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Episode 6

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #1: 25th Nov 2014 7:46:18 PM 
Hey all! Sorry I’ve been so bad at updating. Life has been busy (trying to figure out that weird spot between dating and going out, working my work). Because I hate telling all my single friends about my dating life, I’m just gonna blog it out on here. ;) I’ve never been in *love* (it feels really strange even to write that out), and my last relationship – while definitely real – didn’t feel very much like one. This time around though, I’ve tripped over my shoelaces and fallen straight into his arms – er, gay into his arms? So hey, even if my Survivor game isn’t on point, my dating life is going somewhere! Yes – I’ll start a separate confessional blog just for romance.

Project Honeytrap is a no-go, by the way. Patrick, you told me there’s a ton of gay guys who play this. I can’t flirt with the straight women! Or the straight guys with the girlfriends. OR ESPECIALLY WITH ALL THE DAMN HIGH SCHOOLERS. Jeez. I’m not gonna fish for the jailbait. It’s like y’all planted only people who I can’t flirt with.
…or maybe I’m actually a terrible flirt. Eh.

Also, I’m a really bad Survivor player. Not strategically or socially – nah, I’m at worst mediocre at those. But I’m bad as in…I know I should be socializing and strategizing and working the challenges, but…instead I just get high. DAMNIT. And I don’t know how y’all are when high, but when I am, I can’t talk to people at all. Strategy just flies right through my brain; I say the stupidest shit. So let this be known – today is the day that Thomas (temporarily) gives up weed in order to maximize his game potential. No more high strategy conversations! (This is also good for my romance life…guy texted me “Wish you were here” yesterday, and I texted back some nonsensical, grammatically-poor jumble of words. Boys and girls, don’t be a stoner if it turns you into a zombie).

Thankfully, the Survivor gods put me in a decent position. And honestly, I don’t even really deserve it this much! Sure, I made it through the first few votes fine and made some good allies. I got lucky by not having to go to Tribal as Pinkerton – that might’ve been the death of me, Kate or Jacob. Donovan got screwed over by having weaker players and not winning immunity. My lack of social game in some spots is covered by other peoples’ better social skills.

But even taking all that into consideration, I’m still doing okay, game-wise. It looks like Pinkerton is sticking together for this vote – I’ve confirmed with Jacob, Kate, RJ, Spencer, and Lindsay. Anthony – I still don’t really talk to, but I’m sure he’s on the same page. 2 days ago, RJ came up to me and asked who I would vote for next tribal. I asked him to answer his question if I do, and he goes ahead and says he’d take out John. I offer up Brandon as the next to go – reasoning being, he’s the most likely of the Wobbles to try to stir things up. This especially holds if what Jacob told me (that Brandon had flipped on Donovan) is true. We both played it cool – it’s obvious to me that RJ would rather take out John (to reduce the chance of Vanderbilt dominance), and it’s the same way with my reasoning (Brandon and RJ are both former Carnegie). Yesterday, when I was high, RJ approached me about the vote again. He mentioned that Lindsay was going to vote Brandon. I bought up what we had discussed previously (John as his vote, Brandon as mine). He then told me that he’ll go along with the majority – that “it seems like more people are on your side than mine =P So I’ll follow you guys”. Of course, I fall for this bait (because I was high! I would never fall for it otherwise) and respond “Honestly it doesn’t matter too much, as long as it’s between the 5”. This could’ve set me up for total disaster, and he could’ve switched it to John – if it truly didn’t matter to me. But he didn’t object or try anything on me, so it *seems* like he’s sticking with Brandon for now. Still, I’m keeping an eye out on RJ.
So for the new people (from the Wobbles), I’ve been chatting up two of them – Eric, and Mike.

Eric and I talk a bit – he’s a nice Tennessee guy, and I like him fine. I also don’t find him a big threat…at least, not in the moment.

Mike’s a pretty cool guy. We get along well – between everyone that I’ve met in this game, he’s definitely higher on the list of people I get along with, along with Jacob and Donovan. I’m also thinking that it would be good to have an “ally” on the other side for now. Especially since I have not said a word to Brandon or Stacy – if I ever need the Wobbles’ help for anything, it’s good to have a connection. After chatting for about half an hour today, I proposed one of those non-binding “look out for each other” propositions with Mike. I’ll let him know if he’s being targeted; he’ll do the same for me.

My reasoning for making an ally on the other side right now is this:

1) I don’t completely trust my alliance. I think RJ could very easily get me out – he doesn’t even need to tell Jacob or Kate. He’s very, very smart, and knows his Survivor. If I were to predict what happens if we Pagong the Wobbles (when it’s down to the Pinkerton 7), he, Spencer, Lindsay and Anthony would team up to wipe the Vanderbilts. I don’t want to let that happen – and to make sure that doesn’t happen, we’ll need a few more numbers. Or, it could be someone who isn’t RJ – Lindsay, Anthony, or Spencer could. I even trust Jacob and Kate 98%, and hell, they could backstab me. All they would need is to bring it up with the Wobbles, and boom, numbers for a blindside. Having Mike on my side, I’m safer from getting backstabbed by my alliance – especially since Wobbles is behind in numbers, I’m more certain that he’ll want someone he can trust. And speaking of trust…

2) It never hurts to have allies on the other side of the fence. In some situations, it might be smarter to jump ship. Pinkerton can completely fall apart in 1 day. Someone could get blindsided; I might find it in my best interest to go with Mike/John/Eric/Brandon/Stacy instead of my current group. While I don't plan on doing that for this vote, I want to keep my options open for future tribal councils.

So I hinted to Mike that something might get stirred up in the near future – but not this round. I don’t want him to be talking to tons of people, trying to get the Pinkertons to turn on each other. Next round though, he should be down to go with me in case I want to cut him or one of the Rockefellers (they still have 4 left, if we’re voting out Brandon tonight).

So for now…just laying low, like usual. Sigh. No llama today. I’m an antlion, waiting to spring up on prey! But temporarily (and most of the time), hiding in my little hole in the sand. Joy.

Until next time folks,

Post Edited by Tomas @ 25th Nov 2014 9:57:19 PM

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #2: 25th Nov 2014 9:42:28 PM 
So, Mike is pretty chill. I like chatting with him! We discussed how we expected a bit more scrambling and strategizing, and the topic turned to past contestants. In discussing Season 13 of Chronicles, we discovered our mutual love of Elise – or “Slayer”.
During our discussion, we decided to have a little internal challenge between the two of us – to have some friendly competition to see who could become besties with Slayer.


But actually, I’m more of a fan whose admiration comes out in dry pith. So Slayer, here’s an offering at your altar. I humbly present: a limerick in homage to the epic run of Slayer:

There was a contestant named Slayer
Her badass-ness made a great player
She took all them votes
She’ll be no boys’ goats
Hell, I’d nominate her for mayor!

I'll be your veep =D
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 24
Joined:Oct 19, 2014
Post #3: 25th Nov 2014 9:48:07 PM 
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 21
Joined:Oct 27, 2014
Post #4: 26th Nov 2014 2:56:12 AM 
Omg my ego <3 That limerick <3

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With friend and foe we march to the battle plain.
Some to seek success. Others to seek fame.
We play with honor. For the love of this game.
And with armor or without, we will toil in vain.
So that someday, someone, somewhere, will remember our name.

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