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Ep 5 ~ The pointy end
Sierra Reed
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Post #1: 9th Mar 2015 2:53 PM 
I am on my phone rn and about to fall back to sleep but UGH this needs attention

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I mean. OK! Thanks for the heads up! That's great!
Sierra Reed
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Post #2: 9th Mar 2015 9:51 PM 
I accidentally forgave katie I suck at this game ;_; I guess if she screws me again later it'll be 2badsosad4me
Sierra Reed
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Post #3: 10th Mar 2015 6:54 AM 
god this tribal is gonna be a messsssss. not gonna lie I felt like we had won that challenge before the results got tallied so I was all chill expecting not to have to make any tough decisions but ALAS we let too many god damn spears through (and by we I mean stephen & I because yve's performance was phenomenal). here's where I'm @ right now:

courtesy of monica & a couple of others I know sue is spreading shit about me having the Sangoma idol and trying to get me booted. this is blatantly false and it's awkward because both sue & I know that vytas has the Sangoma idol. obviously this means that sue is the logical boot choice for me this tribal council and it should really be easy because I'm almost certain I can trust monica, stephen, yve, erik and garrett to vote with me, which is a guaranteed majority, but the idol and vytas' relationship with sue complicates things.

I spoke to vytas earlier about what sue was saying to everyone and he was initially very defensive of her which was painful to listen to, but he eventually acquiesced and was like "it sucks, but I'll vote against her with the majority if I have to". the problem here is I don't know if he was just bullshitting me to placate me or not. vytas thinks I'm 100% convinced that he's on my side and I mean, he very well could be - unfortunately, though, I'm a super paranoid player and I have a strange feeling that sue and vytas are trying to flip this vote on me with rory's help. it's entirely possible that this isn't the case at all, but I can't risk it.

unfortunately my only real option if I want to 100% ensure my safety is to split the vote between sue and vytas. I haven't committed to this yet because the thought of it makes me so depressed, but I'm not about to get idoled out 6 - 3 or something by having everyone unanimously vote sue while blindly trusting vytas. it really depends on whether or not I talk to vytas tomorrow and the vibe I get if I do, but my idea is to get stephen, yve and one other person with no or little connection to vytas to vote for him and have myself, garrett and erik vote for sue (along with rory if he ends up actually being loyal). I would prefer to avoid telling everyone that we're splitting because I know that people like vytas (myself included, obviously) and I don't want the fact that we're splitting on him for safety reasons to give anyone cold feet. if stephen, yve and someone like monica vote for vytas, I can plead ignorance and say someone went rogue out of idol fear or something. I'll just have to work out all the kinks as I become aware of them. like I said, though, this isn't a definite plan as yet - it's just looking like the best option at this point. I will update tomorrow before shit goes down. I'm sure a lot will change within the next like, 12 hours lol
Sierra Reed
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Post #4: 10th Mar 2015 6:41 PM 
uhhh ok apparently we're splitting, the 3 original Marehemus are voting for vytas and everyone remaining is voting for sue. if this works gr8 if it doesn't that sux. in any case this is literally my strategy for every ORG ever:

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Sierra Reed
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Post #5: 11th Mar 2015 6:31 AM 
um okkkk well I didn't expect rory to vote for vytas so now we are in an awkward situation. like so many people want to boot vytas on the revote because they all assume/know he has the idol but i can't condone that due to my FEELINGS and ugh ~_~
Sierra Reed
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Post #6: 11th Mar 2015 8:14 PM 
welp it sounds like vytas is a goner. I rly truly deeply from the bottom of my heart wish he hadn't TOLD EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER THAT HE HAS THE IDOL because it just tossed even more fuel on the boot-vytas fire (I think he thought it would placate people and convince them to keep him for some reason????) I'm gonna keep my vote on sue and hope everyone understands my reasoning.

moving forward, sue or rory needs to go next if we end up at TC with this combination of tribes again. erik & I are convinced that rory has the Y'mra S'bor idol and he's bullshitting us about it, and sue is a loose cannon with nothing to lose (ngl I'm super scared of what she's gonna do between now and next TC). erik is convinced monica will stick with us and I think I can keep a handle on stephen (and yve by proxy) so hopefully we haven't screwed ourselves with this botched vote.

another concern for me though is the original Marehemu 4 alliance. stephen is convinced it doesn't exist because he isn't in it but... um... I'm pretty sure it's a real thing. the problem is that I have bonds of varying strengths with everyone in the blue alliance, but I'm almost certain that their loyalties are first and foremost to each other. this is threatening, afaic. if I make merge with erik, garrett and stephen, I'd like to be able to rely on extra numbers from either monica and yve or katie and austin, but if they're all together, I have no doubt they'll work as a 4. the problem is that breaking them apart too early is a great way to piss the rest of them off and turn the rest of them against us anyway. I don't know what to do about that, but I guess there's no point dwelling on it right now especially since I have to leave for class in 15 minutes. oops bye

Post Edited by Sierra Reed @ 11th Mar 2015 8:15 PM
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