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Episode 12 - The One Where Kate Puts On Her Game Face
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #1: 7th Dec 2014 6:45:58 PM 
It probably won't come this round, but Jacob seems a lot more vulnerable than he has all game, mostly due to Kate.

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #2: 8th Dec 2014 8:10:59 AM 
Perhaps I'm overreacting because this is the first time his name has even been brought up for a vote, but I do think there's a DECENT chance that Jacob goes. Obv, Spencer is still the front-runner to go because there's more pieces currently in place for it to happen, but I'd put Jacob right behind him, with a SMALL chance that either Anthony or Eric (the smallest) goes.

The thing is, I don't think Spencer is worth Anthony to go to a tie-breaker for, and I don't think the timing would be right for Kate to take out Jacob. It would leave her and Eric to fend for themselves. Keeping Jacob until at least 5 is the move for her.

For that reason, it seems most likely that Spencer is going at this point, but Jacob is definitely the most vulnerable he's been in the game and I don't see that target going away easily now. Perhaps it was too early to boot Lindsay and he should have sacrificed someone like Thomas to keep up appearances with Lindsay/Anthony for as long as he could, plus it would have given Spencer less options of people to work with as soon as his immunity run ended. If he loses, I think that's the move he looks back at to where it went wrong.

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #3: 8th Dec 2014 8:13:05 AM 
Also, I love Anthony too, so I'm completely alright with a potential Jacob boot. Anthony's been rock solid ever since his confessional fuck up. The only issue with his game was putting too much trust into Jacob, but he's realized that Jacob doesn't have his best interests in mind despite how much the two get along.

It would also really help Thomas out if Jacob went. I think a path for Anthony/Thomas going to final 2 after that would be pretty clear.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #4: 8th Dec 2014 9:11:36 AM 
I love your novels.

About the last part, I agree, and I'd toss Thomas's name into the mix as well for someone I'd enjoy winning even if it meant Jacob's awesome game being sacrificed. Thomas has been tossed to the side a few times, so him coming out on top in his first game would be incredible. Plus, with his sappy confessionals, it'd make for a great story IMO. I don't think the best player in the game would be winning in that case, BUT I do not have a problem with that -- I'm a sucker for sentimental/entertaining players defying the odds over true gamers.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #5: 8th Dec 2014 9:22:47 AM 
I think the most important thing we need to decide if we agree on is who we like based on Meet The Queens videos for S7 of RPDR. ABOUT TO WATCH!

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #6: 8th Dec 2014 11:39:29 AM 
I try not to rely on first impressions for RPDR too much, but everyone but Katya Zamolodchikova can GET THE FUCK OUT.

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #7: 8th Dec 2014 12:39:36 PM 
Aaron @ 8/12/2014 11:03
This VL is way too gay.

You've seen more dick on omegle in the last few days than I have in a lifetime.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #8: 8th Dec 2014 2:58:06 PM 
John @ 8/12/2014 13:37
To me that comment from Kate to Anthony screamed I want to take out Jacob, but not too soon.

That's what I thought as well, and that's pretty much what she should be doing, so I give her props for that. If she takes out Jacob too early, she turns herself into the next "biggest threat" in peoples eyes, IMO. She would also be putting her and Eric in a shitty situation if she did it before final 5.
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