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Daily Confessional

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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #1: 7th Nov 2014 12:46:32 AM 
Who writes a diary these days... this is more like a log book for me... a report book if u ask me

Date : Nov 6th , 2014 ... its a Wednesday and its cold outside... and temp is + 7 ... im still stuffed with eating candy from Halloween.... and ya... I just earned my first invite to play a game.

Log: 1140pm... I better damn last one tribal council haha...
Log: 1141pm..... ya this is a diary... im pretty sure im writing
Log: 1142pm..... why am I answering myself... must find friends and quickly....
Log: 1143pm.... k bed time tomorrow im sure the cast will be revealed... ill charm them with my lazy non care attitude..... or....
Log: 1144pm... I can tell them all the good things about me... yippee... yah... gawd these posts better be read by and voted as the craziest person.. cause really.. who TALKS TO THEMSELVES...

Log: 1148pm.... TICK TOCK TICK TOCK... okay time to hit enter on my first entry...

Offline Marker
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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #2: 7th Nov 2014 12:51:41 AM 
Log: 1152pm.... I better make sure I know what day of the week it is... cause ITS NOT WEDNESDAY LOL.... don't want to be late or not show up on your first day..

Log: 1153.... OOPS... I better smarten up ...... OR GET TO SLEEP haha

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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #3: 7th Nov 2014 10:25:10 PM 
Log 9:20 pm(FRIDAY...im in love).... so I needed money for gas.. so I farted in my wallet
Log 9:21 pm..... my wallet smells and and no cash appeared
Log 9:22 pm... im bored.... I need chocolate like from a factory
Log 9:23 pm... if I hear 2 voices in my head.. should I listen to the left side or the right side voice.

Log 9:26pm.... im beginning to wonder if im going slightly crazy...


Log 9:28pm.... hmmmmm.... I like this left side voice lol...

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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #4: 8th Nov 2014 3:49:45 PM 
Log 2:50 pm.... okay finally got this game going.... did some blast chat.. just bits here and there.. don't need to get to the forefront like.. Brandon and tyler and RJ were doing.. but made my presense felt

Log 2:51pm..... have now talked to 5 of the other 6 members on my tribe... CARNEGIE... why do I feel like that name is going to be more like CARNAGE lol.. like our tribe blowing up lol

Log 2:52pm its hard to follow chat... damn soo many ppl... we need to do one message per minute rule haha.. if u do it twice.. we BOOT YOU OUT hahah..


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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #5: 9th Nov 2014 3:43:48 AM 
Log 2:44am.. (sunday) our first challenge.. going swell... im going to be the most ridicoulous player of all time... but if you are going to go in the record books.. might as well being a fool.. instead of being fooled

log 2:45am... im beat.. but I think we only scratched the surface... tomorrow will be a big day im sure.. cheers for the night and getting under the belt first time playing

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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #6: 10th Nov 2014 12:38:08 AM 
Log 11:39pm first task is fun... its nice to get the feet wet... play games.. chit chat with some great ppl.... hopefully it equates to a win..

Log 11:40pm.. ive put in my quite share of work.. so that's always good to help out show the value of having me on a team... hope that means they will keep me a while.. cause rookies.. can be easily targeted out by the vets lol

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Post #7: 10th Nov 2014 2:49:02 PM 
Log 1:51pm... im going to hurl..... I have eaten my burger quota for the rest of the year lol

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Post #8: 12th Nov 2014 4:53:32 PM 
Log 3:54pm.. so I decided to sit this challenge out for our team.. based on two factors.. one that its 24 hours I really can't be available that much.. but 2... I rocked and I mean rocked first challenge.. so if we lose.. that's pocket change for me.. cause they will look to me to keep me... kind of putting me as the ring leader.. they know the value I have.

Log 3:55pm so its a win win situation for me I believe... if our team wins.. im still safe of course and we can see who is still weak link.. im far ahead of others still.. and if we lose.. I should be safe cause I will preach of what I can do and have IC#1 to prove what my worth is..

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Post #9: 13th Nov 2014 10:34:22 PM 
Log 9:34pm we lost our challenge.. and yuk.. we did aweful
I think we can do so much better.. this was a good challenge to sit out.. so ppl didn't have to see how bad I could have done.. cause some of those scores on other teams... were amazing..

Log 9:37pm
who to eliminate now is key.... its quite simple really.. Patrick finished last place again in his puzzle was very weak in challenge one... I hope there isn't any core alliance that will take majority and at this time I don't care if im an outsider I will cut Patrick off... and if there is an alliance say of 4 without me I will find out soon enough.

Reminder: don't reveal too much but don't get distant with them either..

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Post #10: 15th Nov 2014 12:06:09 AM 
Log 1105pm looks like our first boot out didn't take it very well.. poor baby had to give one last diss before he left.. hey if im the next on the chopping block so be it.. but I will be a valuable member until they don't need me anymore.. than I jump ship..

Log 1106pm.. I love the fact that I was the one who found an article on another tribe written in our page regarding his tribe dynamics.. rookie mistake Anthony.. way rookie.. you just blew it for yourself cause those ppl who you dissed will jump ship. and those ppl who you were close with.. are cutting you loose... time to get some tribe mates and number for us.


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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #11: 15th Nov 2014 6:27:24 PM 
Log 5:28... for Christ's sakes we have some STUPID ppl in our tribe... are u fucking kidding me... u talk to the other tribes Tyler.... damn and I defended you.... thanks for screwing our tribe and dwindling our numbers more... we will be damaged goods come merge... if we survive..

looks like of the 5.. I have to align with RJ and Brandon... but I think the totem poll ..... is.. RJ Brandon Stacey Spencer than myself.... so I have to find a split in there to side with...

but in the meantime win .. dammit we need to pull out huge WINS

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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #12: 17th Nov 2014 8:20:56 AM 
Log 7:18am... just woke up... worked last night as well.. come back and check not only we won the challenge... we put a statement with an exclamation point on it.... we crushed those guys.... I was able to contribute 7 of the games with points including one win in curveball...

Log 7:19am.... time for the steamrolling to begin.. but I have a hunch.. a bad feeling a curveball is coming up very shortly... teams might be changing.. time to figure out plans while we relax tonight on tribal council night.

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Post #13: 17th Nov 2014 10:19:56 PM 
so we have to rank each other... most liked to least... I think there is a switch coming and the person closest to you.. will be the furthest away now.. got to strategize this carefully... considering we were a strong group of 5.. not sure how to rank the other 4... so without further adieu.... here are my rankings.

1. Stacey
2. RJ
3. Brandon
4. Spencer

we will see how this plays out..

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Post #14: 18th Nov 2014 7:36:03 PM 
Log 633pm... YUK... im going to puke.. im with the 2 ppl I didn't want to be with.. man did that ever fail.. EPIC FAIL.. im with Brandon who in 3 challenges is getting weaker.. and Stacey who doesn't show up as much online... and we are paired with 2 ppl each on the Vanderbilt and rockerfella tribes.. we just don't know if we got the middle two or top and bottom of those tribes..

Reminder: keep things smooth and find cracks if the two ppl don't like each other.. to win this challenge is of much importance cause we need to find out where there are gapstops to invade cause even though we have 3 members of our original Carnegie we can be outnumbered 4 to 3.. if those 2 pairs team up.

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Joined:Oct 31, 2014
Post #15: 18th Nov 2014 7:37:17 PM 
Log 6:36... I think that top squad is nasty good.. tomas rj and spencer along with the Anthony guy.. I am sure there will be a clash of RJ and Anthony.. with kate and Lindsay to team up together.. hope they survive.. but worry about yourself for now..

REMINDER.... DONT LOOK AHEAD.. make backup alliances and plans now.. while u are here..
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