker
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Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #2: 3rd Dec 2014 9:59:33 PM 
Mannn I suck at challenges. I was kind of trying to lay low and not seem like a threat, but I REALLY DO SUCK.

...if I'm gonna suck all the time, might as well go suck a dick.

Offline Marker
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Joined:Oct 22, 2014
Post #3: 4th Dec 2014 12:40:12 AM 
Tomas @ 3/12/2014 17:59
Mannn I suck at challenges. I was kind of trying to lay low and not seem like a threat, but I REALLY DO SUCK.

...if I'm gonna suck all the time, might as well go suck a dick.

cant decide whether to like this post for the joke or dislike it for the 'go thomas, you dont suck!' mentality.

Offline Marker
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Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #4: 4th Dec 2014 5:15:52 PM 
This following post has been rated "R" for adult content and language. Children 17 and under are not advised to read it:

So um, it looks like my Chronicles confessionals are magical...cuz I LITERALLY sucked a dick last night. Um. And it wasn't planned at all either. I'm just really weirded out by the coincidence.

For any of you who want to read the torrid and tawdry details:

I went on a date with the guy - 11th date or so, I'm not even counting anymore! We ate Ethiopian food, held hands down the main SF street, pushed each other around in a cute way. He offered to show me a tour of his office - and we took the front door, not the back *wink wink*

We kinda just sat there on the couch in his office for 1.5 hours and chatted. And suddenly, make-out session. Don't you hate/love when people just make out with you with no warning? ...okay, I might've gotten a bit handsy. But who doesn't? We ended up blowing each other...on his office couch...gross...and really hot. I wasn't actually going to go all the way - I was having fun teasing him for complaining that he was gonna get "blue balls". But I guess he REALLY wanted the D, and went forth with unzipping my pants. OKAY NOW. If you do it, it means that it's okay if I do it. So...commence dick sucking.

So yeah, now I have some explicit account of my sex life on a forum. Which I'm guessing few people will ever see. And I might delete this soon because it's inappropriate and I don't want it associated with me. But it's also hot and kinda hilarious.

And, I literally suck, in many ways. But it looks like I don't suck at sucking dick, at least. So do I still suck? Yes.

ANYWAYS, real strategy post, coming soon!

Post Edited by Tomas @ 4th Dec 2014 5:16:39 PM

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #5: 4th Dec 2014 7:10:03 PM 
So…I’m pretty sure I’m getting played. Fuck.

Kate has really risen in her gameplay. I didn’t think much of her early on, especially after we took out her closest early ally, Maxis. But then she and Lindsay bonded together, and I honestly think she has a lot of the control in the game.

Why? All 3 original tribal alliances are still depending on her vote. Carnegies need her to vote out a Rockefeller. The Rockefellers need her to vote the Carnegies. And as for Jacob and I – we need her to stick together with us. She’s in a good spot with Lindsay – meaning that effectively, she can work with the Rockefellers well. And while I’m good with the Carnegies, Kate’s in a better spot – 3 Rockefellers vs 2 Carnegies. She can force a tie; I can’t without Jacob.

I thought that Lindsay/Jacob/RJ would be the biggest players. Jacob’s laying low (he’s trying to play very UTR – maybe so much that he can’t win now). Lindsay is hiding behind her alliance of guys and Kate. RJ is out. And now Kate, as the “swing vote” (whose allegiances are clear, so she’s not really a “swing”), has the power to dictate the next few rounds, if we let her.

I’m pissed off that I let my guard down. We should’ve been more aware during the John vote – convince people to vote off Mike/Eric at that point.

I talk to Kate today, and see if she wants to vote out a Rockefeller by any chance. Nope – she’s still sticking with the Stacey vote. I stress that we need Lindsay out at some point, and she agrees. She says something about Anthony and Eric being okay with voting Lindsay out at F6, which will put Vanderbilt at an advantage at F5. But she (and Anthony and Eric) could just be saying that to lead us on.

Post Edited by Tomas @ 4th Dec 2014 7:10:18 PM

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #6: 4th Dec 2014 7:54:11 PM 

Offline Marker
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Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #7: 4th Dec 2014 10:05:32 PM 
I'm gonna go get drunk because this game is making me sad. And then, booty call the guy, cuz sex makes everything better. So, I will be MIA. See y'all later!

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #8: 4th Dec 2014 10:13:18 PM 
Jeez, this game makes me look like an alcoholic. I'm not though - alcoholics go to meetings, I go to Tribal Councils!
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