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Host Lex
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Reputation: 14
Joined:Sep 16, 2014
Post #1: 22nd Feb 2015 12:29 AM 

We're not usually in the business of doing this because we trust you all and most of what I'm about to say goes without saying, but I figured I'd throw it up here anyway. This isn't because of any sort of incident or anything so DO NOT PANIC!

As a trusted PW, you cannot discuss any information that you learn from player confessionals or Waffle Island with any player. Because this is a strict alias game, do not share the players' aliases or any other information with anyone else outside of Waffle Island, because for all you know that person may be in this game. Also, be very careful when talking to players who you know are playing this game. Don't ask them leading questions or sway them to do anything.

Any PW who leaks information will be removed from Waffle Island and banned from the series. We've never done this before and hope we never have to. Things of this nature are my least favorite part about hosting. We trust you, we're friends with all of you, DON'T LET US DOWN!

Furthermore, PW's who don't check into the board for an extended period of time or don't seem to be here for the game may have their PW access removed. Nothing personal! This isn't too likely to happen, we always have a good group here. If it happens to you and you think we've made a mistake, feel free to talk to us about it.

Please 'like' this post to show us that you've read and understood and will abide by these rules. If you don't, we'll assume you aren't paying much attention which may lead to your access being removed. ADJOURNED!
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