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Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #1: 12th Dec 2014 7:41:32 PM 
To Eric and Kate (with love):

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Offline Marker
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Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #2: 12th Dec 2014 8:35:54 PM 
Oh, I'm not mad at them, just bitter at myself for misjudging peoples’ decision-making. I was banking on Kate and/or Eric knowing that they couldn’t beat Jacob – and I forgot that sometimes people value things like…loyalty and pacts. Oops. (Or, they just don’t care at all about winning).

If anything, I should’ve rallied Anthony at 6 and forced the tie. If either one of us were willing to say we were willing to vote Kate/Jacob at that vote, it would’ve sealed the deal. But, see above. Everything’s easier in hindsight.

As much as I told everyone that Jacob for sure has my vote, I’m trying to give whoever’s in FTC a fair chance. I know that at least I’ve underestimated Kate – she’s done a great combination of social, strategy, and UTR (at least, looking like a lower priority than Jacob). Eric did play UTR the whole time, and he is in the end – I’m very interested to see how he would argue. But, super UTR should only work against someone everyone hates, or someone who fucks up their FTC. Jacob and Kate are unlikely to do either.

Oh, and the other argument for Kate: she was in a great place the whole game. She had the trust of 2 of the strongest players going into it (Lindsay and Jacob). She was able to keep her 2 strongest allies after the merge happened, while getting rid of the other threat (RJ), keeping her good all the way. At mid-post merge, when one had to go, she was still in a strong place with her F3 of Kate, Jacob, Eric.

So at this point, while I still think Jacob will take it all, Kate stands a much higher chance than I had originally thought. It may very well come down to how she and Jacob spin their FTC arguments.

I guess the only thing that annoys me is that I only found out today that Kate and Eric were allies in a previous game. So even though I should’ve seen them teaming up with Jacob at 7, there’s no way I could’ve known that before that vote (and they were in a F3 since the merge). But hey, it’s just a part of this game; I ain’t gonna be bitter about that aspect.

The only thing I’m deciding now is how much of a “bitter” juror to be (just for the entertainment, of course)

Post Edited by Tomas @ 12th Dec 2014 8:43:11 PM

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #3: 16th Dec 2014 4:24:10 PM 
Slayer @ 15/12/2014 19:45
Before you all vote, I want you to ask yourself a very important question.

What would Yeezus do?

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It's true. Yeezy spillin' that truth tea errwhere

Post Edited by Tomas @ 16th Dec 2014 4:25:48 PM

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #4: 16th Dec 2014 7:39:05 PM 
That's it, I'm voting Stacey for Prime Meownister.

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #5: 17th Dec 2014 1:15:29 AM 
Kate's Battle Royale answer to Mike's question is PERFECT.

(If you haven't read the book or seen the movie - do it. )

Offline Marker
Reputation: 13
Joined:Nov 7, 2014
Post #6: 17th Dec 2014 1:55:58 PM 
Stacey @ 17/12/2014 8:09
Can someone read the book to me? I can read, I just like to be read to in my sheep oneise

John @ 17/12/2014 7:56
Tomas @ 17/12/2014 1:15
Kate's Battle Royale answer to Mike's question is PERFECT.

(If you haven't read the book or seen the movie - do it. )

I've always been mildly intrigued by it, but have worried I couldn't stomach the violence. Is it particularly gruesome?

I was okay with the gore. But it was the psychological impact of the characters/book that always gets me and freaks me out. In a great way, of course - or else I wouldn't love the book/movie. But, I'm also scarred for life.

Craig's assessment is pretty good. I enjoy reading into the thoughts of the characters, which is why I'm generally more of a fan of the books than the movies. (Also: hipster.) There's a lot that you don't know when you see only visuals or hear dialogue. Knowing these characters' stories and relationships, as played out both in mind and in speech, make for a better story (for me).
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