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Welcome to the Wonka Experiment!
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Reputation: 24
Joined:Oct 19, 2014
Post #1: 7th Nov 2014 9:30:19 PM 
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Welcome to Survivor Chronicles 14: The Wonka Experiment. It's going to be a ride.

This is your confessional. You can write about the people you like or dislike, the alliances or enemies you've made, the last challenge, plans for Tribal Council, thoughts about a twist, etc. There are countless things that you can and should write about. These confessionals are the only way for the hosts and the viewers and players afterwards to gauge how you played in this game. Also, keep in mind that these notes are really the only way you can "pay" the hosts. Your thoughts intrigue us -- otherwise, we would not have cast you or even hosted this game.

These diaries are PRIVATE. The only people that have access are the hosts and a numbered group of viewers. You can bet that many of the viewers will read just about everything you post.

You will also cast your votes in this confessional. We recommend that you create a single thread for all of your Tribal Council votes. As long as we can find them, though, you should be fine. The diary may also be used in future challenges.

This game will feature a rather large number of helpers. Here is the AIM contact information for a couple of them:

Aaron [AIM: Earthb0undm1sfit]
John [AIM: chemtotaste]
Patrick [AIM: pizatrizick]
Steve [AIM: DatFritziousOne]

After you've read this post, please reply to this topic with a check-in post.

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