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sierra's ftc dissertation
Sierra Reed
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Post #1: 9th Apr 2015 10:39 PM 

(warning, this is ~really fucking long~. Just scroll to the bottom for the questions if you wish)

Before I launch into my ridiculous rant: good luck to both of you, and no hard feelings regardless of the outcome.

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Austin... oh, Austin.

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You and I are polar opposites, at least as far as this game goes. As much as I liked you while we were playing together, it's obvious to me now that you are Gamebot Incarnate - you are very much a "game first, friendships second" kinda guy. My philosophy is the inverse of yours. It’s totally okay that we’re different, though. I respect your drive to win. I respect that some people play much harder than I do. I appreciate that being deceptive is sometimes a necessity if you want to further yourself in the game. What I cannot appreciate nor respect is unnecessary lying or taking obscene amounts of joy in deceiving others. That isn’t cute. A part of me is so disappointed in how you turned out to be that I feel as if I can’t even be bothered writing anything here, but I’m going to try.

Let me clarify something for you first, though - I was not and am not mad about losing the game. I mean, I wasn’t even slightly mad at you for voting me out. I appreciated your honesty. None of what you did in my boot round “pissed me off”. I didn’t dislike you for making the decision to go against me. Was I sad about it? Sure, but that’s the game. I knew I was a threat and that you were just playing to win. What DID upset me was your absolutely TRANSPARENT attempt to jury manage me during that round. It was at that point that I realized how fake you had been and were being towards me, when I had been nothing but genuine towards you for the entirety of the game. That soured me big time, and that’s why my parchment was the way it was. I care less about winning than a lot of the people that play these games, to the point where I won’t ruthlessly cut someone I consider a friend just for the sake of potentially furthering myself. I absolutely don’t expect this from others, because I understand most people DO play hard to win, but I do expect common courtesy (i.e. to not be treated like an idiot on my way out).

Honestly, I’m not even sure where to start with you, but I guess your perception of me is as good a place as any. You seem unable to comprehend the idea that other people might not be as sociopathic as you seem to be. I did not ever intentionally deceive you. I don’t recall ever saying that I didn’t trust you after the Kim boot (I wrote a confessional saying that you coming clean to me about it made me trust you MORE, in fact). Yes, I did mention to Yve that I was wary about telling you everything, but you were relatively closed off with me and I was wary with bloody everyone anyway, including Yve, who everyone here knows I adored both in the context of the game and out of it. The only reason I went to her before you and laid all my cards out was because we had bonded over our auction prizes. I trusted you just as much as I did her. This should've been obvious.

It really seems to me that you spent the game deflecting your own issues and less desirable qualities onto others in an attempt to justify everything you were doing. As mentioned above, you being cagey with me and yet saying *I* was the one who was less open with you is a good example of this. Contrary to your supposed beliefs, I was more open with you than ever post-merge - I approached you at F10 (or F9, whatever) truly wanting to make F4 with you solely because I liked you, Yve and Erik so much that I wanted to see some combination of you three in the final two if I couldn’t get there. That was all there was to it. There was no sneaky strategic reasoning behind it. Everything I told you was true, and my intentions were honest. Even after Erik was gone, I had no intention of double-crossing you or Yve. You seem to assume that because you placed no stake in the relationships you formed in this game, everyone else is the same. Newsflash: that isn't how it works. Not everyone is like you. It's a shame you missed that, because simply realizing that everybody is different and playing in accordance with that could have saved you a lot of time and at least a couple of jury votes.

You posted in the TC15 thread that Monica helped protect you from the “Sierra/Garrett/Kelley/Erik thing that was going on”. You brag about how much information you collected/had access to, but you still protest that I had some secret deal with those three. I didn't. That wasn’t even a thing, and really, I'm pretty sure you know that. I told you multiple times that I didn’t intend to take Garrett to the end and I willingly let Kelley go at the double tribal because my true allegiance still lay with you and Yve. It really was that simple. I didn’t ever even CONSIDER getting rid of you until we hit F5. I actually agonized for 24 hours over the prospect of trying to blindside you and how bad the mere thought of it made me feel, only to find out later that my going out at that point had been a foregone conclusion for like, 5 rounds. Imagine how stupid I felt after that! I do, however, admit that my elimination from the game was entirely my own fault. We are at opposite ends of the spectrum – you’re cold as fuck, and I’m bubbling over with all this affection and emotion. I absolutely allowed myself to get swept up in my feelings. I own that, and I am not bitter about my loss because I know my own blunders lead to it. For you to act like I was shady with you at any point in the game, though, really pisses me off, because I never gave you any reason to believe as such (quite the contrary).

While we’re on the subject of being fake… let’s talk about the Katie boot. Reading our conversation logs from that night makes me feel a little ill. To me, it seems like lying is as easy as breathing to you. I know now that you knew exactly what was going to happen, but you still pretended to commiserate with me extensively and act utterly shocked by the whole thing. That was one of the instances in which I feel you went TOO FAR with your deception. A lot of the things you said around that time were just plain unnecessary. You oversold your feelings and your reaction to what was going on, and this became a recurring theme for you throughout the game. I’m sure you had a great time “making fun of how clueless people were” about the Katie boot, among other things. People trusted you. It’s one thing to betray them in the name of the game – it’s another to laugh about it behind their backs. Have some fucking decorum, man.

Speaking of… what you did to Yve really soured any leftover positive feelings I had towards you. That’s yet another thing you took TOO FAR in this game. You unabashedly and knowingly lead Yve to the slaughter and tossed her aside like she was nothing when you didn't need her anymore, and you did that knowing all along how much of her heart and soul she invests into everything. SO. UNNECESSARY. I won’t go into too much detail, but the fact that you continued to lie to her EVEN AFTER you unceremoniously booted her (and without the same courteous warning that you gave me) was the last straw. I can't believe that you couldn't afford honesty for someone who transparently had your best interests at heart in literally everything they did, especially after you brutally backstabbed them. Come off it. That’s fucked up.

I was naïve, I admit it. I never questioned you because I didn’t believe that anyone could be that much of a bullshit artist. I’ve been referred to as “myopic” multiple times in the last couple of weeks, but I actually think that descriptor fits you MUCH better than it does me. Like Monica said in her OS, you clearly had your gameplan set. You did not look far enough ahead. You were fixated on making this pipe dream ending happen, and you didn’t think about the bridges you were burning along the way. I always thought that your vague and non-committal way of speaking was an actively employed strategy, but now I think it’s just part of how insipid and gamebotty you are. I am AMAZED at how effortless it seems for you to be so false all the time. Monica’s game may have been messy and obnoxious, but “cold and calculating” aren’t always positive qualities next to those things, and especially not in this case. Strategically, the majority of what you did was sound (obviously, because it got you here) – but your social game absolutely fucking sucked. Like I’ve said a million times already, you just went TOO FAR. There were other ways for you to get here that didn’t involve you being a fake, pretentious asshole that stomped all over other people, but you chose this path and clearly revelled in strolling down it, shooting all your """allies""" in cold blood along the way.

All of this isn't to say that you can't still get my vote. It all depends on what I see happen at this FTC. I won't hold any negative feelings towards you after this game, and honestly, I'd probably still happily be your friend after it's all over. It is just a game, after all. The fact that you seem to lack self-awareness entirely DOES bother me a lot, but there's very little I can do about that. At this point, I can only hope you'll pay fitting consequences for your actions as far as this game goes.1

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Monica. Your game was just as strong strategically as Austin’s was, and I think it was decidedly more impressive.

Austin risked little in the course of the game, because he insisted upon playing both sides. You were almost constantly in the ostensible minority and always managed to keep yourself in the game. While the way you interacted with other people had its flaws, you never adopted lying as a second language like Austin did. If your relationship with me was anything like the relationships you had with others, I can only hope that they can appreciate how much stronger your social game was. Yes, you were grating sometimes, and you could be obnoxious, but you didn’t treat people with the simpering false kindness that Austin did. You are unapologetically yourself, real in a way that your co-finalist never was. I dig that.

I, personally, expected nothing from you on a game-related level, despite how often we talked and how much enjoyment I got out of our conversations. I grew to like you without either of us ever making even IMPLICATIONS of loyalty to each other. You have a life and personality about you that Austin does not, and I imagine that’s what lead to most of his relationships seemingly being based on (what turned out to be) meaningless chatter and vague strategic discussions that solidified little, but implied an awful lot. You didn’t bullshit and stomp all over people just because you could, and you managed to build working relationships with people without making empty promises. Yes, you were a massive troll, you certainly can be super condescending (see Erik & Kelley’s boots and a lot of your recent posts), and you obviously found messing with people amusing, but that was obvious to everyone, and you totally own it in a way that Austin does not own his pathological lying and people-discarding. I appreciate that. Regardless of what Austin said in his OS, I was never “offended” by your trolling, and I don’t think you went too far (with me, anyway). I certainly found it hard to deal with at times and I find you calling me “mean-spirited” when you took so much pleasure in messing with others kind of hypocritical, but I was never upset by it. The only time I did feel legitimately upset with you was when you let me talk at you for hours at F5 only to reveal you had no intention of sticking with me, but that’s been cleared up now, and I understand why you had to do what you did (and for the record, I never thought you were stupid, either). Austin might think he played a cleaner game than you because he was more calculating and exact in his moves, but he’s the one here tonight with blood all over his hands. I daresay that YOU were the one who played the cleaner game, even if his was more well thought-out.

I’ll keep your bit short. In summation, like you said in your opening statement, you had a much tougher go of things than Austin did in this game, and yet you’re still here completely against the odds (and without so much human carnage behind you). That’s amazing to me, and for all your mistakes, I think you played incredibly well. You are the truest definition of a dark horse. I’m sure none of us saw any of this coming, and that makes your play all the more remarkable.


(sry but let's be real, monica obviously isn't as HUMBLE as ratalie)


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- Assign each juror a Taylor Swift song and explain why you chose each one.

- If Austin hadn’t had your back for the duration of this game, do you think you would have made it this far? What would your game plan have been?

- What’s the biggest lie you told in this game, and how did you manage to get away with it? You say you didn’t lie to people’s faces, but I’m sure that’s not true. I have no doubt you completely bullshitted someone at LEAST once.

- I know you have a lot of conflicting thoughts about me and how I played the game. I’m aware you think that I seemed cocky, mean-spirited and self-satisfied. As far as I'm concerned, anything that made me seem that way was just a side effect of me trying to protect the people I liked. Like Caryn said, you played games with people for the fun of it, knowing you had the power and lording it over them. Further to this, don’t you think that those adjectives more aptly describe your actions within the game than they do mine?

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- Do you really think you played a “clean game”? Are you proud of the path you took to get to this point? If you could play the game over, would you do anything differently? Why or why not?

- If you could go back change the outcome of one round in this game, which would it be and why?

- What do you feel was your biggest challenge in this game? Monica had to deal with being in the minority and constantly being targeted – you didn’t. What was the hardest part of playing this game for you?

- Do you REALLY think I was pissed at you because you voted me out, or were you just trying to save face and make yourself look like less of a wanker? You got to know me pretty well, and yet you somehow seem to have got my motives completely wrong. Whether this is because yours were in such opposition to mine or not, I'm not sure. Be honest with me. How fake were you with me? Was any of our friendship or our "alliance" real, or was it all engineered for the purpose of furthering yourself in the game?
Sierra Reed
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Post #2: 10th Apr 2015 1:19 AM 
AND SINCE ERIK WON'T ADD THIS INTO HIS ESSAY FOR ME, a question for both of you: could you please rank the jurors from best to worst in terms of overall gameplay and give reasons for your chosen placements?
Monica Culpepper
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Post #3: 10th Apr 2015 3:30 AM 
- Assign each juror a Taylor Swift song and explain why you chose each one.


- If Austin hadn’t had your back for the duration of this game, do you think you would have made it this far? What would your game plan have been?

If Austin had not had my back, I wonder how I would learn that. If I learned that by him deceiving me, I think it would be pretty easy to put a target on his back. Everyone saw him as a gamer. I had It's hard to say at which point I would have to strike against him. As others have pointed out, I had the chance at f5 and f3. The sides seem so divided that it seemed impossible otherwise

IF Austin had not had my back at all from the jump. That is harder to say. I think I would have voted out Sue at that Katie vote and tried to just get in good with y'all and find an opening there. I knew because of Austin and I both knowing that we couldn't get far with y'all that it was a risk worth taking to vote Katie out. Austin being angry but fine with me voting out Katie, and with me being fine but angry about Stephen/Rory made it seem like a worthwhile partnership.

My game plan if I did not have that confidant is hard to say because it shaped so much my strategy. Like I showed in the ~*` prelude ~*~ to my THREE ACT OPENING STATEMENT, that was my strategy from the beginning. If he was just a flop, and I still flopped during that Kim round, I guess I would just try to get in good with y'all in the hopes of being a swing vote. A majority line was definitely drawn that I was not a part of. I did what I could to get here.

I think my strategy in general would probably be most similar to yours. As I have explained elsewhere, I tried at a lot of points to get Austin to stop playing two sides and just join my cute clique of Stephen/Rory/Sue/Caryn. Which I think was your game plan too. People just liked you more :-p

- What’s the biggest lie you told in this game, and how did you manage to get away with it? You say you didn’t lie to people’s faces, but I’m sure that’s not true. I have no doubt you completely bullshitted someone at LEAST once.

lmao I definitely have. I think I was very bullshitty about things and would tell half-lies. Like I confirmed with Katie that she was a target even though I had already written my vote in. I am not sure what telling her would do. That is not always the best case (remember how annoyed you were at Austin/Yve telling you they were voting you out).

Given the nature of being so secretive, I could not necessarily tell lies -- but like not tell truths. For instance: I told you I had a f3 with Yve/Austin (which I did have) but failed to tell you about the the f2 with Austin.

The real blatant lie I told was to Yve that I was voting out Garrett. But we did not have an elongated conversation about it (I think we shared five lines of text between us in those two days of competitions and voting) so it did not feel like an ultra awful lie.

I guess my big ol' lie is pretending to be ignorant for everything going on that Austin told me. Which I definitely did get egregious with sometimes. Like, I totally forgot until now when I asked you not to vote for me when I knew Erik was going. But, at the same time, I was not completely sure if Yve would actually go for the flip. So I was seeing if there was anything you could do, at that time. Like I knew I was the alternate target so why not try to make you not vote for me just in case.

I got to get away with it because no one suspected us to be tight. And everyone thought I was a silly goof. Which I am. So that was an easy part to play.

- I know you have a lot of conflicting thoughts about me and how I played the game. I’m aware you think that I seemed cocky, mean-spirited and self-satisfied. As far as I'm concerned, anything that made me seem that way was just a side effect of me trying to protect the people I liked. Like Caryn said, you played games with people for the fun of it, knowing you had the power and lording it over them. Further to this, don’t you think that those adjectives more aptly describe your actions within the game than they do mine?

This is a very good point. I think you are right. Maybe that is why we get along so well. I think during the game, it did not seem like cockiness, mean-spiritedness, or self-satisfaction because I was just fighting 2 survive. But, I think, given what you said and what other said, hahaha I was really fucking cocky and mean-spirited and most definitely self-satisfied. I got my cake of having solid allies and friendships without ever having to betray them like Austin did. I got to see all the twist and turns unfold and pretend to be ignorant. I think those factors definitely made me those three appropriate adjectives.

Post Edited by Monica Culpepper @ 10th Apr 2015 3:39 AM
Monica Culpepper
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Post #4: 10th Apr 2015 4:53 AM 
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U GOT THAT JAMES DEAN LOOK IN UR EYESSS. WE NEVER GO OUT OF STYLE. - idk it seems to invoke the essence of you. it's very primal in its sexual urges, like you.

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YOU'RE THE REASONS FOR THE TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR. because you wear your heart on your sleeve. plus i can see us singing this together while drinking whine.

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CUZ BABY NOW WE GOT BAD BLOOOD. cuz i think our relationship is like the TSwift/KPerry fake feud. in that it's not even a feud but it probably sells a lot of magazine stories. this video is pitched awfully cuz i guess copyright issues. look at this mess.

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Mean. cuz ur jury post, "you can take me down with just one single blow". also i can see you as the kanye west of this game (she wrote this song as a response to the VMA thing)

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LOVING HIM WAS RED. i feel like you and also our relationship was very RED. not intense or aggressive but like full of life. or something? also ur starting a new relationship and this reminds me of that.

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Blank Space. -- cuz we never talked. And this is her 'insane' song and I acted my most 'insane' with u.

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WHEN YOU ARE FIFTEEN AND SOMEBODY TELLS YOU THAT THEY LOVE YOU. YOU ARE GONNA BELIEVE THEM -- cuz high school. I AM SORRY , i hated when people would consistently joke about me being a high schooler when i would be on forums. and now look at me. i'm no better.

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I'm gonna go with I Knew You Were Trouble. I knew when we had a f2 deal that it was like the most crazy amazing thing that would probably not sustain. It was so unlikely. But I still went for it. cuz it was so fun. SO SHAME ON ME OH OH.

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I think I might choose All You Had to Do Was Stay -- cuz if you stayed that would have meant that Austin chose to side with us. And it woulda been easy. Also if you just stayed with me and let me tell you what to do and not try to play both sides.




plz SHAKE IT OFF - players gonna play play play play


to myself: I'M FEELING 22 -- because i am twenty two.

Post Edited by Monica Culpepper @ 10th Apr 2015 5:01 AM
Monica Culpepper
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Post #5: 10th Apr 2015 5:11 AM 
AND SINCE ERIK WON'T ADD THIS INTO HIS ESSAY FOR ME, a question for both of you: could you please rank the jurors from best to worst in terms of overall gameplay and give reasons for your chosen placements?

ALRIGHT. It is hard to judge a player's entire game from my perspective but I will try. I definitely factored in 'how far you got' into the ranking. also i'm not really gambot-y so i'

1. Posted Image -- she was playing Austin's game without the extra layer of treachery. because she did not need to. because everyone luvved her. plus austin (and I) were at the mercy of her whims.
2. Posted Image -- he was playing Sue's game (always the bridesmaid, never the target bride?) with the benefit of being in the majority and a more favorable personality. but he definitely played way too cliquey. deff a goat that could actually win.
3. Posted Image -- you had a really winning personality and good strategic ideals that I do not know why you had to go on and win so many damn competitions. I remember telling you what a target it put on your back and you simply did not care. But then again it's hard to tell how you were supposed to compensate for your skill.
4. Posted Image -- like i think you admit, you will value friendships over actual game. which is not really the best strategy but it did have the effectiveness of getting you far.
5. Posted Image -- did something right to be escape being voted out like 80 times. loyal ally and easily allowed the blows not damage her.
6. Posted Image -- you had really great ideas and secured yourself with great trust. but the execution of your ideas and spot in the game never fully landed and ended up making you into an obvious target.
7. Posted Image -- I think you had great ideas and understood the scope of the game very well. you just did not know how to win people over and gain their trust. at all. besides me of course.
8. Posted Image -- you just came off very shady. i think to everyone.
9. Posted Image - -I am not trying to bully you, i just legitimately do not know anything about your game. What was your gameplan?

Post Edited by Monica Culpepper @ 10th Apr 2015 5:38 AM
Monica Culpepper
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Post #6: 10th Apr 2015 5:18 AM 

Post Edited by Monica Culpepper @ 10th Apr 2015 5:19 AM
Austin Carty
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Post #7: 11th Apr 2015 9:28 PM 
Holy shit was that the most sanctimonious thing I've ever read.

Alright, let's break this down. It's going to be long, deal with it. I think you make a lot of interesting points, many (even most?) of them spot on. I did misunderstand your intentions throughout this game. I think that's obviously been made very clear by the fact that you just laid it out your feelings. But it's certainly not as cut and dry as, as you say, "You seem unable to comprehend the idea that other people might not be as sociopathic as you seem to be." So, since I just had to listen to your side of the whole thing, I'm going to break down my side and perspective on our relationship so you can get a little perspective on where I was coming from.

I very much liked you early on in the game. We talked a bit in the beginning, but reconnected at the behest of Katie a few rounds later and I thought we had a very good relationship. It got a little rockier around the Kim vote because as you know, I went and told Monica about you hinting at a "plan" you had. And let's be real, you were ultra shady and secretive about it. You were talking about getting a power player out and how it was super tricky and all this shit without giving me a name. We hadn't been talking that much at that point, and my two closest people in the game were Monica and Katie at that point, so we shared notes about it. Point blank. Afterwards, when it was revealed that Monica had not been the target and Kim went home I apologized and thought we were good. But I felt our relationship was still a little rocky there for a few days.

But we got over it. After Katie was voted off, I felt that we got close again and we had moved on from everything. Leading up to the merge, I specifically knew that I wanted to stay closer to you simply because I was receiving major pressure from Monica to join her "side" and vote out Garrett at that Rob vote. But I felt pretty confidant in our relationship at that point, and knew that I needed to do what was best for myself (and Yve, who also felt more comfortable with your "side" also). So I voted out Rob. Then the BelYvers came to be, and once I again Yve & I felt like we needed to stick with you because you were someone we were both closer to (Monica still wanted Garrett out....lol). So we voted out Stephen. That's where Yve & I felt like our dynamic with y'all started getting weird. We both know that the BelYvers were an ultra strange alliance. The Rory vote was super bizarre, in that we all didn't talk to one another about the vote for the longest period of time. We all sat around going "why is nobody talking to me about this vote?". In addition, we also could tell that you had genuine friendships with Erik & Garrett as well, and that group conversation was like half just y'all joking and goofing around. Which was fine, Yve & I were quieter and didn't get involved. I get that. But our perspective was that you had to be closer to Erik/Garrett then us. And we assumed Kelley was included because she was very quiet those rounds, and we knew she had a good relationship with Erik.

Then came the moment I referenced in my opening speech about when you really made me feel unsettled. Which was a real moment in which we were having casual alliance talk and you were said (and I quote): "I mean I THINK I know, but I feel so paranoid talking to you right now even haha because we're at such a volatile point here that you could easily use everything I say against me and I could be gone as early as this TC". Which now looks like super small potatoes, but at the place I was at that point it left me ultra unsettled. As you say, game was very much on my mind a lot, and that is not something that made me feel at all comfortable in our relationship. I get that you were always wary, but that's the kind of wary I kept in a lot of the time. You would constantly fret and fray about a lot of things, making me feel unsettled. Because when I hear someone who is supposedly close to me doubting my motives to my face, I get worried about it and question them. Bottom line. Then I later hear from Yve that you were wary about telling me things, which would worry anybody. How was that supposed to give me confidence in you wanting me at the end with you? In the end, you make it pretty clear you did in that spiel. But it's not like I just willfully was like "Sierra totally trusts me, I'm gonna backstab her for no reason lol". I had reasons to be wary of you in this game at that point, and that's not even mentioning the fact that your BFF in the game targeted me that round.

Anyways, it was soon after that when I realized that you were genuinely wanted to work with me. And that was when you approached me right before the Erik vote proposing a Final Four between us/Erik/Yve. I was like "she really must not know about Erik targeting me because then why would she approach me about this? That would be mean". And from that point forward, I knew you were being genuine. But at the same time, I also knew you were a threat. You had too many super close friends on the jury ( some of whom you still spoke with daily after they were voted out), you were perceived as a major power player in the game, and I didn't really feel like you would take me over Yve or Garrett to the end. So I had to vote you out at five. But the bottom line is, I had reasons that were tied entirely to game related motives and not, like you imply, just willful ignorance and malice towards you. Did I misread a lot about your game? Yeah, sure. But I'm not going to apologize for playing the game defensively and always questioning others real motives and connections. And argue as much as you want, but you did have strong connections (whether they were game or personal) with Garrett and Erik and even Kelley to a certain extent. So I acted defensively and accordingly. And it wasn't just me, many others (including Monica & Yve) assumed that you had some kind of alliance with them. So in conclusion, yes, there were moments you were shady with me. Know that.

But that's just my game-related take on our relationship, which is less of what you care about I think. So I'll address the accusations that everything I did was dripping with malice and all that "obscene amount of joy" I got in the voting everyone out. You basically paint me as some cartoon character sitting behind his keyboard laughing at how clueless everyone was and how easy it was to manipulate you all while laughing maniacally at your pain. Which is fucking bullshit. The way my mind works is that I can separate game and personal feelings. If someone votes me out, I don't take it personally. If they do so in a rude, obnoxious way then I get my feelings hurt. And I think I did my fair share of that, intentionally or not, so I'll take ownership of that. But at the end of the day, Monica & I know we got y'all. We did. Were we narcissistic, self-congratulatory assholes about it? Yes, we realize now that our last tribal was a little too in your face and mean (we are both so unaware of how we were being perceived in that last tribal...lol so clueless). So we handled ourselves without class there. But what is untrue is that we did it out of malice, intentional cruelty, or got pleasure out of anyone's pain. I always felt bad about people going home, and often expressed that to them (to Sue, Kelley, Caryn, Sierra, Yve, Rory). It's what got me labeled "fake", and I see why, it came off disingenuous. But the world doesn't work in black and white. You can feel bad about someone leaving and vote for them. You did on many occasions. Because I separate game and personal, I assumed people would feel the same and I'm going to suffer for it in this final vote. Which is fine, my bad, I don't understand social dynamics, yadda yadda. But I'm not about to let you sit here and hold judgment over me and tell me how I felt about my actions in this game. Because fuck that bullshit.

Ok, rapid fire paragraph: Did I talk shit sometimes? Sure. Most of it was with Monica, but a fair amount of it was with you (about Stephen, Caryn, Rory). And almost all of it was frivolous, petty bullshit. But my fellow finalist talked just as much shit as me, but without the baggage as being perceived as nice the rest of the game. I always knew that'd be a problem with how close I got to people, so I'll accept that she's going to get a pass for being ~real~ (which she so is). Next, the Katie vote. I fucking love Katie. I was beyond pissed at that and it very nearly broke mine and Monica's relationship, she can vouch for that. If I'd had my way she'd have made it deep in this game (and probably betrayed me for you since I knew she loved you more haha). So the only lies in the conversation were about me knowing about her boot. The emotion behind it was real, believe me. Next, the Yve vote. I'm not going to apologize for that. It was Final Four, the game was coming down to the wire. I knew Yve was absolutely the person to beat in this game (as you made very clear in your vote for me), and it was a point in the game where I had to sever our alliance. I sent her a PM explaining it all just before the vote, because this is Survivor...it doesn't benefit you to give people time to work out an alternative plan. And Yve was a player who would have fought hard to stay, and maybe succeeded with Garrett. Anyways, I always knew that voting Yve out would cost me her vote (and open myself up to major criticism from y'all). But I also knew that if I didn't, she would beat me in the end. So Catch-22, lose-lose, etc. The PM I sent her was me being genuine and real, whatever you may think.

Which brings me to the last thing I want to talk about: my personality, and your judgments on it. I said it before and I'll say it again: I'm boring as shit. I know that. I've always been that in this game. I'm not someone who expresses themselves very well in any environment, much less the internet where you are sitting at a keyboard. I'm shy, soft-spoken, reserved, hold my cards close to my chest. I don't open up to people well. Even Monica probably doesn't know very much about me. I'm the type of person who is a listener rather than a talker. I'm not someone you invite to dinner if you are looking for glowing conversation. It's not in me. I'm very awkward to talk with, I pepper a lot of "haha" and "lol" into conversations because I honestly just don't know what to say. "Vague and non-committal" or good adjectives to describe my personality lmao. But what I'm not is a sociopath, which is quite frankly a low blow. But I can take it, it's all good. But I'm not about to fucking apologize to you for being who I was this whole game. I was consistent in my inanity, and you only seem to have a problem with it in retrospect. You aren't going to believe me, and that's fine. But I was myself this whole game, and the only fake qualities I had in this game were in regards to where my allegiances lie and who I ultimately wanted to sit with me at the end. There weren't enough qualities to otherwise speak of, anyways. Read my personality as insipid and pretentious and false all you fucking want, and it's true in bits and pieces. It's a huge reason why I think I've been perceived as "fake" in this game, and will continue to be considered that. But I think it mostly shows just as much lack of understanding of where I'm coming from as much as I clear misunderstood where you were coming from.

Alright, I'm done with that part. You wanted ~realness~, and I gave it to you. My purpose was for you to see my side of things in a similar way that you showed me your side of things, with little "fake" apologies and sentiment. You seem pretty set on voting Monica, which is fine. Monica is awesome. But I had my say, and that's all I wanted. Anyways, I'll answer your questions later.
Sierra Reed
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Post #8: 11th Apr 2015 10:12 PM 
YES. Thank you. <3 <3 <3
Caryn Groedel
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Post #9: 11th Apr 2015 10:51 PM 
Who's Rob?
Austin Carty
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Post #10: 12th Apr 2015 5:27 PM 
Alright, let's get these questions done.

- Do you really think you played a “clean game”? Are you proud of the path you took to get to this point? If you could play the game over, would you do anything differently? Why or why not?

I feel like I covered a lot of this one in my previous statements in this and other jury questions. I certainly know I didn't play a "clean" game, but I'm proud of the strategic game I played regardless. I'm less proud of my social game, because clearly I did something seriously wrong to be getting the vitriol I've received. So I'd do that differently.

- If you could go back change the outcome of one round in this game, which would it be and why?

Oof. I feel very good about the outcomes of pretty much every round post-merge because I think that's almost exactly the boot order I need to get here (and the maybe the only way I'd ever lol) so I'll go ahead and say the Katie vote, if only for personal reasons. Katie <3

- What do you feel was your biggest challenge in this game? Monica had to deal with being in the minority and constantly being targeted – you didn’t. What was the hardest part of playing this game for you?

I also feel like a lot of this was covered elsewhere, such as in Kelley's question. The single hardest moment was voting Yve out. In a broader sense, I guess I'd say it was also sometimes difficult to keep Monica in check some of the time. I'd constantly be having to tone her down and try and convince her against some of her crazy impulses. I didn't always succeed (see: THE FUTURE). She'd go out of her way to make people feel uncomfortable with her or make "moves" that had no purpose other than to be crazy and weird.

- Do you REALLY think I was pissed at you because you voted me out, or were you just trying to save face and make yourself look like less of a wanker? You got to know me pretty well, and yet you somehow seem to have got my motives completely wrong. Whether this is because yours were in such opposition to mine or not, I'm not sure. Be honest with me. How fake were you with me? Was any of our friendship or our "alliance" real, or was it all engineered for the purpose of furthering yourself in the game?

This is well covered in my previous monologue.

Alright, last thing for ya, my jury ranking. Based on overall gameplay, best to worst. Placement isn't a huge factor for me.

1. Posted Image : I feel like a broken record at this point, but Yve played the best game. She played a pretty much identical strategic game as me, but with the wherewithal to not be a total dick about it.

2. Posted Image : Maybe a controversial pick? From the moment Kim was voted out, I knew that Erik was one of the craftier players in this game. I thought he showed his cards much too early, but her very nearly recovered. He made strong social bonds, and had good strategic impulses (him sensing that he needed to target me his boot round). A little more conviction would help him, and that will come with more experience.

3. Posted Image : Another maybe controversial pick? Sue played an excellent "goat" type of game, where she made herself seem like someone everyone wanted to take to the end. Multiple people have expressed as much. Her social game was a bit lacking I think, but she survived a shit ton of votes and would have gone deep has she survived that double boot round. Her game isn't as active & "strategic", but was effective.

4. Posted Image : Stephen's game had a weird dichotomy to it. He was ultra strategic and had influence, but nobody trust him. He had all these connections to people...but none of them were super deep or positive. His mind was always working...but I don't think he quite worked hard enough to make it all happen. Still, his influence for rounds 4-6 of this game was impressive so he goes here for me.

5. Posted Image : You played a weird game...lol. You openly admit that strategy is not your main focus, but you placed enough value on friendships and interpersonal relationships to make it work for you. But at the same time, you made some moves that were against your best interest sometimes (letting Stephen & Kelley go knowingly). So I put you in the middle.

6. Posted Image : Rory had strong influence for about two rounds of this game (Kim & Vytas). But then he couldn't ever really get it back. He spent the rest of his game trying to regain some influence and never really succeeding. I think his social game was the real problem he never could get back any power--very few people trusted him really.

7. Posted Image : I give him a bit of credit for nearly making the finals and being in an at least decent spot to win. But his game was far too passive for my liking. The difference between him and Sue (since I'm sure y'all will think that) is that Sue actively made herself a goat and thrived off of it, using it for influence and I don't think Garrett did that as much. He just was passive and social, which is fine but less impressive.

8. Posted Image : Caryn has all the tools to be a good player. But anyone who so thoroughly dominates the challenges makes themselves a huge target in the game. She basically became a giant meat shield for the rest of us, guaranteeing that whenever she lost immunity (which could have been never), she'd be gone. I certainly thank her for it, because it would have logically been mine/Yve's ass on the line had she not made herself such a giant target.

9. Posted Image : I don't know what type of game Kelley is capable of playing. Like Caryn, she has the tools to be a good player but didn't seem willing to use them nearly enough. You gotta talk to people, girl. :/
Sierra Reed
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Post #11: 12th Apr 2015 7:53 PM 
yay I have everything I need, ty guys : )

also don't get it twisted, playing with Stephen for me is like playing Russian roulette where the number of empty cartridges decreases by a large factor with every passing round. I had to pull the trigger first. I wasn't about to let him boot me at 5 again... although it turns out someone else did it for him anyway ;)

forreal though, all love. this has been an amazing game and it wouldn't have been the same without you guys. cheers <3
Rory "THE CRUSHER" Freeman
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Post #12: 12th Apr 2015 11:18 PM 
Your rankings are both laughable and shit. I'm confused and concerned for you both.
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