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Cast Reveal

Offline Marker
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Post #1: 7th Nov 2014 12:33:16 AM 
Is this cast not the best already?

Offline Marker
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Post #2: 7th Nov 2014 5:02:22 PM 
Fun fact: Jacob won isurv1vor Haiti.

Keep your eye on him. He's awesome

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Post #3: 7th Nov 2014 5:19:37 PM 
Soooo excited for Rebecca. Where did you get some of these people??

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Post #4: 7th Nov 2014 8:06:41 PM 
Is this the Eric from SC12?

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Post #5: 7th Nov 2014 9:11:12 PM 
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If you don't root for Donovan, then you're no friend of mine! Donovan got superfucked in SC11 where he got his untimely exit due to an alliance preference from William. It is evident that Donovan does well in these games after SCBB and I hope he does well. I can't really say how he should play differently because I didn't follow SCBB and in SC11, he didn't do anything wrong. Maybe work on your alliances? IDK, Donovan is someone who has potential if you ask me.

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Kate played alias in the game good versus evil! John would know a bit more about how her playstyle is. From what I gathered as a viewer, she was observed as 'take-charge' and got a prejury exit after a bit of a 'swapfuck', however the game in it's entirety was unpredictable so Kate really shouldn't hold any judgement on her past placement if she wants to do well. She's social, and I'm excited to see how she takes the public aspect of this game. I'm really excited to see how she does in her second ever game, first non alias game.

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I personally love anyone who can hold a new perspective on societal norms, and Maxis IS that individual for me in this game. However, Maxis will encounter a very sad truth: not everyone will agree with their view, and sadly I think they might rustle some feathers if they simply tell anyone what their preference is on how they would like to be addressed. I'm excited for Maxis, and I'm sure Maxis is excited as well, but I can see at least 1 individual not agreeing with their stance. I hope everyone is accepting, but it's a sad truth when that's not entirely the case.

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Walking in, I think Mike should play VERY SIMILARLY to how he played in SC10. I remember him being a huge underdog, and he played an amazing game that was taken far from his prime. From what I remember, all he needs to do is fix a few of his problems. Them being... 1) DO NOT alienate yourself 2) SEEM friendly 3) FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT! I think Mike was a little too readable and people could see through him quickly, and he found himself on the outs of the alliance on the favorites tribe in SC10. Looking forward to seeing Mike come back, but I'm just mystified as to how well he can do.

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He did not put a lot of oomph into that definition of himself and I have no idea where he's from or what his story is since there are several Patricks roaming the org world. Where did you find him??

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Alright, I CANNOT read the last initial. B? D? O? Anyways, Eric B/D/O seems like a pretty cool guy. I like anyone that preaches their actual personality before their strategy because it shows that they have a heart. I think personality outweighs strategy in the early rounds of the game, so as we get to see Eric prove himself, we'll also get to understand his personality. Early favorite for me. Coll guy, favorite noobie this far.

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THIS GUY! I like him already. He seems larger than life, and we can take his bio two ways. He's sarcastic, and shows that he has a funny personality that can make fun of himself. Or he means every word he just said, and he'll be one of the biggest personalities in this game. Either way, I'm gonna tune into RJTV for sure.

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Lindsay is a very polarizing person in a very good way. She's comfortable with who she is, and she's very personable. I didn't get to know her as well as I should have considering she left RIGHT before the jury. I've come to notice that she plays these games the same way... she's very 'loud' and upfront, she's very loyal, and she's very commanding. All these lead to turmoil in the merge or tribe swap phase because sadly, not everyone feels the love that she emulates for specific individuals. I think she needs to really change her game if she wants to win, and I know I personally want to see her do well. She needs to focus on showing everyone love, whether it's fake or real, and hide her emotions a bit better.

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Spencer admitting that he has a hard time relating himself to other people is both really good and really bad. It's very important that he finds some people to relate himself to. He said this is his first game and I want him to do so well, but nothing pops out to me yet. I'm ready to be proven wrong, but I can't see Spencer going far.

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Another Nelson???? If he's anything like the Brian Nelson we already have, then I think we're in for a treat. He says he likes a bit of chaos, however I'm unsure about him. Just not quite enough information for my liking. I have no idea if he'll do well or if he'll do poorly.

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Alright honestly there isn't something I can say wrong about him so far. An optomist, a fun loving guy, and educated. I think he'll do very well for himself and he seems very nonthreatening. I like Anthony.

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I know nothing about John but I've seen his face many times. I know he played prosurvivor, Offensive, and chronicles. The trifecta. He's esteemed, wise, and probably more experienced than most players. I know nothing about him, but I'm looking forward to getting to know him this season!

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David seems nice! Being new to orgs, he probably doesn't even know his own playstyle yet. I'm looking forward to seeing him learn some lessons and play a fun game!

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Jacob is someone that got his win from isurv1vor and has grown on to do things like alias games and isurv1vor allstars. I personally played with Jacob in allstars, and can I just say... this guy knows how to make friends! He's personable, and he's an amazingly fun and entertaining person. He wont have any problems socializing. He's played alias, so he knows aim, and he's played isurv1vor so he knows the skype calls. I hope his past as a winner (A very good winner at that) doesn't bite him in the butt.

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She didn't say much, but she plays REAL LIFE SURVIVOR ORGs? (which makes them just RGs doesn't it?) I'm really looking forward to her ability in this game. I hope she doesn't dissapoint with her resume as a real life player. I hope that'll foray into the skype socialization.

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Tyler is a good player, however not in the way he's speaking. Unless he applies a new strategy, then Tyler is someone that plays with his heart, is very loyal, but also really good at skirting from the underdog status. I saw him play Good versus Evil where he was on the bottom CONSTANTLY premerge, managed to make merge, and then went through the entire merge staying out of the limelight. Tyler got to the finals, placing 3rd. Like I said, Tyler played with his heart on certain points, and played emotionally. He also, however, was quick to think rationally when it was important to do so, and he was also very dedicated. IF I could give him any advice, I would say that he needs to speak about his game in a different way if he were to make finals again. He also kinda pandered to the jury a bit, and he needs to cut that out :X

Again, he's a good player, but he didn't play like he wants to play. He might be different, and I don't want to discredit Tyler at all. However, he needs to ADJUST!!! This is also his second long term game, so he might change a lot.

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Eric G likes tea. :)

Please win thanks. Represent us tea lovers, Eric!!! But someone already brought up that Eric and Lindsay would get along, and I can definitely agree with that. I wouldn't be surprised if they get together to be honest.

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I find Thomas entertaining in the few sentences he provided, which is hopefully a good sign! I think he'll last longer than some think, but IDK. It's so hard to tell.

Post Edited by Craig @ 7th Nov 2014 9:31:42 PM

Offline Marker
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Post #6: 7th Nov 2014 9:26:22 PM 
oohhhhhhh YESSS! I know Jared was controversial in SC11 however this guy is the bomb diggity and he's REALLY good at the game. He was a definite favorite to win isurv1vor allstars.

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Post #7: 7th Nov 2014 9:34:34 PM 
Brandon's pretty amazing and I'm really looking forward to seeing him. He was in 2 big games at once in the last Chronicles, so I can't wait to see him dedicate this season fully to chronicles!

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Post #8: 7th Nov 2014 9:43:40 PM 
He was in a another game with you Navneet? Then he was in 3 games during last season! Woah.

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Post #9: 8th Nov 2014 7:23:03 PM 
I'm so dissapointed. Igor told me he was so pumped for Chronicles and he and I talked for HOURS about it boefore the game. He seemed so excited, and then he just tells me "He was in another game too and kinda just didn't wanna be in two"

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