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Episode 2 Confessional
Caryn Groedel
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Joined:Feb 21, 2015
Post #1: 27th Feb 2015 5:12 PM 
Welp. Zane went home, but not before he told me where to find a Purple Mask. Hopefully this will be his contribution to the game. It seemed like it was either him or Sue, and really, I like Sue a lot more than Zane.

I talk a fair amount with Austin who is just ... a total bore. He's not funny. He doesn't get jokes. Take a look at this conversation:
Posted Image

Jackass (I can't help but suspect this will be a running theme of my conversations until one of us gets voted out.)

Anyway, Kim thinks this will be a creative challenge, and I'm ... moderately okay with Photoshop? I don't know. I don't wanna take the reins on this one anyway after I beasted the last challenge. We've got plenty of chiefs on this tribe, so I'm content to be an Indian when I'm not needed to step up.

OH, and question: Will you be announcing when the masks go up every round, or are you gonna be a sneaky little chump about it and post them in secret? This is important, Lex; I very much want my idol.

Post Edited by Caryn Groedel @ 27th Feb 2015 5:19 PM
Caryn Groedel
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Joined:Feb 21, 2015
Post #2: 27th Feb 2015 5:21 PM 
Lex, your punctual responses are what make you a top two host in my eyes. <3
Caryn Groedel
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Joined:Feb 21, 2015
Post #3: 1st Mar 2015 8:02 PM 
So, since nobody was on for my tribe when the challenge started, I got thrust into the role of tribe representative, which I super, super, SUPER didn't want to do. I think I did a good job; I got fire, perimeter things, and stuff to defend ourselves, plus some other cute flavor items. I think it was a good balance of practicality and creativity to set us up for a good challenge. Rory and Erik are doing the brunt of the work because ... well they're good at it. After being the hero in the first challenge, I'll totally let them step up to the plate. In the meantime, I'm in a holding pattern; I'm not strategizing too much, and I'm keeping myself an arm's length from the decision-making power in the tribe. Caryn is nothing if not a loyal soldier, and that's her plan for making it a long way in this game.

(P.S. also I saw one of the other tribe's camps and it looks super shitty, so I think we've got this one in the bag.)
Caryn Groedel
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Joined:Feb 21, 2015
Post #4: 1st Mar 2015 9:57 PM 
OH and I missed the masks going up, so I guess I missed my chance to grab two more and finish my idol off, which sucks. I'm gonna keep absentmindedly looking, just in case there's one that was hidden really well that everybody missed like last round, but I'm not holding out hope. Kim said she found one, which makes me suspicious she found more than that. I like Kim the most, but I trust her the least, and if she's letting me in on that, I'm certain there's another 90% of that iceberg waiting to sink me.
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