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Episode 12 - The One Where Kate Puts On Her Game Face
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Joined:Oct 26, 2014
Post #1: 8th Dec 2014 1:47:44 PM 
Wow this round is a lot more exciting then I expected. And I think you're right Steve, Jacob is looking more vulnerable right now. However, this is largely because it's the final 6 now and there's no where to hide. Jacob is now the most obvious threat left to win in the game.

He's floated around the idea of possibly taking out Anthony right now, but I think if he doesn't he's in big trouble. Anthony has proven that he's very aware of what is going on and he knows he means nothing to Jacob's game and will be targeted by Jacob at 5. Which is exactly his plan, he's going try and go along with Spencer now and take out Anthony next. He even says in his confessional "maybe I should take out Anthony, so that Spencer is the biggest threat left in the game". This would probably be his best move but I don't think he realizes it. He may have gotten rid of his shield too early last round.

I do think that Jacob is a very savvy player and I think good players can get themselves out of most sticky situations, but I'm really nervous for his current plan. His idea is contingent on taking out Spencer now and using Kate (who he openly talked about being difficult to work with and stubborn on votes) next round, to stick with him and vote Anthony out at 5. I know Kate isn't the most perceptive, but I think she realizes she is just following Jacob at this point (maybe not though). She teased Anthony about making a big move at final 5, but idk if she was being honest or just feeding him lines to keep their alliance of Jacob/Eric/Kate safe.

Post Edited by Dylan @ 8th Dec 2014 1:56:17 PM
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Offline Marker
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Joined:Oct 26, 2014
Post #2: 8th Dec 2014 4:03:58 PM 
John @ 8/12/2014 13:37
To me that comment from Kate to Anthony screamed I want to take out Jacob, but not too soon.

Yeah I got the same vibe, but I can never really tell with Kate because she's so iffy on decisions. I don't get why she wouldn't just tell Anthony, we should take out Jacob at 5 or at least something a little bit reassuring. Her wording it so vaguely is her either unnecessarily holding her cards too closely right now (because Anthony is on clearly on his knees begging), or her not being sure and maybe thinking of sticking by Jacob. Either way if I were Anthony, an answer like that at this point in the game would just not sit well with me.

Interested to see what Anthony does. With Lindsay gone it seems like he has been liberated and allowed to think freely. I'm really liking what Anthony is doing right now.

This episode is looking like it might be "Anthony vs Jacob". Let's see who will outwit who.
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