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Cast Reveal
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 2
Joined:Oct 23, 2014
Post #1: 7th Nov 2014 10:21:05 PM 
Man alive, I am digging this cast.

Thoughts thus far:

Don: sweet guy who apparently referred to me as a Chronicles Legend, so how could I not root for him

Kate: Unfortunate that she lives in Oklahoma. I like the attempt at humor.

Maxis: Looks like the villain in Despicable Me, which makes me happy.

Mike: I’d like to see him actually play a game. Hopefully he doesn’t get shut down like in SC10. I’m all for self-improvement.

Patrick: Cryptic McGee. “20something” “social sports league” This tells me nothing.

Eric B: I’m glad he’s finally joining the series after being interested in playing for so long. Hopefully it’s a rewarding experience for him.

RJ: Sounds like an even cockier version of myself, which is hard to do. Rooting for him.

Lindsay: Half of me likes her, half of me thinks we wouldn’t get along.

Spencer: Seems precious.

Ryan: Making some pretty lofty claims there. Hopefully he delivers on the entertainment front.

Anthony: Seems easy to get along with. Colin, we should totally try and poach him for RGF.

John: Whoa! Just played a game with him. Definitely rooting for him; he’s got a heart of gold.

Dave: I’m just glad he said “rook” and not “noob.” But there’s always a special place in my heart for first-timers.

Jacob: Seems like he’s got the time to devote to playing the game, so I could see him going far.

Rebecca: Super Fan!

Tyler: It’ll be interesting to see if he’s able to be taken seriously to actually put his manipulation in place. Might be hard given his young age.

Eric G: Looks suuuuuuuuper familiar to me, but I can’t place it. He’s possibly commented on other Survivor forums and I’ve seen his picture there?

Thomas: I don’t get him. But he seems interesting.

Jared: Entertaining, but I feel like he has bad taste in people.

Brandon: Love him. Go Brandon Go!
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 2
Joined:Oct 23, 2014
Post #2: 8th Nov 2014 2:33:05 PM 
Yay Stacey! Super excited to watch her play a game!
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