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Round 2; Finally something happens
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 21
Joined:Nov 6, 2014
Post #1: 12th Nov 2014 1:38:02 AM 
Okay, so I think Brandon, Stacey, and Spencer all like me well enough. That's enough to be a majority, so I feel slightly more secure than I did 48 hours ago.

Tyler, in the meantime, is turning into the biggest spaz on the planet. I think he thinks he's being quirky and fun, but holy shit I cannot stand him. He goes around insulting people, spamming gifs, and being a general nuisance. Everyone else is getting fed up too I think. Purely by virtue of the fact that I'm active and not self-destructing, I think I'm at least in the top 3 on the tribe, probably top 2. Nobody's displacing Brandon at the top right now, and quite frankly I don't want to.

We're about 3 or 4 days in and I'm still feeling out the situation. That seriously stresses me out. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some concrete information, but I don't see the lines being drawn on this tribe until we lose something. Everyone's talking about how we're gonna win every challenge, but I want to lose at least one just so we know where everybody stands.

How ironic would it be if I'm always hoping for a loss, but we never lose? God I would shoot myself.
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Offline Marker
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Joined:Nov 6, 2014
Post #2: 13th Nov 2014 9:22:01 PM 
So me, Brandon, Stacey, and Spencer stayed up practically all last night doing puzzles and shooting the shit. I think this is, like, the Core Four of the Carnegie tribe. We all really like each other, and oh my god it's so great for me that Brandon's willing to be the one with the huge target on his back. More to report after results, I promise.
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Offline Marker
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Post #3: 13th Nov 2014 11:48:35 PM 
Jesus Christ. When I die, I hope the other six Carnegie members are my pallbearers so they can let me down one last time.

Anyway, after several days of nobody talking strategy to each other, RJ just got a WHOLE lot more popular. Spencer and Stacey were already friendly with me, so that's completely expected, but David decided to start discussing the vote with me too. We all agree that Patrick should go for being extra useless, or Tyler should go for being kinda useless and also SUPER annoying.

So guess who messages me and says they want to be in a two-man alliance? None other than each of Dumb and Dumber themselves, Patpat and Ty. So now I have the ears of Stacey, Spencer, David, Tyler, and Patrick. I'm gonna vote out one person I have a two-man alliance with, and the other person is gonna be extremely grateful to me.

God I hate everyone and everything involved in this game. Damn shame I'm gonna be around for a while.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 21
Joined:Nov 6, 2014
Post #4: 14th Nov 2014 12:54:27 AM 
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 21
Joined:Nov 6, 2014
Post #5: 14th Nov 2014 10:30:13 PM 
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Never let 'em see the knife ...
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