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Tribal Council Votes
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Joined:Nov 6, 2014
Post #1: 11th Nov 2014 9:06:01 PM 
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Vote for Round 1 is going to Eric. I made the image simple and basic (albeit colorful to give it some 'pizazz') because it's honestly how I currently feel about Eric. That is, I'm completely indifferent to him and I haven't really spoken to him. The main reason I'm voting for him is because I'm following along with Kate and Donovan who have told me they're voting for him as well (I'll explain this more in detail in my round 1 thread). If I can follow majority vote, not only will those like Kate and Donovan trust me more, but it also may mean saving myself from being voted out by changing where that majority vote is going.

There is a possibility they're bluffing to get Eric to target me, but it's definitely better than being voted out round 1, so I'm really hoping this isn't the case! Wish me luck, hopefully this goes as planned.
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Joined:Nov 6, 2014
Post #2: 17th Nov 2014 8:56:31 PM 
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Round 3, vote is going to Thomas. I know my chances are, once again, extremely slim, and I won't be surprised if I'm the one voted out. I'll probably be surprised if I'm not voted out.

Given that the rest of the tribe has been extremely quiet around me, and also that I didn't put as much time as I could have into this most recent immunity challenge, my chances of survival are pretty much | |. Blame my busy real life, real sorry guys!

So my vote to Thomas is kind of one I'm throwing. I'm thinking that, if the others have other plans on their minds, it'll perhaps be Thomas who they'll be voting for. At least this way I can, once again, try to follow the majority to save myself.

It's pretty basic reasoning, a pretty basic vote, but it's still something. I have a slim amount of hope left, but I knew I came into this game not under normal circumstances and I won't be too disappointed in myself if I'm voted out this round.
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