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Episode 11 - The One Where Spencer Needs Immunity... AGAIN.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #1: 5th Dec 2014 6:28:02 AM 
This should be a pretty boring round unless Spencer pulls off another clutch immunity win.

Kate said it best! "You(Stacey) don't seem to realize that there is a plan in motion. You go, Spencer goes, and then he game really begins." Well, she said it best other than the "he" typo that is making my OCD brain hurt.

Discuss, pray for Spencer so that shit gets REAL, etc.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #2: 5th Dec 2014 1:46:02 PM 
Stacey (18:43:41): HELLO
Stacey (18:43:41): HELLO
chemtotaste (18:47:45): hi
Stacey (18:48:05): No not you
chemtotaste (18:48:09): my audit's finally o-
chemtotaste (18:48:14): oh
Stacey (18:48:14): You're a good player
chemtotaste (18:48:17): okay
chemtotaste (18:48:22): ikr?
Aaron Ethridge (18:48:24): really?
Stacey (18:48:27): I'm only talking to shitty ones right now
Stacey (18:48:32): Like Aaron
Stacey (18:48:41): Jk
chemtotaste (18:48:45): not a vote cast against me this game
Stacey (18:48:50): I wish these people were as good as Aaron
Stacey (18:49:01): What's were u gonna say john
chemtotaste (18:49:14): my audit's finally over
chemtotaste (18:49:17): and i want to have some wine
Stacey (18:49:29): Have some
Stacey (18:49:33): I'll pour it
Stacey (18:49:47): What's the thing that tastes like Christmas
Stacey (18:49:52): Scotch
Stacey (18:49:57): ?
chemtotaste (18:51:00): gin
chemtotaste (18:51:04): gin tastes like christmas
Stacey (18:51:11): Ya
chemtotaste (18:53:22): i don't have any limes
chemtotaste (18:53:28): so i think i'll stick with wine tonight
Stacey (18:54:01): Too bad you aren't Lindsay
chemtotaste (18:54:09): i say that all the time
Stacey (18:54:17): If you were her and wanted limes,you Would have 10 people get them for you
Aaron Ethridge (18:54:22): i to say that to john
j_money47 (19:03:29): my gf saw frankie grande today
j_money47 (19:03:34): she wanted to flip him off
Eric Goins (19:04:15): appropriate reaction
oeuphonious (19:06:52): did she?
j_money47 (19:07:04): nooo she flaked
Stacey (19:31:15): HELLO
Ant_Eater (19:31:24): Howdy
chemtotaste (19:31:25): hi
Stacey (19:32:24): John stop answering when I'm trying to cause a
Stacey (19:32:43): Storm
Stacey (19:33:07): <3
chemtotaste (19:33:23): k
Stacey (19:33:30): Now I can't even do it
Ant_Eater (19:33:37): :(
Stacey (19:33:41): You're making me laugh
Stacey (19:48:31): Sorry I'm back
Stacey (19:49:39): I just wanted to say that you all suck
Stacey (19:49:48): And it's not like because I'm bitter
Ant_Eater (19:50:05): Even me? :(
Stacey (19:50:08): It's because I'm bad at this game
Ant_Eater (19:50:10): 😞
Stacey (19:50:12): Yes specially you
Stacey (19:50:27): I'm so bad at this game YET
Stacey (19:50:33): I am being voted out?!?!
Stacey (19:50:57): Why?!?!
Stacey (19:51:09): *raises hand*
Stacey (19:51:21): Yes, Stacey?
Stacey (19:51:40): Oh hi, because Lindsay told them to
Stacey (19:51:44): OH YES
Stacey (19:51:51): But don't worry Stacey
Stacey (19:51:53): Why is that
Stacey (19:52:13): Because you're on jury
Stacey (19:52:58): But it's such a shame that no one here deserves to win
Ant_Eater (19:53:19): I don't deserve to win?
Stacey (19:53:27): Why would you?
Stacey (19:53:39): What have you done this game that shows you aren't just a coward?
Ant_Eater (19:53:39): I don't know I was hoping I did
Stacey (19:53:45): No of course not
Stacey (19:53:54): You're a coward like everyone else is
Ant_Eater (19:54:08): I'm a man not a mouse
Stacey (19:54:14): Then fucking prove J.T.
Stacey (19:54:16): Lol
Stacey (19:54:20): IT
Stacey (19:54:27): Ficking autocorrect when I'm being dramatic
Stacey (19:55:11): It makes no sense to me
Ant_Eater (19:55:21): What doesn't?
Stacey (19:55:49): You won't have the fucking numbers!!!!
Stacey (19:56:05): You are wusses
Stacey (19:56:09): That don't have a back bone
Stacey (19:56:14): And you won't fucking win
Stacey (19:56:16): And if you do win
Stacey (19:56:21): Then you are a disgrace
Stacey (19:56:25): A fucking disgrace
Ant_Eater (19:56:41): Who are the wusses specifically?
Stacey (19:56:51): EVERYONE
Aaron Ethridge (19:57:01): am i a wus
Stacey (19:57:04): Anyone that isn't doing what's best for their game
Stacey (19:57:16): No and I'm really sorry Aaron
Stacey (19:57:27): That these people are bringing down the name
Stacey (19:57:30): Of your series
Aaron Ethridge (19:57:36): they aren't.
Ant_Eater (19:57:46): I think I am doing what's best for my game
Stacey (19:59:06): No no no
Ant_Eater (19:59:25): What should I do then?
Stacey (19:59:30): Nothing
Stacey (19:59:31): Goodbye
chemtotaste (19:59:47): i won't lie; i feel like i stand 0% chance of winning :(
Stacey (20:00:40): Ok sorry
Stacey (20:01:11): So my point was suppose to be that no one is playing their own game
Ant_Eater (20:01:25): I mean you've barely talked to me at all so I don't know what you expect from me
Stacey (20:01:35): And I thought doing it dramatic wise would prove a point
Stacey (20:01:48): But I didn't mean anything against the game
Stacey (20:01:59): And It's a good series and you are all good people
Stacey (20:02:17): And the hosts work so hard
Stacey (20:02:23): And the viewers work so hard
Aaron Ethridge (20:02:30): not this season but ok
Stacey (20:02:49): LOL
Stacey (20:02:58): And Anthony it isn't directed at you
Stacey (20:03:09): You were just the only one responding
Ant_Eater (20:03:18): Well I felt bad nobody was responding
Stacey (20:03:23): Lmao
Stacey (20:03:33): You are fine
Stacey (20:03:43): I still would like to see how you are playing your own game
Stacey (20:03:55): But you aren't one of the ones I was talking about
Ant_Eater (20:04:08): Just wait til final tribal when you vote for me to win 😉
Stacey (20:04:38): But I didn't mean anything bad against the series, I just thought if I could make the people feel bad that they were being a disgrace then they would actually do something game worthy
Stacey (20:04:53): But sometimes I get too dramatic
Stacey (20:05:05): And ok ant, that's a deal
Ant_Eater (20:05:52): Haha all joking aside, I know we haven't talked much but you do seem like an awesome person
Ant_Eater (20:05:59): And you're funny as he
Ant_Eater (20:06:02): Hell*
Stacey (20:06:06): Hahaha thank you
Stacey (20:06:17): I had this super plan that I was gonna make people feel bad
Stacey (20:06:23): But it just made me look crazy
Stacey (20:06:33): But thanks for playing along
Stacey (20:06:42): I also do mean everything I said tho
Ant_Eater (20:07:12): Except about me not deserving to win tho right?
Stacey (20:08:37): I don't think you do right now
Stacey (20:08:47): But maybe you can show Me u do
Ant_Eater (20:08:52): I'll take that as a challenge
(23:58:08) Aaron Ethridge kicked sourstarfish22 out of this group chat.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #3: 5th Dec 2014 1:52:26 PM 
Unless Jacob has a sex-change, doubtful.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #4: 5th Dec 2014 2:03:22 PM 
It's pretty tame for Stacey, too. It doesn't seem like she was fully committed to it, as she went in and out of being nice and mean.

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #5: 5th Dec 2014 2:08:49 PM 
For the sake of entertainment, I'd love to see Lindsay pull something off too, but I can't see her getting the numbers to do anything or even realizing she needs to do anything besides what she's been doing. She's pretty committed to Jacob/Kate/Anthony and I think Anthony has blinders on too, albeit to a lesser extent. Eric playing dumb and completely out of the loop probably is the clincher on Lindsay and Anthony not thinking they have to rock the boat.

I think the biggest chance of a shake-up is an immunity run from anyone besides Jacob/Kate/Eric. It's possible, but unlikely. :/

Edit: Knowing what the challenges are though, if Spencer can win this next one, I think he has a good chance at the one directly after it too. It's another logic type of challenge, which he completely excelled at last round. Still, not sure if he's the person that would be able to do damage by sticking around with a challenge run. Once it's over, he doesn't have the connections to do anything with it barring a huge change in the next few rounds.

Post Edited by Steve @ 5th Dec 2014 2:12:28 PM
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #6: 5th Dec 2014 3:31:19 PM 
Eric/Kate previously knew each other, but I don't think either has indicated they are more committed to each other than Jacob? Jacob seems like he's the #1 with both of them. He and Eric have a final two. Don't think he's made that deal with Kate, but I also don't know if she's the type of player that needs that reassurance. She might just assume it's those two to the end, and that's my best guess of what's going on there.

I was going to say that maybe the reason Eric has no reason in his mind to take Jacob out is because Jacob isn't really perceived as a leader, but he does have some info that should be making him think twice about going to the end with someone like him. He knows Lindsay and Anthony are tight with him, he has to know that Jacob is generally liked by everyone, etc. It's also possible he thinks he has no chance with Lindsay and he doesn't have the connections with the right people that he would need to flip to get to the end without either Jacob/Kate or Lindsay/Anthony.

WHO KNOWS. I do think his patience is impressive as I've said before, and his current strategy is great to get him to the end, but I don't see it as a winning game unless he cuts Jacob at the end (AND EVEN AT THAT, KATE IS WELL LIKED). Eric isn't disliked, but I haven't heard anyone other than Jacob really excited about him. Again, I think it's painfully obvious that Jacob is charismatic and is a hard beat, but maybe it isn't to them?

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #7: 5th Dec 2014 3:38:02 PM 
Also, Elise, I 100% agree that Jacob would be a better winner than Lindsay (he's not the only one, even though I think she's been such a huge character this season and a really awesome chick). When I think about it, yeah, it would be entertaining if things changed up and she got to the end... but really, you're right, it wouldn't be as satisfying of an outcome given how sloppy her play has been post-merge. I wouldn't necessarily be mad at that outcome, as again, I think Lindsay is GREAT... but J-Money, man. He's good. He's really good. I'm sure I could turn some people off by how much I talk him up, but WHATEVER. He's fucking good.

Someone could surprise us down the stretch, so I shouldn't be ready to crown Jacob's ass, but I am.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #8: 6th Dec 2014 7:43:55 AM 
Slayer @ 6/12/2014 6:39
Sherlip @ 6/12/2014 1:37
Knowing what this challenge is gonna be, I'm not writing Spencer off yet. Granted I don't think he'll win the season, but I feel like Jacob is becoming too obvious. After all, I don't think anyone foresaw Elise winning at this point last season.

I saw myself winning <3

But yeah I see your point. He's definitely the front runner though as at the moment, and a lot of things would have to happen for the other side to take power. If Jacob loses itll have to be now (which, judging by everyones confessionals, is not going to happen unless something major changes. Even then most people have said they want to target kate over Jacob) or at f3 if he loses the last immunity.

But I did write earlier how I could still see a path for Spencer to the end, considering Anthony is already contemplating working with Spencer if he wins immunity (and the fact that Lindsay would likely go if this happens). Which would be awesome to see especially since they're my pickems. But there's still the problem of Eric, I think hed only vote against Jacob/Kate if he knew the majority was and there was no way to dissuade them

Wow, we've disagreed on one thing this season...

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #9: 6th Dec 2014 7:47:19 AM 
PS, I feel like I thought Elise was going to win last season around this point? But really, that doesn't matter.

Winners can be in-your-face-obvious in ORG's. There's no editing, what's obvious to us isn't always like that to the people in the game.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #10: 6th Dec 2014 8:16:09 AM 
Mmhmm @ everything. MMHMM.

I could write some fan-fiction on things that could happen, but from what has been presented to us, this is Jacob's game to lose. He CAN be beat, but from what we know from others thoughts in confessionals, logic, etc... it's going to take a lot of unforeseen variables to enter play.

Such as, you know, Kate emotionally spilling to Anthony that she's friends with Eric, which makes Eric and her not really talking about each other to Lindsay/Anthony seem really fishy. ;)

Even with that, Anthony feels safe, when it's likely at this point that his #1 ally will be biting the bullet tonight. I guess Thomas could go as well, but this is the moment where lots of people have been waiting to strike against Lindsay.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #11: 6th Dec 2014 11:41:39 AM 
Lmfao, DOMINATING. You're the worst.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #12: 6th Dec 2014 4:25:21 PM 
Have I mentioned that I love Jacob?

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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #13: 6th Dec 2014 4:30:59 PM 
I could be wrong, but I feel like Spencer would side with a Lindsay boot over a Thomas boot if Kate doesn't follow through with voting Lindsay. He doesn't fully trust Thomas, but it's one of the only people that has even given him a chance. Lindsay certainly hasn't. I don't know if Jacob would even have to approach him about it -- Thomas said that he was gonna let Spencer know, and Spencer is probably chomping at the bit to take a threat like Lindsay out regardless.

That said, I think Kate ultimately ends up following through with the Lindsay vote if both Eric and Jacob are on board.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #14: 6th Dec 2014 5:18:14 PM 
I hadn't really considered that. Good point. Though, from our point of view, the main thing Eric has been pushing is his alliance with Jacob. I think when the time comes (it appears like it's now), he's going to stick with that. No more hiding.
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Gloop, there it is.
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Post #15: 6th Dec 2014 5:20:21 PM 
Slayer @ 6/12/2014 16:16
It also may be Eric or Kate. This game is crazy!

Whoa, haven't heard about this yet.

Wonder what's happening. THE SUSPENSE.

I love him, but I would't consider Thomas the most reliable source for information on this vote. Eric/Kate/Jacob are the ones I'm waiting to hear from. Thomas will follow suit to save his ass. HOPEFULLY.
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